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Liverpool Branch
Colonel (Ret,d) J. Harkon MBE TD. DL


Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206

 Treasurer: Michael Hurst 0151 547 4776


Minutes of the Meeting on hold: 
The Aintree Conservative Club , Lancing Drive,,
Liverpool L10 8LN.
January 2021


Courtesy of our Secretary Brian Welsh:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Happy New year and as we enter National Lockdown number three, it has never been more important to tighten our belts, dig in and try refrain from falling out with our better half’s. There seems to be light at the end of the tunnel with the introduction of the vaccine and regional hubs to speed up inoculating the population. It will, I’m sure be a slow return to some sort of normality, but even with the current lockdown restrictions and the vaccines being rolled out this seems to be springtime at the earliest. We will continue to share information as quickly and effectively as possible without the ability to meet monthly, but be sure, as soon as it is safe to do so we will start our face to face monthly branch meetings as soon as possible.


Welfare Report

Bruce has been in contact with 20 members over the last couple of days with some having two jabs and many having one, but generally everyone seems to be looking after themselves are all safe. Both Col Joe Harkon and Mike Hurst have recently been diagnosed as COVID -19 positive and after a tough time are slowly on the mend. Get better soon gents and we look forward to you getting back to full health.

I would ask that if any of us have the virus, self-isolating or simply locked down at home, please keep in touch with us even for simple things like shopping and I’m sure we can support each other’s simple needs.



Treasurers update

Mike has been asked by a few members if we are still collecting subs for 2021. We believe it is important to continue to collect subs as I think we would all agree there will be a number of events and celebrations in the latter period of 2021 we will be able to subsidise, not least of which would be the Freedom Roll of Association from Liverpool City Council.

Accounts 2020:

Attached is a copy of the Branch accounts s of 14th December 2020. £7850 of the balance is the lottery fund money which will be spent on members and should not at this point in time be considered as ours, but is to be spent in accordance with the programme compiled by Beacon.

At some stage over the coming weeks we will begin to forecast what events are on the horizon for the branch and start to pencil in some provisional dates for 2021.

We still have a number of 2021 diaries available so please contact Mike or myself if you wish one and between us we will get it to you as soon as possible. The good news is that I’m sure you won’t be rushing to fill in appointments before the end of February


Charity event

A number of the members have signed up for a charity event to raise money for soldiers, veterans and their families

We will be taking part in the Cateran Yomp!! Before my phone starts ringing like mad, I assure you the term “Yomp” is just something we will have to reluctantly put up with L

The event is a 54 mile walk in 24hrs around the Cairngorms and is due to take place on 5th-6th June. Already we have 3 of our members signed up for the event.

May I take this opportunity to thank a number of you for sponsoring me to date and appreciate your support. If you would like to sponsor the team, please use the following link:

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