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The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
Colonel J. Harkon (Ret’d) MBE. TD. DL


Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


Liverpool Branch - Minutes. Date: Tuesday 7th December 2021



27 members were present at the meeting.


Apologies for absence:
Joe Harkon, Steve Sankey, Jimmy O’Connell, Artthur Cheetham, Kevin Hughes, Tom McCormick, Kevin Strizaker, Danny Hart, Tommy Barney, Ken Barney, Billy Barney, Tom Pettigrew, Peter Pettigrew, Alan McDonald, Neil Platt, Rich Clatworthy, Alan Nelson, David Dixon, Mick Corish, Richie Carroll.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting:

The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Frank Boyle and seconded by Geoff Johnson.


Matters Arising:

Visitors/new members: Dave Johnson introduced himself to the members. Dave served in A Coy 4 Para from 1988 for a number of years. Dave has expressed an interest in joining our branch. Branch members welcomed Dave to the meeting.


Chairman’s Report:

Since the last meeting in October 2021, we have sadly lost so many great men including Joe McAllister who was of course our last Arnhem veteran. Bruce paid led the branch in paying our respects to so many of our friends and airborne brothers who have passed over the recent weeks and months: Tom O’Neill, Tom Nevin, John McNaughton, Alfie Bradshaw, Alan Walters, Kevin Swarze, George Rawsthorne, Joe McAllister, Eric Dickinson and Sid Wilson Our thoughts and condolences go out to the family and friends of those that have recently passed. God bless.


Over the next week, there are two funerals, which members will be attending.

1. Eric Dickinson who served in the Chinditz and then 16th Battalion, the Parachute Regiment. Eric had recently turned 100. Funeral details are Thursday 9th December at 15.00, West Lancs Crematorium, Pippin St, Ormskirk.


2. Sid Wilson who had a long illustrious career and served in the Mortar Platoon, A Company, 4 Para and the NW training team. Later on in Sid’s life, he became a Chelsea Pensioner and his final days were in the Royal Hospital Chelsea. Funeral details are: Monday 13th December at 12.00, Springwood Crematorium.


We had a brilliant turnout for the Freedom of the City where the Freedom Scroll was signed on behalf of the PRA Liverpool Branch by Colonel (Ret’d) Joe Harkon. Additional copies (A3 size) of the freedom scroll have been printed by Liverpool Town Hall, which will be made available to members on request for a voluntary contribution towards the branch charity.


Bruce expressed in thanks for the fantastic turnout for remembrance Sunday. Liverpool veterans Associations had many tough discussions with Liverpool City Council regarding the facility to march from the Anglican Cathedral to the Cenotaph. However, on the day we are all aware of the terrorist event close to the Cathedral, which caused the march to be cancelled. Notwithstanding this, we had a great day in the Adelphi and adjoining bars to celebrate the sacrifices so many men and women made for our freedoms today. Bruce re-emphasised the need for us all to continue to stay alert.


The Christmas Dinner on 3rd December was yet another great event. Over 50 attendees with the raffle of a wide range of beers and wines (and socks). Bruce and Frank Boyle on behalf of the branch thanked Alfie Brennan for the donation a significant amount of bottles of spirits towards the raffle. Thanks to those who donated, we raised £310 for the branch.


Another prestigious event at the Christmas Dinner was the awarding of the Parachute Regimental Association Medal to Arthur Cheetham with a bouquet of flowers to his lovely wife Margaret. Joe Harkon opened the presentation with the medal awarded by Branch Chair Bruce Cargill. Arthur served many years as the Branch Secretary and the honour bestowed on him from his peers was for his undying loyalty, commitment and professionalism to the role. Arthur thanked members very much for the award before taking his carriage home for a well-earned bit of R&R.


The Branch received a Christmas card form Harry Dutton who now lives down south. He wished members a very merry Christmas and New Year.


Bruce detailed the requirement for the branch to have a standard-bearer, with some resilience for upcoming events. For those that wish to offer their services as branch standard bearers please contact the Branch Secretary who has contacts for formal training via the local Royal British Legion and also through our NW PRA colleagues.


John Bresnahan volunteered his services as standard-bearer for both Eric Dickinson’s and Sid Wilson’s funerals.


Welfare report:

The Branch Chair makes direct contact with many members on a monthly basis. This is an additional role within the branch that Bruce takes on. However, if any member of the Branch wishes to take on the role of welfare officer please contact the Branch Secretary to discuss further.


Bruce reminded members of Eric Dickinson’s and Sid Wilsons funerals and encouraged as many members as possible to attend to give both the best send off as possible. He reminded members to ensure all COVID rules are adhered to on the day.


Steve Cook offered the branch his experience and time in teaching Tai Chi, which is a noncombative, self-paced system of gentle physical exercise and stretching. Steve will explore the facility to run classes prior to branch meetings for those that wish to attend.


3 x Christmas hampers, provided by PRAHQ have been sent to: Tom McCormick, Joe Pettigrew and Arthur Cheetham.


Secretary's Report:

Our final correspondence from PRAHQ this year to the branches has been sent via email and Paul Raison and Julie Weymouth, who have been outstanding once again this year wish all of our members a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. The job of PRAHQ is sometimes a thankless task but Liverpool PRA members wish to thank the team at PRAHQ for their continuing hard work and providing us with guidance and advice when needed.


1, 2 and 3 Para received their colours on 13th July this year and it may not be for another 25 years before this event is repeated. In recognition and celebration of this event, a range of memorabilia is available. Details and a catalogue of merchandise can be located in the PRAHQ newsletter and via the PRA website.


The Pegasus journal, which is released annually, requested noteworthy stories and articles for inclusion in the 2022 edition. Liverpool PRA, through Brian Blanchard have submitted an article to celebrate the awarding of the Freedom of the City of Liverpool with a number of photographs, courtesy of Major (Ret’d) Roy Bevan.


Although restrictions over the last 18-24 months have had a significant impact on the number and type of events we have been able to participate in, members have been very active in the events organised via the wellbeing project. We will continue to explore a wide range of events and activities for 2022 and I am sure our new events team will be busy seeking some challenging as well as some more relaxing experiences for us next year.


Although we had a number of events this year in some of the regular venues, we will explore other venues in 2022 to host us for events such as remembrance Sunday and our Christmas dinner day to ensure we continue to get best value for money and experiences.


Both Elaine Overend and Brian Welsh have been busy keeping our facebook page full of current information and advice for members. Please continue to visit and use our facebook site and our website, which is managed exceptionally on behalf of the branch by Jim O’Connell.


During recent weeks, it has become clear that many members are not receiving emails from me. After a trawl through our records I identified that 23 members either do not have, or have not provided me with an email address. I will be reviewing this process in January 2022 to ensure we are able to communicate for effectively with all members.


A reminder for members to apply for a new PRA ID or update and upgrade their PRA ID cards: Go to:



Treasurers Report:

Brian Blanchard provided details of money currently in the Liverpool PRA accounts.


PRA account: £413.53.


Pending = approx. £600-£700 payments due to St Nicks church for Freedom of the City


Approximate balance once this payment is debited = £3500.00


2022 PRA diaries are still available at a cost of £3.00 each. Please contact Brian Blanchard direct if any are required. Brian Welsh took 16 diaries for Kent and Hull branches respectively.


The 80th Anniversary of Airborne Forces at Tatton Park has been rescheduled for July 2022. However, a number of members had paid £5.00 per ticket for the original event which was postponed, still have their tickets, which will be honoured. A balance of £125.00 has been collected for those tickets to date.


For the Branch to function effectively and offer a wide range of events, activities and support for members, it is important for members to pay their annual subs. We have 107 members on the books with only 47 paying their subs for 2021. For those that have not paid subs for 2021 the fee is £15.00. For those paying for 2022 the fee is £30.00. Please contact Brian Blanchard for a number of options available to pay subs over instalments to suit the needs of individuals.


Subs received by members for 2021 is currently £700.00


There has been many problems with opening an online banking account for Liverpool PRA which have been down to the lack of direction and communications from the bank. After 6 months of discussions the bank now wish a clause to be added into the constitution of the PRA to detail issues around online banking. The Finance Director at PRAHQ informed us that there is a bank to support Armed Forces and Brian Blanchard will review this option in 2022 when considering if HSBC remain the most appropriate bank for our Association. Based on the type of bank account we have and the impact on savings with current inflation, we are losing approximately 4.1% of our savings every year.


John Bresnahan requested that we consider looking to see if our accounts could be invested into national Savings Bonds.


Flo McAllister very kindly donated £200.00 to the branch for members to have a drink in celebration of Joe’s life. This money will be ring fenced within branch accounts and used during an appropriate future event where we can raise a glass to Joe.


Payment details for payment of subs are provided below:


Standing Orders and BACS payments should be payable to: PRA Liverpool Branch


Account No – 91363808


Sort Code – 40-29-39


Cheques should be made out to PRA Liverpool Branch and handed in at branch meetings or delivered to:


Brian Blanchard
11 Calder Drive,
L31 9DR

Cash can be paid at branch meetings or sent via recorded mail to address above.


If any member wishes to pay by other means or has difficulty in paying their subs, please contact the branch treasurer, Brian Blanchard directly.


The balance sheet for the last ¼ (Oct-Dec 2021) is attached to these minutes.



It has been an extremely difficult time for our branch recently with too many funerals of friends and colleagues. Elaine Overend stated that the support from Liverpool PRA at each of the funerals has been commendable. In such difficult times, members attended in numbers to pay their respects and no one has been more visible and supportive towards the families of our deceased airborne brothers than our Branch Chair, Bruce Cargill. Members showed their appreciation towards Bruce and thanked him for his sterling compassion and leadership.


It was stated by Elaine Overend, who has attended many funerals of members, that it was very disappointing to witness a lack of attendance from serving Officers of the Parachute Regiment for Joe McAlister’s funeral. Joe was our last member to serve in WWII and ex 3 Para. He landed on day one of operation Market Garden and fought for days until he was injured by mortar fire and taken prisoner.


Roy Bevan wished to offer his apologies to Neil Platt regarding the work undertaken to support the admission of Frank Doran into Broughton House. Roy had mentioned that SSAFA had worked to admit Frank into Broughton House when it was actually Neil Platt. Roy has also provided a written apology to Neil.


A proposal from Elaine Overend was made to the Committee for their consideration in awarding John Dennet Honorary membership of The Parachute Regimental Association, Liverpool Branch. John is a WWII veteran and served in the Royal Navy. He has been active with a number of events and activities with the branch and has supported St Marys Combined Cadet Force who are badged as Parachute Regiment. The Committee thanked Elaine for her proposal and agreed to review the PRA constitution and our current membership status. A response from the Committee will be made and reported back to the membership at the next Branch meeting on 4th January 2022.


The last Airborne Amble was held at Altcar training camp with photographs of a dodgy group of mercenary like PRA members wielding a wide variety of firearms. The Branch would like to offer its thanks to Brian Jenkins for arranging and running the day’s activities and 9 Platoon, C Company, IV Para for supporting elements of the day.


The next PRA well-being event is planned for 10th and 17th January 2022. This will be run in an indoor skydiving centre in Manchester. Both days are booked for a maximum of 13 people per day and registration can be booked via the online link below. It is important for members to visit the venues website and familiarise themselves with the Health and Safety requirements for participation in the skydiving activities. Transport arrangements will be finalised in the New Year.


Please find the electronic links below to both iFLY Indoor Skydiving activities. PRA members can visit the website to find out more before deciding if they are interested.


iFLY Indoor Skydiving in Manchester (


It is fair to suggest that people book on one date to allow more members to participate. Ian Whiteside will monitor the take up and if places are left unfilled then we can offer any places to people to select an additional date to ensure the places are used.


If you there are any questions or please need help just direct them to Ian Whiteside.


T: 0151 226 0696


Registration Links:

iFLY Indoor Skydiving 10.01.22 - Google Forms


iFLY Indoor Skydiving 17.01.22 - Google Forms


A question was raised regarding a confirmation of a future venue for branch meetings. There is also an option to move to 156 Regiment RLC near Bridle Road, Bootle. However, due to the Christmas shutdown confirmation for this venue cannot be confirmed prior to the next branch meeting.


During the meeting, Bruce provided an update on Kevin Swarze’s health. It was confirmed that Kevin was very ill and had been placed in an induced coma at Aintree hospital. Since the Branch meeting on 7th December and the writing up and approval of these minutes, we have been informed of the sad death of Kevin. As soon as we have details of Kevin’s funeral arrangements, they will be shared with members. There are messages of condolence from so many friends and colleagues on our PRA Facebook site.


Liverpool PRA Committee and Trustees would like to wish all of our past and present members, their families and friends a very Merry Christmas and our best wishes and good health for 2022.


Next meeting:

4th January 2022 at Conservative Club, Lancing Drive


Brian Welsh

Branch Secretary

Liverpool PRA


Approved: Branch Chair

Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:




PRAHQ monthly newsletter

Liverpool PRA quarterly accounts Oct-Dec 2021

Aldershot Branch visit to Normandy

Aldershot Branch Officers mess memorial

Cheam remembrance service photos

Cheam remembrance speech



Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg

The Parachute Regimental Association
Liverpool Branch
Colonel J. Harkon (Ret’d) MBE. TD. DL


Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


Liverpool Branch - Minutes. Date: Tuesday 5th October 2021

43 members were present at the meeting.
Apologies for absence:
Steve Sankey, Jimmy O’Connell, Pete Veevers, Artthur Cheetham, Barry Bruce, Kev Hughes, Joe Pettigrew, Tony Pettigrew, Danny Hart, Joe McCallister, Alan Smedley, Willie Barney, Richie Smythe, Neil Platt, Alan nelson, Rich Clatworthy, Elaine Overand, Derek Hesketh, Alan Nelson, David Dixon, Mick Corish, Richie Carroll.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting:
The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Tony Woods and Seconded by Dave Woodray.

Matters Arising:
The branch has been informed of the death of Elaine Overend’s father. The members wish to extend our deepest sympathies to Elaine and her family at this difficult time. It was agreed to
send a card and flowers to Elaine from the branch.

Visitors / new members:
PRA Regional Secretary Joe Hardicker

Chairman’s Report:
Bruce Cargill opened his report with a reminder of how our colleagues past and present continue to support the ethos of the Parachute Regiment. Mick Clifford moved to Western Australia some time ago and became a member of their Parachute Regimental Association. He has recently been awarded a scroll by members in recognition of his support to the branch and it is clear that no matter where we land we make our mark.

The 77th Anniversary of Arnhem took place on the weekend of 17th - 19th September this year. Due to COVID restrictions across many countries including Holland prevented many members from attending their annual pilgrimage to Arnhem. However, many PRA members with family and friends along with many other serving and retired members of the regiment attended the Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces memorial at St Johns gardens on Sunday 19th. Flowers and a wreath from Liverpool PRA were laid in memory of our soldiers and Dutch civilians who sacrificed their lives for today’s freedoms.

It was really great to see Flo McAllister attending this evening who updated members on Joes health and wellbeing which is generally ok. As Joe remains in his care home, a number of members attended the home on Friday 17th September to pay our respects to Joe as our very own an Arnhem veteran. Joe was accompanied outside the care home by nurses while we chatted away to him for around 45 minutes. Many thanks to Elaine Overand for arranging a piper to play a number of Joes favourite tunes. Joe was visibly emotional but was in good spirits and it was great to see him and get the thumbs up from him.

Secretary's Report
Brian Welsh opened the secretaries report on the Freedom Roll of Association update.
The following details have been confirmed:

Date; 24th October 2021, Venue; Liverpool Parish Church, Our Lady and St Nicholas, 5 Old Churchyard, Liverpool L2 8GW

Time; 13.30 ( for a 14.00 service ) Refreshments; 15.00 - Tempest bar, 12 Tithebarn St, Liverpool L2 2DT ( approx. 250m from church )

The branch has not yet confirmed who will be the standard bearer for the event and are exploring options regarding volunteers.

Liverpool PRA members have been extended the invite to the Liverpool Scottish Annual Reunion Dinner. Details are:

Date: Friday 15th October 2021

Time: 7.00pm-7.30pm at the Beehive with a 7.30pm for 8.00pm seats taken at the Adelphi

Venue: Banqueting Hall, Britannia Adelphi Hotel

Dress: Lounge suit with Regimental Tie

Ticket Price: £25.00 ( names and payments should be made to Frank Boyle )

Remembrance Sunday update:

Details below were not discussed at the branch meeting but have been provided prior to these minutes being released.

A meeting is being held at Liverpool UOTC on Thursday 14th October with veterans’ groups and associations to go frim on the details for Remembrance Sunday regarding parade details. The main discussion point for the meeting is the options of 1. Parading around the Anglican Cathedral grounds and terminating at the main gates or 2. Parading out of the Anglican Cathedral grounds and marching approx. 1 mile to William Brown Street. Once agreement has been reached between Veterans, Associations, the Garrison WOII and Liverpool City Council details will be passed to members.

Joe Harkon expressed that whatever the final details of the day, it is important that Liverpool PRA have representation in the church.

Confirmation of Eric Dickinson’s 100th birthday on 8th October. Eric served with the Chindits before he joined the Parachute Regiment. Brian Welsh and Elaine Overand will be attending on behalf of the branch.

A reminder was given to member to update and upgrade their PRA ID cards. For those who have not yet updated them follow the details below

Go to:

Click membership

PRAHQ monthly newsletter had not been released in time for this meeting, but once they have been circulated, they will be attached to these minutes.

Treasurers Report
Brian Blanchard provided details of money currently in the Liverpool PRA accounts.

PRA account: £6125.

PRA Lottery account: £7850.

The branch has been awarded £1000.00 from PRAHQ to support our Freedom Roll of Association event. Members would like to record their thanks and appreciation to PRAHQ for their very kind donation.

The balance sheet for the last ¼ is now available for sighting at branch meetings. For those that wish to receive a copy please contact Brian Blanchard direct and he will either e-mail or post a copy.

Christmas dinner has been booked at the Adelphi Hotel for 3rd December. However, of 40 people registering their interest only 24 have paid in full. Those that have not yet paid please endeavour to pay by the next branch meeting (2nd November) via any of the payment methods below. It is important that individuals who have registered confirm their attendance by the next branch meeting as if members are unable to attend on the day, the branch still has to pay.

Tom Barney asked if the meal served during the Christmas dinner could be with fresh meat and not processed. This issue will be brought up with the hotel prior to the event and the branch updated with the outcome.

Online banking has not yet been agreed by HSBC but arrangements are ongoing to resolve this matter as soon as possible.

Peter O’Brien asked if the committee knew the limit in the bank account for charities. The exact figure was not known at the meeting but will be explored for the next meeting. However, it was explained by Joe Harkon that there is a certain amount of money in the PRA account which has been donated and is ring fenced for the Freedom Roll of Association, this is not for general spending and is yet to be paid toward the event.

It is vital that annual subs are paid on an annual basis to ensure we can continue to provide members with a range of events and support where needed. Payment details are provided below:

Standing Orders and BACS payments should be payable to: PRA Liverpool Branch
Account No – 91363808
Sort Code – 40-29-39

Cheques should be made out to PRA Liverpool Branch and handed in at branch meetings or delivered to:
Brian Blanchard
11 Calder Drive, Maghull, L31 9DR

Cash can be paid at branch meetings or sent via recorded mail to address above.

If any member wishes to pay by other means or has difficulty in paying their subs, please contact the branch treasurer, Brian Blanchard directly.

Welfare Report
The branch chair has been in contact with many members during the last couple of days with much positive feedback regarding a number of health and welfare issues, Bruce reported:

Our ex secretary Arthur has not been too well recently and spent few days in hospital. The good news is that undergoing positive treatment and is now at home with his feet up.

Joe McAllister is currently enjoying life in Asmall Hall Nursing and Residential Care Home in Southport where Flo visits regularly.

A number of members have chronic health issues, including Frank Doran, who it seems is not getting any better and we wish him the best of luck. Tony Pettigrew in hospital with lung issues, George Rawstone is on regular medication in hospital, Alan Rimmer, who we believe may have returned to Malta and will be following this up.

It is also with sadness that John McNaughton has sadly passed away at RHC. God bless him.

As always Bruce reiterated to members to get in touch, in the first instance with him if they or anyone they know has or may have welfare issues. We are always here to support our members any way possible.

Any Other Business:
The next PRA Amble event is planned for 12th or 19th November (probably 19th). The day will be focused around the Altcar training area. Amblers will be able to see the new works and layout of the ranges and associated building works. The plan is to finish at the Red Rose for a bite to eat and a beer. We are awaiting confirmation from Altcar and will inform members as soon as we have further details.

Brian Jenkins is our contact at Altcar who will be confirming in detail what additional activities we can participate in on the day. Those wishing to attend will need to register as soon as possible as on this occasion we have to provide the MOD with details of who will be on site for the day.

The link to register for this event will be released soon, but people can also email or call 0151 226 0696 and Ian can book you in.

A question was raised regarding a possible move back to 156 Regiment RLC venue at Mather Avenue. Additionally, there is also an option to move to 156 Regiment RLC near Bridle Road, Bootle. However, it was agreed a vote will take place in the new year to confirm where members wish to hold future branch meetings.

Bruce confirmed that the branches 2 x lances and flags are stored in the RLC barracks near Bridle Road and they will be used as part of the Freedom of the City celebrations. Brian Welsh has agreed to pick them up from this venue and deliver them to Liverpool Parish Church for the Freedom Roll of Association.

There was a request from the Chair for additional standard bearers to replace Steve Sankey when he is unavailable. Pete Smedley and Dave Woodray expressed their interest but raised the matter around formal training for standard bearers. It was agreed that formal training will be made available for those able to attend and further details will follow.

Next meeting
2nd November 2021 at Conservative Club, Lancing Drive
Brian Welsh
Branch Secretary
Liverpool PRA

Approved: Branch Chair
Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:


Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg




The Parachute Regimental Association
Liverpool Branch
Colonel J. Harkon (Ret’d) MBE. TD. DL


Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


Liverpool Branch - Minutes. Date: Tuesday 7th September 2021


43 members were present at the meeting.

Apologies for absence:

Steve Sankey, Jimmy O’Connell, Pete Veevers, Terry Stott, Arthur Cheetham, Pete Smedley, mark Smith, Kevin Swarze, Joe Pettigrew, Tony Pettigrew, Pete O’Brien, Dave Woodray, Alan Smedley, Neil Platt, Tom barney, Ken Barney, Billy Barney, Greoge Rawsthorne, Joe McCallister, Flo McCallister, Alan Nelson, David Dixon, John Milligan, Mick Corish, Richie Carroll.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting:

The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Alan Mc Donald and Seconded by Major (Ret’d) Frank Boyle.


Matters Arising:


Visitors/new members:

Regional President Lt Col McCauley, Regional Secretary Joe Hardicker.

Eddie Campbell introduced himself and was in IV Para from 1974-77.
Terry Stubbings introduced himself and was in 16 (Lincoln) Independent Company from 1970-78.

The committee and members warmly welcomed the visitors.


Chairman’s Report:

The recently purchased coffin drapes were brought into the meeting and will be held by Bruce until required.

An update was delivered regarding the ongoing planning of the Freedom of the City presentation. An invite was made from the branch to both CCF and ACF cadets to provide up to four cadets from each unit for the service at St Nicholas church. Maj Elaine Overend, OC, St Marys CCF confirmed their attendance.

The Remembrance Day march in Liverpool is still not confirmed and further details will be released from Liverpool City Council from September. However, the Adelphi Hotel has been booked by us for a commemorative drink whether the march is agreed or not.
An open letter from Maj Gen A. Harrison was summarised which praised the collective valour and efforts throughout the Afghanistan campaign of all four battalions. (Letter attached)

Secretary's Report:

Brian Welsh opened the secretaries report on the Freedom Roll of Association update. Members wishing to attend should sign the attendance sheet which is available at each branch meeting. Those wishing to attend the event who are unable to attend branch meetings should email or phone Brian welsh with their names. Date is 24th October 2021, 13.30 (for a 14.00 service) and refreshments at the Tempest bar from 15.00.

Liverpool PRA members have been extended the invite to the Liverpool Scottish Annual Reunion Dinner.


Details are:

Date: Friday 15th October 2021.

Time: 7.30pm for 8.00pm.

Venue: Banqueting Hall, Britannia Adelphi Hotel, Ranelagh Place, Liverpool.

Dress: Lounge suit with Regimental Association Tie, Kilt order or Mess Dress.

Ticket Price: £25.00 (names and payments made to Frank Boyle).


There will be a Military Memorial to celebrate the life of Lt Colonel Dr Thomas Edward (Tom) Pollak.

On Saturday 2nd October 2021.

It will be held at:


St John’s Church, Ranmoor, Sheffield, S10 3GX at 17:00hrs.

The memorial will focus on his military career and will be followed by an evening reception at the Florentine Restaurant, 1 Tapton Park Road, Ranmoor, S10 3FG.

For those wishing to attend please contact: David Smith:


It was confirmed by Lt Col McCauley that the ABF 80th anniversary event and the 40th anniversary of the Falkland war at Tatton park will go ahead on 9th July 2022 with attendance from the RAF falcons and hopefully a fly pass from a number of aircraft.

It was confirmed that the ‘events section’ of the branch which has been set up earlier this year, but limited in its activity due to COVID restrictions will start researching a range of events and activities the branch members can become involved in from January 2022. This will allow current activities to run through the remainder of 2021 such as, Freedom of the City, remembrance Sunday and Christmas lunch.

Further details of the remembrance parade in London are attached via the PRAHQ newsletter.

Treasurers Report.

Brian Blanchard read out the current accounts and confirmed that money awarded through the lottery was kept independent from the branch working accounts for ease of management.
HSBC have not been very efficient in providing the branch with an online bank account. However, Brian is in regular dialogue with the bank to move this forward.
The recovery of expenses was explained in detail with a new claim form available to support a more efficient and formal process for managing claims.


Claims for petty cash will only be accepted if below £10.00 and Brian will manage this via a petty cash fund.

From October the minutes will contain an electronic copy (pdf) of the PRA accounts balance sheet. They will be issued on a quarterly basis. However, if hard copies are required at any time, members should contact Brian who will send hard copies to your home address.

From November 2021 HSBC will be starting to charge for accounts and numerous transactions via cheque etc. Therefore, Liverpool PRA will maintain one account only.

Christmas lunch has been booked and costs are £25.00 pp all monies and names should be directed to Brian Blanchard as soon as possible as places will go quick. The event will be held at Adelphi Hotel on 3rd December at 16.00 (sit down). Meal will consist of three courses with ½ bottle of wine pp.

Welfare Report:

The branch chair has been in contact with many members during the last couple of days with positive feedback regarding health and welfare issues, Bruce reported:

Joe McAllister has been diagnosed with dementia and is currently enjoying life in Asmall Hall Nursing and Residential Care Home in Southport, Flo still has a bad shoulder and will require some surgery on her back to alleviate her chronic pain. Due to a number of restrictions it has not been easy for Flo to see Joe, but she is getting to see him as much as possible. Bruce has visited Flo and presented her with a bunch of flowers from the branch.


Bruce also gave a brief update on the history of Broughton House and how it was established to support veterans and their partners.

A number of members and their ongoing health and welfare issues, including Frank Doran, who it seems is not getting any better and we wish him the best of luck. Alan Rimmer is now out of Broughton House and in Thatto Heath, St Helens.

Frank Atkinson at Broughton House requested through his nurse, a couple of Para Regt t-shirts. The branch agreed to purchase two t-shirts and send them on to Frank.

Joe Hardicker confirmed that Frank had been visited by a number of members from the Manchester Branch.

Sid Wilson is holding his own down in RH Chelsea, enjoying a drink whenever he can and continues to keep in touch.


As always Bruce reiterated to members to get in touch, in the first instance with him if they or anyone they know has or may have welfare issues. We are always here to support our members any way possible.


Ian Whiteside provided an update from courses and training available via the PRA wellbeing project. This includes the facility to attend a mental health first aid course. Ian has a couple of members already signed up and there are a few places a still available. Any interested members should contact Ian direct.


The next PRA Amble event is on Tuesday 21st September 2021 commencing at 13.00 outside the Adelphi Hotel and will take in historical elements of the Hope Street Area of Liverpool before a tour of the Anglican Cathedral.

We expect to finish around 17.00.

There still have places available.

The link below takes members to registration, but people can also email or call 0151 226 0696 and Ian can book you in.
LAA Event Registration Tuesday 21st September 2021 - Google Forms

If members wish to propose other events, you are encouraged to contact Ian or Branch secretary with details.


To date additional proposals from members, include:

Elaine Overend informed the Branch of Eric Dickinson’s 100th birthday party on 8th October at 16.00 at the Kensington Club, Maghull. Branch members attending are Elaine Overend and Brian Welsh.

It was proposed by Elaine Overend that a wreath should still be laid at St Johns Gardens at the Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces memorial. This was unanimously agreed and members wishing to attend should be at St Johns Gardens on Sunday 19th September, no later than 10.40 for laying of the wreath at 11.00. Commemorative drinks at a local bar will follow for those attending and for those wishing to follow on.

A question was raised regarding a possible move back to 156 Regiment RLC venue at Mather Avenue. Although their CO has agreed to welcome the branch back, it was agreed to wait a few months until the Regiment return from camp and review their local policies and procedures prior to our possible return. It was agreed a vote will take place later in the year to confirm where member wish to hold future branch meetings.

Bruce confirmed that the branches 2 x lances and flags are stored in the RLC barracks near Bridle Road and they will be used as part of the Freedom of the City celebrations.

Next meeting:

5th October 2021 at Conservative Club, Lancing Drive

Brian Welsh.

Branch Secretary

Liverpool PRA

Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:

FFA Award in awareness of first aid for mental health

PRA Dinner 2021

Col Commandant Message – Afghanistan

Monthly PRAHQ Newsletter to Branches

PRA submission to independent veteran’s advisor

Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg


The Parachute Regimental Association
Liverpool Branch
Colonel J. Harkon (Ret’d) MBE. TD. DL


Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


Liverpool Branch - Minutes. Date: Tuesday 3rd August 2021




20 members were present at the meeting. Apologies for absence: Steve Sankey, Jimmy O’Connell, Tony Putt, kevin Hughes, George Rawstone, Joe McAllister, Tommy Barney, Ken Barney, Billy Barney, David Dixon, Alan Nelson, Roy Bevan, Flo McAllister, Frank Doran, Alan Rimmer, Danny Hart, Vic Southern, Tom Hancock, Derek Hesketh, Peter Smedley, Phil McAuley, Jo Harkon, Jim Quinn.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting:

The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Alan Copple and Seconded by Major (Ret’d) Frank Boyle.


Matters Arising: Nil


Visitors/new members: Nil.


Chairman’s Report:

The Chairman opened the meeting with an update on the on the Covid lockdown rules and this will also allow the branch to start planning in further detail for future events this year. 


Bruce reminded members that for the branch to function effectively it is vital annual subscriptions are paid by all members. The membership fees for 2021 are £15.00. Bruce highlighted those who are unable to pay this year’s subscription or require further time to pay should contact him or the Treasurer to discuss alternative options Bruce thanked those members who donated towards one of the coffin drapes. Brian Welsh has ordered the drapes on behalf of Liverpool PRA and using the PRA bank details for one of the purchases while the other drape is paid for by a single donation privately. Once delivered they will be brought to the branch. In the future all three drapes will be held by Bruce and made available on request.


Bruce confirmed that the Arnhem trip has been cancelled due to Covid restrictions from Arnhem and the Dutch Government. Additionally, the Remembrance day march in Liverpool is still not confirmed and further details will be released from Liverpool City Council in September.


Secretary's Report:

Brian Welsh opened the secretaries report on the Freedom Roll of Association update: The branch has received a number of donations to support the event detailed below; £580.00 overall with a promise of an additional £100 = £680.00


Donations are; Thin Red Line luncheon club - £280.00

Anonymous - £300 (presented to Joe Harkon)

Merseyside ACF - £100.00


Letters of thanks have been sent to those who have very kindly donated.


VIP’s invited: Positive response from Lt Gen Giles Hill.


CO IV Para Lord Lieutenancy Liverpool City Council.


CEO Lord Mayor of Liverpool.


Regional Mayor


PRA NW President Lt Col Dave McCauley


PRA NW Secretary Joe Hardicker


PRAHQ Secretary Paul Raison


Joe Harkon and Brian Welsh are coordinating and collating the VIP responses.


The follow up venue after the Service at St Nicks will be held at the Tempest bar on Old Hall St at approx. 15.00. There will be light refreshments available.


Brian Welsh has started a list of people who wish to attend, so please contact via email, phone or during a branch meeting. There will be no costs to pay for those wishing to attend but we require numbers so planning can be undertaken effectively.


The presentation of Colours to 1, 2 and 3 Para took place in Merville Barracks, Colchester last week and the event was an outstanding success.


Remembrance day Parade in London at the Cenotaph will take place on Sunday November 24th. The Parachute Regimental Association has been allocated 150 places to march, however, those who were registered to march in 2020 have been carried over. If you would like to register to march with the Parachute Regiment contingent please refer to the PRA newsletter attached with these minutes and register your request to This must be completed by 20th August 2021


Another reminder to register those who served in WWII to register onto the new WWII veterans register. This will be followed on with a register of those who served in many other conflicts. Please register by emailing Julia: at with: Name Service No Unit and operations served.


Treasurers Report:

Brian Blanchard detailed the procedures for claiming expenses or any other monies from the branch. A detailed expenses claim form is in design and will be required to be filled in with receipts before any monies are paid for by the branch.


Kevin Swarze made a proposal that if any person signs up for an event, then they are duty bound to do so. It is upto the person to arrange a replacement if they cannot go. If they cannot subsequently attend after booking a place and cannot arrange a replacement, then they are liable to pay the full costs. Each case will be decided on an individual basis and will negate the requirement for the branch to pay the costs for individuals failing to attend. This proposal was agreed by the treasurer.


Kevin Swarze also stated that we may have members, for a variety of reasons, unable to pay subs. In some cases, they may still wish to attend events. As a branch we must review each case individually and some members may require a degree of support from the branch which is fully supported by members.


Elaine Overend proposed that those who have paid subs are provided with priority to attend future events. This will be assessed on a case by case basis but the principal was agreed and approved by the members.


A copy of the branch accounts will be sent on a quarterly basis with respective branch minutes. However, if anybody wishes a hard copy please contact Brian Blanchard and he will send a hard copy to your home address.


Christmas lunch has been booked and costs are £25.00 pp all monies and names should be directed to Brian Blanchard as soon as possible as places will go quick (

The event will be held at Adelphi Hotel on 3rd December at 16.00 (sit down). Meal will consist of three courses with ½ bottle of wine pp.


Welfare Report:

The branch chair has been in contact with many members during the last couple of days with positive feedback regarding health and welfare issues, Bruce reported:


Joe and Flo McAlister have both been admitted to Southport Hospital. Joe has undergone a number of tests and preliminary information from the hospital and Joes family indicate that he is likely to enter into a care home soon. Flo has a bad shoulder and will require some surgery on her back to alleviate her chronic pain. The good news is that the care home identified for Joe is quite close to his home so Flo will be able to visit without too much travelling. The branch members wished Joe and Flo the best of luck and our best wishes.


Bruce reported on a number of members and their ongoing health and welfare issues, including Frank Doran, Alan Rimmer, Sid Wilson and the key message, as always is to remind members to get in touch, in the first instance with Bruce if they or anyone they know has or may have welfare issues. We are always here to support our members I any way possible.


It was requested by Elaine Overend that the branch order a bunch of flowers and deliver them to Flo McAllister. The branch unanimously agreed.



Bruce asked for volunteers to provide resilience for Steve Sankey in the role of branch standard bearer. Appropriate formal training will be provided and any volunteers should contact the branch secretary.


Ian Whiteside provided an update from courses and training available via the PRA wellbeing project. This includes the facility to attend a mental health first aid course, which would be around half a day. Any interested members should contact Ian direct.


The wellbeing event at The Western Approaches (No not the pub in Croxteth) was very well attended and the feedback from members was extremely positive. The nest events are:


17th August - Chester
Chester Event Registration (17.08.21)


7th September – Hope St walk.


If members wish to propose other events, you are encouraged to contact Ian or Branch secretary with details. To date additional proposals from members, include:


A taster session in Awesome Walls, Liverpool for those budding climbers (Jim Quinn)


A 2-3 day expedition/walk including travel and accommodation, to ensure accessibility for all members a support team would be required for those less mobile.


Ian will collate the options and explore the finer details.


Elaine Overend informed the Branch of Eric Dickinson’s birthday party on 8th October at 16.00 at the Kensington Club, Maghull. Eric’s family would welcome representation from Liverpool PRA. Those wishing to attend from the branch should contact Elaine Overend or Brian Welsh.


It was also proposed by Elaine Overend that if the march is cancelled this remembrance Sunday, then a wreath should still be laid in St Johns Gardens at the Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces memorial. This was unanimously agreed.


Next meeting:
7th September 2021 at Conservative Club, Lancing Drive.


Brian Welsh Branch Secretary Liverpool PRA

Approved: Branch Chair


Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:




Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg

The Parachute Regimental Association
Liverpool Branch
Colonel J. Harkon (Ret’d) MBE. TD. DL


Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


Liverpool Branch - Minutes. Date: Tuesday 6th July 2021



45 members were present at the meeting.

Apologies for absence: 

Steve Sankey, Jimmy O’Connell, Steve Gray, Alan McDonald, Tommy barney, Ken barney, Bob Magee, Frank Doran, Phil Atkinson, Alan Rimmer, Neil Platt, Pete O’Brien, Alan Nelson, David Dixon, George Rawsthorne.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting: 

The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Tony Woods and Seconded by Major (Ret’d) Frank Boyle.


Matters Arising: 



Visitors/new members:  



Chairman’s Report: 

The Chairman opened the meeting with an update on the current and proposed Covid restrictions and how the pandemic has affected all of us. Members also took a moment to remember those we have lost due to the pandemic. It was highlighted that from July 19th 2021 there will be a significant lift in restrictions and lockdown rules and this will also allow the branch to start planning in detail for future events this year.

With a view to planning future events and other branch commitments, it was made very clear that for the branch to function effectively it is vital annual subscriptions are paid by all members. The membership fees for 2021 are £15.00.

It is not uncommon for, family and friends across the airborne brotherhood to request from the branch a coffin drape for funerals. We currently hold an 8ft x 5ft Union Flag, an airborne forces drape (on loan from Tameside PRA) and a small Parachute Regiment flag. It was proposed by the Chair that the branch purchase two addition coffin drapes which are both 8ft x 5ft and are: Airborne Forces and Parachute Regiment.

It was also agreed that volunteer contributions would be the most appropriate method of purchasing the drapes and one drape was purchased by a very generous donor as one of the branch trustees and additional contributions were made by:  Bruce Cargill, Frank Boyle, Kevin Hughes, Steve Cook, Tony Woods, Phil McCauley, Pete Veevers, Brian Welsh and Joe and Flo McAllister to purchase a second drape. Money collected will be put into the Liverpool PRA account.

Brian Welsh will order the drapes on behalf of Liverpool PRA and using the PRA bank details for the purchase. Once delivered they will be brought to the branch. In the future all three drapes will be held by Bruce Cargill and made available on request.

Secretary's Report:

During the Covid restrictions during 2020 and 2021 our branch has remained as active as possible. Committee members have attended the remembrance service last year and more recently the Armed Forces Day church service at St Nicks. We have tried our best to stay engaged with members though regular newsletters and via regular welfare phone calls and where appropriate, personal visits. Additionally, with the drive and support from Joe Harkon and Ian Whiteside the PRA wellbeing project has been ticking over and is now gathering pace.

Members were informed of the annual PRA Gala dinner in Coventry on 15017 October this year with details attached for interested parties.

We have created a new Facebook page named: Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch. This has replaced the old page which is now archived and will not be used by branch admin.

Over the coming months I will be reviewing peoples contact details to ensure they are updated. We will continue to communicate with members using a variety of methods and it is vital our records are correct.

Brian Welsh is meeting with representatives of the Adelphi Hotel on 15th July to finalise arrangements for Remembrance Sunday and our Branch Christmas Dinner day.

PRA diaries for 2022 have been ordered and 50 will be available on receipt at a cost of £3.00 per diary


Treasurers Report:

Brian Blanchard reported that due to the ongoing process of transferring account holder and additional signatories to the Liverpool PRA account, we have been unable to access funds for the best part of 2021. However, this has now been resolved and Brian Blanchard, Brian Welsh and Maj (Ret’d) Frank Boyle will the account additional signatories.

A copy of the branch accounts will be sent on a quarterly basis with respective branch minutes. However, if anybody wishes a hard copy please contact Brian Blanchard and he will send a hard copy to your home address.

The branch accounts have been amended to take into account monies received from the lottery fund. Therefore, monies from the lottery and branch activities have been separated into two separate accounts. This will allow any activities aligned to the PRA Wellbeing Project managed easier.

The branch has also set up an online banking account so we can pay using online services

It was made very clear that receipts will be required at all times prior to reimbursement of any monies spent. Petty cash will be limited to £10.00.

Where branch members pay subs via a BACS account, please add your name as the payer so Brian can confirm who has paid.


Welfare Report:

The branch chair has been in contact with many members during the last couple of days with positive feedback regarding health and welfare issues, Bruce reported:

Our branch provided a good attendance with standard at Tommy O’Neill’s funeral last week and it was good to see Tom Nevin in attendance.

We received the very sad news of the death of Arthur Cheetham’s son who was only 49. The branch sent its deepest condolences to Arthur and his wife at this difficult time.


Sid Wilson’s health is basically up and down but always using his ABI to order a few drinks care of Amazon deliveries.


John McNaughton is much better after his recent downturn in health.


Tommy Barney is recovering well from recent shoulder injury and it seems he can’t keep out of the hospital at present as he was involved in a minor RTC whist standing up waiting to alight the local bus. He is however in good condition and good spirits.


Willie Barney has been moved to Leonard Cheshire House and still has very limited movement.


Both Alex Dutton and Taffy Davis send their best wishes to the branch.


Alan Rimmer has been admitted to Broughton House and it is good news that he will be getting the very best of care.


Kev Swarze updated the branch with details of Frank Doran. Kev has spoken to Franks wife and he is not very well now. However, it is clear that Frank responds well to seeing old friends. If you wish to visit Frank, it is best in small groups only and appointments should be made via Broughton House at via email:


One of the key aims of the branch is to provide a number of opportunities to help members when in need of support. If branch members know of anyone who needs any support, please let us know and we will assist in any way possible using all of the means available to us.



Ian Whiteside provided an update from courses and training available via the PRA wellbeing project. This includes the facility to attend a mental health first aid course, which would be around half a day. Ay interested members should contact Ian direct.


The last Airborne Ambler walk was excellent and led by Joe Harkon. It was obvious Joe had done his homework as the information he provided to the group regarding some historical information about the City was brilliant.


The branch continues to welcome some ideas for the project and to date the feedback has been very positive.


One positive from the project is that in the future there may be an opportunity to apply for further funds to support similar activities.


Further proposals from members to date are visits to:


Royal Armouries – Leeds

Imperial War Museum – Salford

RAF Museum –RAF Cosford


Please find the links regarding registration to the forthcoming PRA Wellbeing Project Events.

Also attached is the schedule for reference.


Western Approaches Museum Event Registration


Chester Event Registration


Hope Street / Anglican Cathedral Event Registration



Bruce has two blazers available which were his brothers and wants them to go to a good home if you need a blazer then contact Bruce for a personal fitting.

Elaine Overend informed the branch that Tommy Barney has retired from his role as SSI in the Combined Cadet Force at St Marys College.


As way of thanking him for his service, he was awarded the rank of RSM on retirement. Well done Tommy.

Joe Harkon updated the branch on details for The Freedom Roll of Association:


The event is normally lead and organised by the administration team from within the Town Hall. However, due to Covid restrictions and the backlog of events, we find the organisation of the event is being primarily led by the branch.


As such, it has been determined that our annual church service will also encompass the awarding of the Freedom Roll of Association award. There will be a number of VIP’s in attendance representing the City of Liverpool, The Parachute Regimental Association and Parachute Regiment.


To support this event, we will be exploring a number of avenues where we can raise some additional funds.

We have scoped out a local venue for a few drinks and to celebrate the award on Old Hall street named The Tempest. If you are out and about in town, it may be worth a visit to sample their locally made beer. As details become available we will update branch members.


Brian Welsh brought up the possibility of asking any local printers if they could minimise copies of the Freedom Roll of Association certificate so members could have an A4 copy. Both Elaine Overend and Phil McCauley offered options which will be explored over the coming weeks.


Elaine Overend informed the Branch of Eric Dickinson’s 108th Birthday. Eric was an ex Chinditz and will be celebrating his birthday at Altcar. Representation from the branch would be welcomed and those wishing to attend should contact Elaine.


To conclude the AOB, Joe also informed members of the availability on the Army Reserve Centre, Mather Avenue becoming available from September for future branch meetings.


This opportunity or other viable alternatives for future meetings will be discussed and voted on at the next meeting.


Next meeting

3rd August 2021 at Conservative Club, Lancing Drive


Brian Welsh

Branch Secretary

Liverpool PRA


Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:

Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg

The Parachute Regimental Association
Liverpool Branch
Colonel J. Harkon (Ret’d) MBE. TD. DL


Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661 B


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


Liverpool Branch - minutes 14th June 2021


REF. June 2021 - Newsletter Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been waiting for the briefing from Government regarding the lifting of Covid restrictions from 21st June prior to sending this email out, to ensure the information is as current as possible. It is now evident that the current restrictions will be extended for a further 4 weeks. However, this does not mean our plans for our first branch meeting of 2021 will be cancelled. Actually, I would like to confirm that we will be holding our next branch meeting on 6 th July 2021 at Aintree Conservative Club, Lancing Drive, Aintree, Liverpool, L10 8LN. The meeting will commence at 20.00 prompt. There is some parking available at the club, however I would suggest, if you are able, to parking on Lancing Drive and walk the remaining distance to the venue. We will be continuing to comply with the relevant Covid restrictions determined by both government guidelines and the club owners. This means social distancing must be maintained with the wearing of masks where appropriate. Members will be required to book in on entrance to the venue and the tables will be laid out accordingly to support our meeting with respective sanitising facilities available


Welfare Report: It is my sad duty to inform you of the death of Tommy O’Neill. Tom passed on Thursday last week and served as Airborne REME. He was 91 years old and may I take this opportunity to pass on our branches heartfelt sympathies to Tommy’s family at this difficult time. Bruce has been in contact with approximately 20 of our members this week and it’s good to hear that there are no issues other than our lads just keep getting older every year! Syd Wilson had been unwell and in and out of hospital over the last few weeks. It is good to hear that he hasn’t lost his sense of humour or the ability to enjoy a glass of port or two whenever he can. Frank Doran is also unwell at the moment and has been admitted to Broughton House. It has been confirmed that Frank would welcome visits from old friends and colleagues. For those that would like to pay him a visit there are some strict guidelines for booking a visit. Please email: and a lady called Julie who man’s reception will re-contact you with details to facilitate your visit. Alan Rimmer is also unwell at the moment and it is very likely he may be admitted to Broughton House over the coming days. Our best wishes also go out to Tom Barney after his shoulder surgery two weeks ago. The operation was successful and now the hard work starts with physio for the foreseeable future. I’m sure it won’t be long before he’s able to do a pain free side right landing.


Treasurers update: Please may I remind you that subs for 2021 are still required. Please can you pay via any of the methods detailed below or contact Brian Blanchard direct.


The COVID pandemic has been instrumental in preventing so much of our interactions as members and taking this into account, a review of how much subs members should realistically pay for the remainder of 2021 was discussed at length. There are still many opportunities in the later part of the year for events and opportunities for members to celebrate and get together with family and friends. As such it has been proposed that subs required for the remainder of 2021 and up to December 31st will be £15.00.


From January 2022 subs will revert to their default rate of £30.00 per calendar year. To allow members as many opportunities to pay and allow a degree of flexibility, please pay via any of the following methods: ï‚·

Standing Order. 





Standing Orders and BACS payments should be payable to:


PRA Liverpool Branch

Account No – 91363808

Sort Code – 40-29-39


Cheques should be made out to PRA Liverpool Branch and handed in at branch meetings or delivered to: Brian Blanchard 11 Calder Drive, Maghull, L31 9DR


Cash can be paid at branch meetings or sent via recorded mail to address above. Due to ongoing commitments and proposed events for the remainder of 2021 subs must be paid no later than 3 rd August 2021 If any member wishes to pay by other means or has difficulty in paying their subs by this date, please contact the branch treasurer, Brian Blanchard directly.


Beacon Counselling Trust - Update A number of members attended the latest PRA Amblers event in Liverpool City Centre on 18th May. The weather was brilliant and so was the company. Col Joe Harkon provided the key role of historian and as the group travelled along Dale St and around Exchange flags, through St Nicks and the Pier Head we were educate on so much of Liverpool’s history around this area. A short couple of kilometres walk which was at a steady pace and the day finished off with a well-deserved pint in Weatherspoon’s. I’m sure the group will join me in thanking Joe for his commitment to the day and providing us with some excellent history of our City.


Please keep your eyes peeled for the next PRA Amble, which will be advertised through email and at branch meetings. Please do your best to come and spend a few hours with friends.


AOB: There are only seven weeks to go before the launch the third Falklands Ride of Respect.


The attached itinerary is the final version. Locations, dates and timings will not alter unless there are unforeseen circumstances therefore please plan on these and we would be grateful if the Service Associations would publish them on your websites and publications in the run-up to the ride, and we would be delighted to meet supporters on the ride.


In the past, volunteers from the various Associations, Ships and Units have provided guides and escorts to ensure we get to the right place as quickly as possible. This is always welcome as it saves us a load of time, and this can be spent with the families and friends of the fallen as we make our act of Remembrance. We would also be grateful if the Service Associations could inform the families of the ride so that they can attend if they wish to do so.


Our aims have always been:


Remembrance - Respect - Awareness - Support


And we know that our ride has achieved all of that in so many ways, and most importantly, families gain a little comfort from knowing that 39 years later, their loved one is not forgotten. We also know that around the country the graves are looked after and visited more than they were before by their Service pals, and that our ride has sparked a series of other similar rides around the UK.


Finally, we are very grateful for the support we have received from everyone in the last three years. In 2022 we hope to complete the series of Falklands Rides by visiting on motorbike the last 15 graves which are located in the Falkland Islands. Thank you for your continued support.


Paul Moore, Charlie McColgan, Phil Damant, Tony McKie

2021 Falklands Ride of Respect Team


Tel: 07931446344











Airborne Forces Riders: 







Stay safe everyone, keep well and hope to see you all very soon Please find attached the latest PRAHQ Newsletter: Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:



Brian Welsh

Branch Secretary

Liverpool PRA Mob: 07871901206



Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg

10th May 2021 -  Newsletter


Liverpool Branch
Colonel (Ret,d) J. Harkon MBE TD. DL


Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661 B


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


Liverpool Branch - minutes

10th May 2021 - Newsletter


Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s about time we received some good news and non more so than the two former paratroopers, soldiers A and C accused of the murder of an official IRA man in 1972 have been formally acquitted. Let’s hope the courts see sense and acquit the remaining four cases. I’m sure we are of the same mind and support the quote the former veterans’ minister Johnny Mercer stated in that they could” go live the rest of their lives in peace”.


VE day has come and gone. Another anniversary of VE day has passed us by and The Parachute Regimental Association, Liverpool Branch would like to raise a toast to all of those men and women who fought and those who supported our armed forces at home and abroad throughout WWII. We are forever in your debt.


Welfare Report: Once again, Bruce has been in contact with members over the last couple of weeks and in line with Government guidelines most, if not all of our members have had at least one Covid jab and most have now had two.

Syd Wilson had been unwell and in hospital for a few weeks but it seems he is now recovering and is back in Chelsea Pensioners.

Frank Doran is also unwell at the moment and Neil Platt is in regular contact with him so will keep us updated of his condition. Generally, the health and welfare of our members is good and we hope to see everyone as soon as possible for a well-deserved beer and catch up.


Treasurers update: Brian Blanchard has been refreshing our accounts with the bank with the inclusion of new signatories. This has gone well and we would like to thank Brian for his hard work, especially though some of the challenges in taking over the role in such difficult times. Please may I remind you that subs for 2021 are now due. Please can you pay via any of the methods detailed in last month’s newsletter or contact Brian Blanchard direct.


BCCT Update: Apologies for any inconvenience but the planned walking event for Tuesday 11th May 2021 has been rescheduled due to a low number of registrations.

To encourage more participants to attend this activity it has been decided to move the event a week later to Tuesday 18th May 2021. This also permits more people to join in line with the further lifting of Covid restrictions on May 17th and allow for a more positive experience.

We sincerely hope this change has not inconvenienced you in any way and we hope you will re-register for the rescheduled date.

To register for the revised event please go to: LAA Heritage Walk No.1 Registration - Google Forms

Attached: ï‚· Liverpool Airborne Ambles ï‚·

Liverpool Parachute Regimental Association Kindest Regards Liverpool PRA

Wellbeing Project


AOB: Taking into consideration government advice, Committee members will be getting together very soon after the 17th May to go firm on our next steps regarding the opening up of the branch for our regular monthly meetings. We will keep you all upto date with the outcomes of this meeting.


Stay safe everyone, keep well and hope to see you all very soon
Brian Welsh Branch Secretary Liverpool PRA
Mob: 07871901206




Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg


10th March 2021 -  Newsletter


Liverpool Branch
Colonel (Ret,d) J. Harkon MBE TD. DL


Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


Extraordinary meeting of The Parachute Regimental Association,

Liverpool Branch - minutes
Thursday 8th April  2021




Trustee members and Committee members. The meeting was formally opened by the Chairman at 18.30  


Apologies for absence: 

No apologies


Minutes of the Previous Meeting: 

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.


Matters Arising: 

During the drafting of these minutes the Nation has been informed of the death of HRH The Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh. He died on Friday 9th April aged 99. It is a sad day for our Nation, the Commonwealth and friends across the world. Prince Phillip was an outstanding man who served Her Majesty the Queen and Country with undying commitment and loyalty. He did so much for so many, non-more so than the thousands of young people through the Duke of Edinburgh’s award scheme which will leave a lasting legacy, he will be sadly missed.


The Committee, Trustees and members of The Parachute Regimental Association, Liverpool Branch wish to offer our condolences to HRH Queen Elizabeth, the Royal Family and friends. We thank you for your service and our prayers are with you. Rest in Peace.


Due to the suspension of PRA meetings from autumn 2020 until the present day, an extraordinary meeting of the trustees and committee members in a risk assessed, COVID safe environment was called. Social distancing rules applied and all attendees had received at least one COVID vaccination. The decision to meet was agreed by committee members who felt it necessary to call this meeting to discuss the way forward for our branch for 2021 and beyond and to keep members updated with as much information as possible prior to physical branch meetings starting up again this year.


Visitors/new members:  

Visitor, Ian Whiteside attended on behalf of the Beacon Counselling trust to provide an update of the health and wellbeing project. It was confirmed that due to the current impact of COVID-19 the current award had been allowed an extension to provide members with appropriate opportunities to benefit from the aims and objectives of the project. Proposals from members regarding ways of supporting veterans through the beacon health and wellbeing project will be greatly appreciated.


Chairman’s Report: 

The Chairman opened the meeting with a proposal from Maj (Ret’d) Frank Boyle for Brian Blanchard to fill the vacant Treasurers post, this was seconded by Brian Welsh and unanimously agreed by attendees. Brian Blanchard accepted this vote and has taken up the treasurers’ post pending any alternative proposals by 4th March 2021. If any members wish to offer up alternative proposals, please contact the branch secretary.


Due to the restrictions placed upon public meetings, Liverpool PRA have been unable to hold its 2021 AGM. Therefore, unless there are any proposals from members in relation to current committee positions, they will remain in place until the next AGM proposed for April 2022.  If any members wish to offer up alternative proposals or objections, please contact the branch secretary. This proposal has also been submitted to the Regional Secretary.


In 2020 Liverpool PRA were awarded the honour of the Freedom Roll of Association from the City of Liverpool. This is a prestigious award and follows on from 4th Battalion The Parachute Regiment receiving the same award in 2011.

A date for the Liverpool PRA annual church service has been agreed and will be held on 24th October 2021.


Due to ongoing commitments from a number of organisations, dignitaries and Town Hall representatives It has been proposed that we combine both events on 24th October 2021. This will mean that our annual church service will take place at St Nicks, but will also incorporate the formal presentation of the Freedom Roll of Association from the City of Liverpool to Liverpool PRA. The committee have approved this date and will be informing respective stakeholders. We will also be exploring the opportunity to have a formal celebratory event on the same evening and will update members accordingly.


It has been agreed that the branch would benefit from a bespoke ‘Events’ sub-committee whose primary responsibilities would include researching and proposing events and activities for the branch. The planning, booking and organising of venues for such events may include things like Remembrance Sunday, Christmas Dinner, Annual Church Service and other day trips and events throughout the year. If any members wish to take on this role and ideally no more than two or three people would probably be sufficient, please contact the branch secretary direct. The Events sub-committee would be responsible for reporting their activities to the Branch Secretary prior to monthly branch meetings.


Secretary's Report:

May the committee take this opportunity to thank Jimmy O’Connell for his commitment in maintaining our website in such a professional manner. Throughout the pandemic Jim has kept the website current, relevant and very informative. Well done Jim.


During the recent pandemic it has been identified that we should review how we communicate with our members. Historically, minutes and other communications have been emailed to members and uploaded onto our website via Jim O’Connell. It has been apparent that many of our members have not been receiving formal correspondence from the branch other than through contact during welfare checks, by word of mouth from colleagues and friends or through social media. It has been agreed that a thorough review of our communication strategy with members should be undertaken which will include a review of current details on file, a refresh of our Facebook page and consideration of the use of other social media methods such as WhatsApp. As such, some of you may receive a call or email from me asking for confirmation of your details and if you would like to be contacted by a range of means

The purchase and provision of Parachute Regimental Association diaries to our branch and regional branches was undertaken by Liverpool PRA. This meant that an upfront payment from our branch for the diaries was made and then monies recovered by selling them on to the region. It is with regret that this year Liverpool PRA will not be fulfilling this role and we have contacted the regional secretary to ask if any of the other branches would like to take this on for 2022. If not, the we will be requesting 2022 diaries direct to the provider for our branch only.


As the lockdown restrictions continue to ease, it would be appropriate for us to provisionally look at a date and venue for our next branch meeting. Notwithstanding relevant restrictions and in line with government guidance we are looking at our fist branch meeting of 2021 to be held on 5th July 2021 at Aintree Conservative Club, Lancing Drive, Aintree, L10 8LN. Any changes to this date will be communicated to members.


The event at Tatton Park for 2020 was cancelled and it is with regret that the event will not be held until 9th July 2022. Those that have previously paid for tickets, they will be carried over until the event next year and as we get further information on numbers etc I will pass this on to members.


Treasurers Report:

Brian Blanchard reported that a review has been undertaken of current branch finances and quarterly reports. Our financial reports will be scrutinised through peer review prior to submission for their annual review and subsequent reports.


The current Charity Commission, Guidance regarding Duties & Responsibilities of Trustees has been shared with our trustees as part of our ongoing legal duties to:


  • Act in your charity’s best interests

  • Manage your charity’s resources responsible

  • Act with reasonable care and skill


It was agreed by committee that rather than providing hard copies of monthly accounts to members during branch meetings, the accounts will be available on request direct to the treasurer. However, annual reports will be provided at future branch meetings.



The COVID pandemic has been instrumental in preventing so much of our interactions as members and taking this into account, a review of how much subs members should realistically pay for the remainder of 2021 was discussed at length. There are still many opportunities in the later part of the year for events and opportunities for members to celebrate and get together with family and friends. As such it has been proposed that subs required for the remainder of 2021 and upto December 31st will be £15.00.

From January 2022 subs will revert to their default rate of £30.00 per calendar year.

To allow members as many opportunities to pay and allow a degree of flexibility, please pay via any of the following methods:

  • Standing Order

  • BACS

  • Cheque

  • Cash


Standing Orders and BACS payments should be payable to: PRA Liverpool Branch

Account No – 91363808

Sort Code – 40-29-39


Cheques should be made out to PRA Liverpool Branch and handed in at branch meetings or delivered to:

PRA Liverpool Branch


Brian Blanchard

11 Calder Drive,


L31 9DR


Cash can be paid at branch meetings or sent via recorded mail to address above.

Due to ongoing commitments and proposed events for the remainder of 2021 subs must be paid no later than 3rd August 2021

If any member wishes to pay by other means or has difficulty in paying their subs by this date, please contact the branch treasurer, Brian Blanchard directly.


Welfare Report:

The branch chair has been in contact with over 15 members during the last couple of days with positive feedback regarding health and welfare issues. We now have a significant number of members receiving one and in many cases two COVID jabs.


Is it an age thing when you change your language from “I fell over” to “I had a fall”? Maybe we should ask Tommy Barney this question when he decided to have a fall and dislocate his shoulder. Keep going Tom and hope your jabbing arm gets better soon.


Our branch attended both Alf Bradshaw’s and Sid Stephens funerals last month with our standard and branch members attending in fine style. A good send off from our branch and a warm thanks from Alf and Sid’s family and friends for our attendance.


It is with sadness that we have lost another two of our airborne brothers, Peter Corcoran and Dennis Mooney over the last few days. Our condolences to family and friends of Peter and Dennis.


Funeral details for Dennis are:

15th April at 10.30am at Our Lady of Walsingham’s

As soon as we receive any details of Peters funeral I will pass on via email to members


  • Billy Flynn, ex A Coy 4 Para has written his first novel which is a political/military thriller – Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold and can be found on Amazon.


  • Jimmy O’Connell’s book - Three days in June 3rd June is a sought after book and not always easily available in hardback due to demand. However, its available on Amazon on 3rd June and those that like to listen to books can also purchase Jim’s book in audio format.


  • Mark Thorneycroft (Manchester PRA Secretary) is looking to start a regional golf society. If any of our branch members wish to join this group and would be interested in getting together 3 or 4 times a year please contact Mark directly on 07885460680 or


Brian Welsh

Branch Secretary

Liverpool PRA


Approved: Branch Chair




Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:








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10th March 2021 -  Newsletter


Liverpool Branch
Colonel (Ret,d) J. Harkon MBE TD. DL


Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206

The Aintree Conservative Club , Lancing Drive,,
Liverpool L10 8LN.
March 2021




Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is my sad duty to inform you of the sad passing of a number of our members over the last few of weeks. Our condolences as a branch go to both Alf Bradshaw and Sid Stephens family, friends and colleagues. Two of our airborne brothers have leaped through gods’ window for the last time and we will raise a glass to you both.


Alf Bradshaw left us on Sunday 28th February. Alf’s funeral will be held at 11.00 on 17th March at St Gabriel’s in Huyton.


Alf’s family have asked if possible, could an attendance can be made by the Parachute Regimental Association at the church. A standard bearer has been arranged for Alf funeral. If anybody has a Parachute Regiment flag that we could borrow to drape over Alf’s coffin, his family would be very grateful. I will ensure its return.


Sid Stephens left us on 6th March. Sid’s funeral will be held at 11.00 on 22nd March at St Faiths Church, Crosby Road North and will drive to Thornton Crematorium for 12.00.


One of Sid’s final wishes to his son Dan (ex 3 Para) was to have a guard of honour at his funeral and if possible a standard bearer. I have a Union flag which our branch will provide to Sid’s family to drape over his coffin.


Could those able to attend both or either funerals please let me know as I will be the single point of contact for any PRA members attending and will liaise with both Alf (via Elaine) and Sid’s families to ensure we keep in line with government guidance on numbers.


As part of our ongoing desire to ensure our members, friends and families remain safe and well regarding possible exposure to COVID, formal requests for Liverpool PRA’s attendance at funerals will continue to be fed through the committee and passed to members. However, there will be a slight change to members formally attending funerals on behalf of the branch. A single point of contact (Branch Secretary) from the branch will be identified as liaison with the bereaved family and Liverpool PRA members to ensure compliance with government guidelines on numbers attending funerals is continuously complied with.


Welfare Report:

Bruce has been in contact with 20 members over the last couple of days with most of our elderly members having both of their jabs. A number of additional phone calls have been made from other members and I’m happy to report that the feedback has been very good. Col Joe Harkon continues to recover from his exposure to COVID-19. We wish you a speedy recover Sir and look forward to getting back to business.


I would ask again that if anyone has the virus, is self-isolating or simply locked down at home, please keep in touch and let us know as support is always available from the association.


Treasurers update:

Please accept that there will be a suspension of the treasurer’s report this month while we consider the appointment of a temporary treasurer until we can formally appoint one over the coming weeks. As detailed in previous 2021 newsletters we believe it is important to continue to collect subs as I think we would all agree there will be a number of events and celebrations in the latter period of 2021 we will be able to subsidise.

Due to the lack of physical monthly meetings during 2020 and into 2021 we will determine a fair and equitable process for identifying 2021 subs. If any members would like to offer their services as a temporary treasurer, please contact me and I will update the committee members accordingly.



  • The committee will be meeting via a team’s conference call this week and will go firm on a number of outstanding issues while we also try and come to terms with likely dates we can hold our future branch meetings safely. Once the committee come up with suggestions I will circulate to all members for views, comments and any additional thoughts.


  • I am in the process of updating members’ details on our database. If you have changed address, phone number or e-mail, please can you let me know so I can ensure you are receiving all of the information the committee share with members.


  • IV Para reunion 2021

Due to ongoing restrictions around Covid, the 4 Para reunion for Saturday 8th May 2021 has been cancelled and will not take place in 2021

The same venue has been provisionally booked for Saturday 7th May 2022. Any deposits for 2021 will be carried over to 2022 event


  • In addition to this month’s PRAHQ Newsletter, please see link below for the fundraising page launched by Support Our Paras for Jon Noble, to raise £45K for a Jaco Robotic Arm.    There is a link to a video in the fundraising page showing Jon having a trial and you can see how life changing this is for him, to be able to feed himself, open/close doors, go to the shops and give him much more independence.


Stay safe everyone, keep well and hope to see you all very soon


Brian Welsh

Branch Secretary

Liverpool PRA


Mob: 07871901206



Please find attached the latest PRAHQ Newsletter:

Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:




Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg


Liverpool Branch
Colonel (Ret,d) J. Harkon MBE TD. DL


Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206

 Treasurer: Michael Hurst 0151 547 4776


Minutes of the Meeting on hold: 
The Aintree Conservative Club , Lancing Drive,,
Liverpool L10 8LN.
January 2021


Courtesy of our Secretary Brian Welsh:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Happy New year and as we enter National Lockdown number three, it has never been more important to tighten our belts, dig in and try refrain from falling out with our better half’s. There seems to be light at the end of the tunnel with the introduction of the vaccine and regional hubs to speed up inoculating the population. It will, I’m sure be a slow return to some sort of normality, but even with the current lockdown restrictions and the vaccines being rolled out this seems to be springtime at the earliest. We will continue to share information as quickly and effectively as possible without the ability to meet monthly, but be sure, as soon as it is safe to do so we will start our face to face monthly branch meetings as soon as possible.


Matters Arising: No matters arising.


Visitors / new members: May I take this opportunity to welcome Brian Collins as a new member of our branch. Brian is a retired police officer and served in 13 Company, 4 Para here in Liverpool.


Welfare Report

Bruce has been in contact with 20 members over the last couple of days with some having two jabs and many having one, but generally everyone seems to be looking after themselves are all safe. Both Col Joe Harkon and Mike Hurst have recently been diagnosed as COVID -19 positive and after a tough time are slowly on the mend. Get better soon gents and we look forward to you getting back to full health.

I would ask that if any of us have the virus, self-isolating or simply locked down at home, please keep in touch with us even for simple things like shopping and I’m sure we can support each other’s simple needs.


Treasurers update:

Mike has been asked by a few members if we are still collecting subs for 2021. We believe it is important to continue to collect subs as I think we would all agree there will be a number of events and celebrations in the latter period of 2021 we will be able to subsidise, not least of which would be the Freedom Roll of Association from Liverpool City Council.


Accounts 2020:

Attached is a copy of the Branch accounts s of 14th December 2020. £7850 of the balance is the lottery fund money which will be spent on members and should not at this point in time be considered as ours, but is to be spent in accordance with th;e programme compiled by Beacon.


At some stage over the coming weeks we will begin to forecast what events are on the horizon for the branch and start to pencil in some provisional dates for 2021.


We still have a number of 2021 diaries available so please contact Mike or myself if you wish one and between us we will get it to you as soon as possible. The good news is that I’m sure you won’t be rushing to fill in appointments before the end of February


Charity event:

A number of the members have signed up for a charity event to raise money for soldiers, veterans and their families

We will be taking part in the Cateran Yomp!! Before my phone starts ringing like mad, I assure you the term “Yomp” is just something we will have to reluctantly put up with.

The event is a 54 mile walk in 24hrs around the Cairngorms and is due to take place on 5th-6th June. Already we have 3 of our members signed up for the event.

May I take this opportunity to thank a number of you for sponsoring me to date and appreciate your support. If you would like to sponsor the team, please use the following link:





Please keep in touch via phone call or email if you wish to input any information into our newsletters, I’m sure there must be some stories, jokes (keep them clean) or other messages you would like to share.


Any Other Business: One of our new members, Brian Collins would like to inform anyone who is out of work and seeks some current employment opportunities. The job entails working at service stations around the Country supporting the COVID testing of HGV drivers travelling abroad. If there is any interest members e-mail Mungo Ker (don’t forget to drop Brian Collins name in)

Stay safe everyone and keep well and hope to see you all very soon

Brian Welsh

Branch Secretary

Liverpool PRA


Mob: 07871901206



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