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Latest news 2022.

Ladies and Gents

On Friday 16th December is the funeral of Eric McGrath.


Eric was mobilised under the National Service Acts in 1953, was posted to 1 PARA and saw action in Suez. After he was De-mobbed in 1955 he joined 10 PARA and continued his service until 1964.


Eric’s son-in-law (Dave) has asked if any members of Liverpool PRA would be able to attend the funeral on Friday 16th December at Landican Cemetery, at 13.00.
Eric’s coffin will be covered with the Pegasus coffin drape loaned from our branch.


Additionally, if we have anybody able to attend who would like to carry our standard, please let me know as it is stored in City Centre Fire Station, Liverpool and I would need advance notice to retrieve it.


Mick Coleman has been in touch and he will be attending. He lives near Old Roan and has offered anybody a lift if they wish to attend. He has asked me to pass on his mobile number so, if you wish to attend the funeral and would like a lift from Mick, his number is: 07795 083240


Annual Service of Remembrance, Sunday 13th November 2022



Ladies and Gents

I would like to remind you of the key points of this Sunday’s Annual Service of Remembrance and Parade:


1: 10.00 – Parachute Regiment & Airborne Forces Contingent to be fell in 4 abreast on the new cycle path between the Holiday Inn and Lime Street Station. We will be 14th in line and directly behind the Irish Guards.

2: 10.15 – Parachute Regiment & Airborne Forces Contingent will step off  (keep closed up).

3: 10.30 - approx. – The PARA Contingent to form up on the plateau with other Veterans Associations.

4: 10.50 – Service of Remembrance Commences.

5: 11.30 - approx. - PARA Contingent will march off plateau. Following the march off, the PARA Contingent are to fall out in St John’s Lane.

6: 11.50 - approx. - PARA Contingent are to reform in St John’s Gardens at our Memorial stone.

7: 12.20 - approx. - Parade dismissed – Members and Guests to retire to the Lady of Mann (Dale St).

8: 13.30 – finger food will be served at Lady of Mann.


Please Note: Security on St Georges Plateau is being provided by the RMP and therefore 'no latecomers will be allowed onto the plateau' - only those in the marching contingents.


See you all on Sunday

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The Annual Church Service of
The Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch

















Ladies and Gents

Please accept this email as a reminder of your invitation to The Parachute Regimental Association, Liverpool Branch annual church service. The dress is berets, ties and medals.

The service commences at 14.00 prompt please arrive at the church at 13.30 to take your seats.
After the service members, family and friends are invited to Ma Boyles (next door) for some hot scouse.

One key point is that we have not yet confirmed standard bearers. We have our Branch Standard and the Arnhem Standard which requires bearers to undertake the formal presentation of standards during the service.
Please contact me if you are available to be a standard bearer on the day. Standards will be available in the main foyer from 13.15 for those volunteers.


Liverpool Parish Church (Our Lady and Saint Nicholas)

5 Old Churchyard,
L2 8GW


Time: 2pm

Date: Sunday 23 October 2022

Brian Welsh

Branch Secretary

Liverpool PRA



                                 Funeral of Andrew Malone

Ladies and Gents

I have been contacted this week from Bosco House, Merton Road that one of their residents, Andrew Malone D.O.B 28/07/62 was transferred to Woodlands Hospice in July this year where he sadly died. Details I have been provided with by his care home and Woodlands are that Andrew served in the Parachute Regiment but has no relatives or NOK.


I have not been able to verify this but I have arranged with the funeral directors for our parachute regiment drape to be placed over his coffin.


I’m not sure if any of our members know Andrew but it seems his service will have no family in attendance and the funeral directors will be providing the pallbearers. If anybody has the time and is able to attend his funeral at Anfield Crematorium, I’m sure it would be the least we could do for him.


Funeral details are as follows:

Date – 4th October

Location – Anfield Crematorium

Time: 10.00



Brian Welsh

Branch Secretary

Liverpool PRA

                          Service of Thanksgiving for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Morning Ladies and Gents


There is to be a service of Thanksgiving for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and Veterans and their families are very welcome to attend. The event will consist of service only and there will not be a no march past. The details are;


Date: Sunday 18th September 2022

Venue: Liverpool Anglican Cathedral, St James’ Mount, Liverpool L1 7AZ

Time: Attendees are to be seated by 14.30.


Standard Bearers are required, with black ribbon and they should report at the North Entrance to the Cathedral no later than 14.00 and will be under the direction of the RBL.


There is no limit on numbers but I have been asked to advise the Lord Lieutenants' office of anticipated numbers by Thursday afternoon, so please let me know the number in your party who intend to attend by lunchtime Thursday 15th September.


Regimental headdress, medals, black tie (preferably) or Regimental tie should be worn.


Regards and thanks


Brian Welsh

Branch Secretary

Liverpool PRA




                        Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

8th September 2022

The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon.





It is with deep sadness and sorrow that The Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch joins the country in mourning Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II following the announcement from Buckingham Palace.

We are very sorry to hear that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has died. She worked tirelessly during her reign, representing the nation, attending official state visits abroad as well as spending a huge amount of time travelling around the country visiting charities, hospitals and organisations to meet and listen to the people she served.


                                    "In loving memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022."






Ladies and Gents

Tommy Barney has followed up on the branch’s intention to hold a barbecue next weekend. Tom has recced’ the site and completed a weather check (light breeze and 20 degrees) It has now been confirmed that the barbecue will be held on Saturday 20th August at:

Wirral Country Park

Station Road


CH61 0HN


All are welcome to bring family and friends, the more the merrier.


Tom will be getting there early to hold the barbecue area.


All those attending should bring their own portable barbecues with food and beer for themselves.


See you all on Saturday


Brian Welsh

Branch Secretary

Liverpool PRA

              Standard Bearer for Ian Harper's Funeral

Ladies and Gents

I have been asked if we have any members available to be the standard bearer for Ian Harper's funeral tomorrow morning at Springwood Crematorium at 11.30.

I know many of us are busy but, if someone can find a few hours tomorrow to be the standard bearer for Ian it would be a brilliant response from our branch, especially as Ian was one of ours and serving with 2 Para and a young scouse lad.


Please let me know if anyone can do it so I can inform friends and family


Many Thanks


Brian Welsh

Branch Secretary

Liverpool PRA


Mob: 07871901206







                         Ian Harper.




Ladies and gents, it is with deep regret that I inform you of the death of one of our own scouse airborne brothers, Ian Harper 2 Para.


After completing P Company, Ian was sent to 2 Para to commence build-up for Herrick 13. After his tour, Ian completed his PTI course and was posted to Pirbright on the Training Team and after 2 years was posted to Germany, which he used to affect when travelling.


Sadly, Ian took his own life on the 13th of July.


I have been in contact with Ian's friend, Joe Gomez who has been in contact with Ian’s family. The family would like as many Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces serving and veterans to attend Ian’s funeral. I know many of us are busy and may have other plans, but it would be great if Liverpool PRA members can make it to Ian’s funeral.


I’m not sure if there are any travel restrictions on the 17th due to industrial action on public transport. If there are, please let me know if this will affect your attendance and I may be able to put you in touch with others travelling by car.


Details are as follows:

Date – 17th August 2022

Time – 11.30hrs

Location – Springwood Crematorium


The family have asked if at all possible if Liverpool PRA could provide a standard and bearer. Please contact me directly if you are able to provide standard bearer duties for the funeral and I will update Joe Gomez.



There will be a celebration of Ian’s life afterwards at Goodison Park, Brian Labone Suite


Best Regards



Brian Welsh

Branch Secretary

Liverpool PRA


Frank Doran MBE
Funeral Arrangements.




Please accept the details for Frank Doran’s funeral.

The funeral service will be held at 13.30 on Tuesday 26th July at:

St Bartholomews Church,



L35 6NY

This will be followed by a committal at St Helens Crematorium (Family only to attend committal)

To celebrate Frank's remarkable life, Frank's family would like you to join them at:

Rainhill Ex Serviceman’s Club,

Warrington Rd,



L35 4LS.


Brian Welsh

Branch Secretary

Liverpool PRA




                                    Mark (Jacko) Jackson.

Ladies and Gents. Please accept the details of Mark Jackson’s (Jacko) funeral From his family. All are welcome. Dress code: Black, White & Maroon. Wednesday 6th July. There will be a service at St Helens Crematorium at 14.00, then onto his burial. For those wishing to raise a glass to Jacko afterward please meet at the Woodlands pub on Haresfinch Road.

Those attending past and present from the Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces please wear berets and regimental ties, medals optional. We will always remember Mark as he once was, funny and always up for a good laugh. RIP Airborne.

Colour code: Black, White, and Maroon.


Frank Doran MBE



















Sadly I have to report that Liverpool Branch PRA member and former Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Frank Doran has died at the age of 72, after a long battle with Alzheimer’s.
Frank served with The Parachute Regiment for ten years before transferring to the Intelligence Corps, he ended his military career in 2009.

Frank's contribution to his community was outstanding: he was the Liberal councilor for Kensington Ward from 1973 to 2008; Lord Mayor of Liverpool (1996-97); minister for culture in 2008, during which time he helped secure Liverpool’s status as the European Capital of Culture; in addition, he worked at the University of Liverpool as a teaching technician at the department of chemistry from 1970 to 2011.
Frank was appointed a Member of the British Empire for his services to his community in 2016.


Our thoughts are with Sandra and his stepchildren, family, and friends at this time.
More details will follow.

Tribute from Counselor Richard Kemp CBE


Ladies and Gents

Please accept this email as a reminder to exercise your vote!


April 5th is the date for our AGM and will be held at our next branch meeting, Conservative Club, Lancing Drive, at 2000hrs


Please make every effort to attend to cast your vote on the following:


1.      Committee members up for re-election. All current Committee members have requested re-election and to remain in post

a.      Chair – Bruce Cargill

b.      Deputy Chair – Frank Boyle

c.      Treasurer –Brian Blanchard

d.      Secretary – Brian Welsh


2.      Agreement on future venue for PRA meetings which include

a.      33 Signals Squadron, Alamein Barracks, Liverpool Road, L36 3RW

b.      156 RLC Regiment, Mather Avenue, Liverpool, L18 6HF

c.      Conservative Club, Lancing Drive, Liverpool


Please spread the word to any colleagues or friends to attend and anybody who may unable to attend. For those unable to attend, but wish to cast a vote please email or contact me with your vote and I will ensure this is recorded


Best Regards and hope to see you all next Tuesday




Brian Welsh

Branch Secretary

Liverpool PRA


Mob: 07871901206


Ladies and Gents

Jack Bracewell a long-serving member and Life President of the Morecambe branch. Jack was 99 years old and was one of the many that landed in France on D Day 6th June, he was awarded the Legion of Honour decoration from the French Government a few years ago.


His family have asked for a Guard of Honour at his Funeral and in support of The Morecambe Branch and Joe Hardicker is asking for as much support as possible to attend, both Standards and branch members. The details are as follows:


Wednesday April 6th 2022 at 12.30pm


Morecambe Crematorium

Powder House Lane





There will be a reception afterwards at the Cross Keys PH (next to Morecambe Town football club)


If anyone can attend and carry our branch standard and for those attending could you please press let me know as soon as possible so numbers can be catered for


Many thanks


Brian Welsh

Branch Secretary

Liverpool PRA

Arthur Cheetham

’Utrinque Paratus’


Dear all, once again it is with great sadness I have to announce another member of Liverpool PRA has passed, our dear friend and colleague Arthur Cheetham.


Taken from Arthur Cheetham’s Facebook page:

"It is with great sadness that the family of Arthur Cheetham have to announce that he passed away peacefully in his sleep yesterday morning (16th February 2022).


Ladies and Gents


Please accept details for Arthur Cheetham’s funeral received from his son, Andy.


Location: Landican crematorium

Date: Friday 18th March

Time: 11am


The service will be followed by a reception at:


19 Black Horse Hill
CH48 6DS


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Update regarding Tony Pettigrew's funeral:

Service is to be held on Monday 10th January 2022.10.30am.

St Helens Cemetery & Crematorium
Rainford Rd,
Saint Helens
WA10 6DF
Phone01744 677406

Light refreshments after funeral to be held at
The Derby Arms Pub.
635 Knowsley Lane,
Prescot L34 9EA
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