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The Parachute Regimental Association
Liverpool Branch

September Minutes.

President: -
President Tom Barney Mobile 07708603938

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661​


                             Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206

Date: Tuesday 3rd September 2024

The Branch Chair opened the meeting at 20.00hrs

26 members were present at the meeting.

Apologies for absence:
Joe Harkon, Neil Platt, Tony Woods, Wally Thorburn, Danny Hart, Barry Bruce, Stan Fortune, Billy Young, Chris Baines, Syd Smith, Roy Bevan, Steve Gray, Mike Melia, Allan McDonald, Brian Jenkins, Pete O’Brien, Ian Whiteside, Jim Quinn, Jimmy O’Connell, Joe Pettigrew.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting:
The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Waddy and seconded by Bobby Hamblett.

Matters Arising:

Visitors/new members:
Kev Riley. Kev was a member of A Coy 4 PARA from 1984-88. He Joined 1 PARA and served in the Battalion for 10 years, he served on numerous Operations where he retired after his 22 years of service.

Chairs Report:
Bruce opened the meeting and covered outstanding actions from the previous meeting. Joe Mawdsley’s ashes will be laid at Oosterbeek Cemetery by his son Graham at 11.00 on Friday 20th September 2024. Those who are going for the 80th Anniversary may wish to put this “do not miss” event into their to-do list for the weekend.

Welfare report:
Ken Barney provided the branch with an update of the following members: Alan Coppell, Tony Woods, Joe Pettigrew, Joe Harkon, Barry Bruce, Alan Smedley, Stan Fortune and Tom McCormick.
It is important to remember that if members require additional support, it is available through the branch where we can contact the Regimental Welfare Team who are trained to deal with a variety of issues and cases that are more complex.

Secretary's Report:
The Branch Secretary confirmed confirmation of the blessing of the Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces Memorial Stone at 14.00 on 26th October.
It was agreed that the branch donate £50 to the Rector. It has been agreed by the Regional Secretary, Mike Farrington to hold a Regional Secretaries meeting on 19th October.

The secretary will contact Jimmy O’Connell to request some minor changes to the website. This includes updating the location of the branch meetings and bank details.

The sword of Captain Noel Chavasse VC & Bar MC RAMC, and other family artefacts, will be presented to Liverpool Cathedral, St James’ Mount, Liverpool, L1 7AZ for permanent safekeeping during the regular Evensong service which is to be held on Thursday 12th September 2024 and which will commence at 5.30 pm.

The service is open to the public and those wishing to attend should arrange to arrive at the Cathedral by 5.00 pm Mal Simpson's funeral will be held on 10th September 2024 at 13.00 at the Landican cemetery.

It was agreed that payment for the bugler should not be paid for my Liverpool PRA and alternative funding solutions would be explored.

Bobby Hamblett led a toast of remembrance for Chris Hennessy, ex-3 PARA and 22 SAS, who tragically died 50 years ago. The branch's thoughts and prayers go out to Chris and his family who will be forever in our thoughts.

A meeting with the Rector and Branch Secretary is also planned for 27th September to confirm the order of service for the annual church service on 27th October and the laying of the standard.

The Branch Secretary will be completing the Scotland Coast to Coast endurance event over the weekend of 14/15 September 24th, and all proceeds raised will go to the Army Benevolent Fund via Centurions of Merseyside. Brian thanked those who have donated to this event:

Treasurers Report:
Brian provided a breakdown of the branch accounts and:

It was agreed in the meeting that Brian Blanchard will purchase several 2025 diaries from the airborne shop, on request from individuals.

Events sub-committee:
Elaine Overend to update you at the next meeting.

Frank Boyle provided an update on details for the commemoration service for Eddie Beach (Ex Bold Guard) Any branch expenditure will be covered by a raffle on the day so could members please consider offering items to raffle on the day to support the event.


Those wishing to donate a raffle prize should try to bring them to the next branch meeting on 3rd September.


Ian McKelvey provided a further update on the work he has done regarding the design of a tie for those who served at Grace Road as part of 12/13 – 4 PARA.

This work is based on the number of ex-Grace Road members active in the branch who may wish to own a specific tie representing their time at the location. Ian brought several tie options based on feedback from branch members with costs associated with their production. It was agreed by vote at the meeting that Ian would submit the order to produce 50 ties with the A Coy logo embroidered onto them. Additionally, it was agreed that the branch would purchase the ties and sell on for £15 each.

There will be no profit made on the ties by either Ian or the branch. The branch thanked Ian for his efforts and excellent work on this project.

Close Meeting:

The Branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs


Date of next meeting;
Tuesday 1st October 2024 at 20.00hrs
Aintree Conservative Club,
Lancing Drive.
L10 8LN


Brian Welsh Branch Secretary Liverpool PRA Approved:


Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:



The Parachute Regimental Association
Liverpool Branch

August Minutes.

President: -
President Tom Barney Mobile 07708603938

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206

Tuesday 6th August 2024 


The Branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs.

25 members were present at the meeting.

Apologies for absence:
Joe Harkon, Neil Platt, Tony Woods, Wally Thorburn, Danny Hart, Barry Bruce, Stan Fortune, Billy Young, Chris Baines, Kevin Hughes, Syd Smith, Ken Barney, Elaine Overend, Roy Bevan, Steve Gray, Mike Melia.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting:
The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Waddy and seconded by Pete O'Brien.


Matters Arising:


Visitors/new members:


Chairs Report:
Bruce opened the meeting with a report from the branch night out at Churrasco’s. It was a really good turnout with around 20 members and friends present. The food was great as was the company.


It is envisaged that meal evenings will be planned approximately four times per year.


It was recently John Dennett’s 100th birthday, which was celebrated at Ashville Football Club on Tuesday 23rd July. Bruce Cargill presented John with a gift from the branch, in the form of a golden rivet mounted on timber. John gladly accepted the gift in his typically humorous style.


Joe Mawdsley’s ashes will be laid at Oosterbeek Cemetery by his son Graham at 12.00 on Friday 20th September 2024. Those who are going for the 80th Anniversary may wish to put this “do not miss” event into their to-do list for the weekend.


Welfare report:
Bruce was provided with an updated welfare report from Ken Barney, who was unable to attend the meeting.


A very comprehensive update of the welfare and personal injury and illness updates from branch members sadly unable to make the meetings.


Tom Barney asked if anybody had Dougie Owens's phone number, and if they had could they pass it on to him.


It is important to remember that if members require additional support, it is available through the branch where we can contact the Regimental Welfare Team who are trained to deal with a variety of issues and cases that are more complex.


Secretary's Report:
Julia Weymouth who retired from PRAHQ as support to the PRA National Secretary, Paul Raison, received a bunch of flowers, chocolates, and a card from our branch last week. 
She contacted Brian Welsh who shared with the branch the email she sent expressing her gratitude and thanks to the branch for our very kind words and such a lovely gift. 


The Branch Secretary contacted Jean Wynne, the Parish Admin for St Nicks Church regarding three issues: 1. Confirming details of our Church service on 27th October 2024
2. Laying of the standard during this service.
3. Blessing of the new memorial stone in St Johns Gardens.


Not discussed in the meeting but information has been added after the update on the evening of 6th August.


The new Rector, Rev Michelle Montrose has offered her services to bless our memorial stone on Saturday 26th October at 14.00. Confirmation of this request is required as soon as possible and before our next branch meeting due to her Calendar being filled up quickly. The Branch Secretary has sent a message via WhatsApp to gather the views of members so he can respond accordingly.


A meeting with the Rector and Branch Secretary is also planned to confirm the order of service for the annual church service on 27th October and the laying of the standard.The 


The Branch Secretary has received 2 x books named Airborne Tatton on behalf of the branch. These books will be held by the Branch Chair, who will ensure they are shared across the membership to read. Both books were loaned out to Tom Barney and Mick Coleman.


An action taken by the Secretary is to see if the Army will support the commemoration of Exercise Bold Guard and the service for Eddie Beach with a bugler.


The branch secretary will be completing the Scotland Coast to Coast endurance event over the weekend of 14/15 September 2024. All proceeds raised will go to the Army Benevolent Fund via Centurions of Merseyside. Brian thanked those who have donated to this event to date and asked members to donate to his Just Giving page following this link:

Treasurers Report:
Brian provided a breakdown of the branch accounts and,

Confirmed that there will be no buffet at the Lady of Mann for Remembrance Sunday, 10th November.
Confirmed Mercure Hotel and food has been booked for after the Annual Church Service on 27th October.


Events sub-committee:
Elaine Overend to update you at the next meeting.
























Frank Boyle provided an update on further details for the commemoration service for Eddie Beach (Ex Bold Guard)

3 x Wreaths have been received and a donation to the RBL will be forwarded by the Branch Treasurer.

Details include;


Parade at Yew Tree Cemetery for 10.30 
Dress - Smart, Regimental or Battalion Ties, Berets and medals (optional). 
Laying of wreaths.
Speech and short service.
Attendees move to Conservative Club, Lancing Drive for buffet and commemorative drinks.

The Branch Secretary to post details on the PRA Facebook page to encourage those who were on the exercise and jump to attend the day.

Any branch expenditure will be covered by a raffle on the day so could members please consider offering items to raffle on the day to support the event.

Those wishing to donate a raffle prize should try to bring them to the next branch meeting on 3rd September.


Tom Barney provided details of the barbeque arranged for Saturday 17th August from 11.00 at Thurstaston Beach. Get the train to West Kirby and head for Thurstaston Beach Visitors Centre and café. Don’t forget to bring some chairs, if possible, some liquid refreshments. A donation has been made by the branch for some barbeque food. It was a great day last time and if you can get there you will not be let down.


Pete Obrien emailed Mick Clifford a few weeks ago, who lives in Australia for a catch-up and to brief him on all things happening in Blighty. The Branch Secretary asked Pete to get Mick's email address and he will add it to the PRA e-mail distribution list.


Richy Clatworthy managed to get hold of two small presentation plaques which were rescued for Edge Lane. Bruce showed the plaques to members which where were handed to the Branch Secretary for safekeeping until we find a more secure home for them.


Ian presented some design examples of a tie with costs associated with their production.

Set up would be approximately £60
30 ties inc VAT + set up = £384

50 ties inc VAT no set up costs = £480

Any profits from the sale would go towards postage and packaging •

At this point, costs per tie would be approximately £15


Respective members liked the proposal and asked Ian to look at other options for the design which include:

1. Colours do not clash with other units’ ties or DZ flashes

2. Consideration for some embroidery representing Grace Road, A Coy?

3. Contacting PRAHQ, Colchester for comments There were several options regarding production which include:

1. The branch takes on the project and sells ties directly to members

2. Ian takes on the project and sells the ties personally to interested parties.
a. This may include the branch purchasing several ties from Ian as the seller.


The branch thanked Ian for his extremely good work and asked him to review the design and bring alternative options to the next branch meeting, which he agreed to do.


Close of Meeting:
The Branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs

The date of the next meeting is Tuesday 3rd September 2024 at 20.00hrs
Aintree Conservative Club,
Lancing Drive



Merseyside L10 8LN

Brian Welsh Branch Secretary.

Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:




The Parachute Regimental Association
Liverpool Branch

July Minutes.

President: -
President Tom Barney Mobile 07708603938

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206​

Tuesday 2nd July 2024 


29 members were present at the meeting.


The Branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs

Apologies for absence:
Joe Harkon, Neil Platt, Tony Woods, Wally Thorburn, Danny Hart, Barry Bruce, Stan Fortune, Billy Young, Chris Baines, Eddie Jones, Paul Hennessey, Billy Melia, Kevin Hughes, Claire, John.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting:
The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Waddy and seconded by Frank Boyle.


Matters Arising:


Visitors/new members:



Chairs Report:
Bruce opened the meeting with a report back from Armed Forces Day and thanked those who were able to attend on the day to represent Liverpool PRA. This was not helped by Liverpool City Council changing the venue from St Georges Hall to St Nick's Gardens on short notice. However, numbers were very low from the branch, and this was also reflected on the D-Day80 commemorations. Understanding that members have other commitments throughout let’s hope that as this year progresses and we have our church service and remembrance Sunday on the horizon let's see if we can try to achieve a better turnout from our historically very strong presence.

Welfare report:
Ken Barney provided comprehensive feedback on his contact with several members unable to make the meeting. Ken and Bruce regularly maintain contact with many of our members and provide as much support as possible.


Brian Welsh provided some feedback from SSAFA regarding support for a stairlift for Allan Coppell.


Barry Bruce is back in the hospital and welcomes visitors from the branch.


It is important to remember that if members require additional support, it is available through the branch where we can contact the Regimental Welfare Team who are trained to deal with a variety of issues and cases that are more complex.


Secretary's Report:
Julia Weymouth who has worked with Paul Raison as Secretary of PRAHQ for the last 7 years is retiring and moving on to a new role with The Not Forgotten Association as events manager. Julia has been a fantastic Secretary and has supported Liverpool PRA throughout her tenure with PRAHQ. The branch wishes Julia well in her new role and thanks her for her excellent service. It was agreed that flowers be sent to Julia from the branch with a thank you card.


The Branch Secretary contacted Jean Wynne, the Parish Admin for St Nicks Church regarding three issues:


1. Confirming details of our Church service on 27th October 2024.

2. Laying of the standard during this service.

3. Blessing of the new memorial stone in St Johns Gardens.

Although the new Vicar has not been confirmed, a meeting has been planned to discuss with the church their availability to support all three requests above.


For those attending the National Memorial Arboretum (Regimental Commemoration Service & PRA AGM) on 6th July 2024, Ian Whiteside is providing a minibus from Beacon and will pick up those requesting a seat outside the Conservative Club at 08.00. Tickets requested through the branch secretary will be available for pick up at the NMA. The proposed time for leaving will be approx. 14.30.


The Branch Secretary has ordered 2 x books named Airborne Tatton on behalf of the branch. These books will be held by Branch Chair, Bruce who will ensure they are shared across the membership to read.


The Branch Secretary will be completing the Scotland Coast to Coast endurance event over the weekend of 14/15 September 24. All proceeds raised will go to the Army Benevolent Fund via Centurions of Merseyside. Brian thanked those who have donated to this event to date and asked members to donate to his Just Giving page by clicking on the link:  The Centurians of Merseyside Just Giving Page


Treasurers Report:
Brian provided a breakdown of the branch accounts.

Events sub-committee Elaine has arranged an evening at Churrascos for 31st July. Those wishing to attend must contact Elaine on 07540 991250 for confirmation of attendance. Costs are:


2 x Courses - £22.00

3 x Courses - £26.00

Wine - £17.00 a bottle
Cocktails - £7.00 each

BACS payments to be made to: HSBC
Sort Code: 40-40-07
Account Number: 71336727


Future events:​























Elaine Overend provided the members with details of the 100th birthday of our member and RN WWII veteran John Dennett. The date for the get-together is on 23/07/24 at 17.00.
Ashville Football Club,
Cross Lane,
CH45 8RH

The branch considered a gift for John from members and Bruce will explore producing a ‘Golden Rivet’ to present to John, which we all agreed will make him chuckle.


Elaine provided a very comprehensive update on a Christmas Dinner Venue for 13/12/24, The Hard Days Night Hotel, which included a 3 x course meal, disco and drink on arrival for £55 or £60 with a half bottle of wine. The branch voted unanimously to hold the 2024 Christmas Dinner at this venue.


Frank Boyle provided an update on further details for the commemoration service for Eddie Beach (Ex Bold Guard)


Franks has ordered 3 x wreaths.

The program for the day's events has been finalised.

A further search and contact is to be made for other veterans who also jumped on ex-Bold Guard.

Dave Woodray will speak to Dougie Owens.


Parade at Yew Tree Cemetery on 14/09/24 at 10.30.

Speech and short service.

Attendees move to Conservative Club, Lancing Drive for buffet and commemorative drinks.


​Although numbers are yet to be confirmed for the event is is expected approximately 60 people may attend and planning assumptions will be based on this number.


Any branch expenditure will be covered by a raffle on the day so could members please consider offering items to raffle on the day to support the event, the Branch Treasurer will liaise with Frank to confirm costs.


Tom Barney spoke to the 2IC of 2 PARA to see if they could release any serving soldiers in uniform to attend the service. He will report back as soon as he hears anything further.


Close of Meeting:

The Branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs.


The date of the next meeting is Tuesday 6 th August 2024 at 20.00hrs

Aintree Conservative Club,
Lancing Drive.
Merseyside L10 8LN


Brian Welsh
Branch Secretary Liverpool PRA


Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:



The Parachute Regimental Association
Liverpool Branch

June Minutes.

President: -
President Tom Barney Mobile 07708603938

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206




Tuesday 4th June 2024


33 members were present at the meeting.


The Branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs


Apologies for the absence:
Joe Harkon, Dave Woodray, Neil Platt, Roy Bevan, Tony Woods, Wally Thorburn, Danny Hart, Barry Bruce, Stan Fortune, Billy Young, Chris Baines, Tom McCormick, Eddie Jones, Billy Melia, Paul Hennessey, Alan Smedley, Flo McAllister, Riche Carroll, Alan Coppel, Kevin Hughes, Matt Scott, Billy Barney.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting:
The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Frank Boyle and seconded by Mick Coleman.


Matters Arising:
N/A Visitors/new members: N/A.


Chairs Report:
Bruce opened a discussion regarding confirming a venue for the 2024 Christmas dinner. There was some confusion in the meeting about where the dinner would be, and the Secretary made it clear that there had been no final decision made, all votes taken and held should go through the committee and outcomes recorded on minutes.


Therefore, Elaine Overend will provide the branch with a range of options a final vote will be taken at the next branch meeting on 2nd July 24.


After some final confirmations, it was agreed by the branch, in memory of Eddie Beach to hold the 50th Anniversary of Ex Bold Guard at the Conservative club. Frank Boyle will lead on arrangements.


The event will be held on 14/09/24.



Yew Tree Cemetery,

Finch Lane,

L14 4DG at 10.30


Afterwards at,
Conservative Club
Lancing Drive,


Welfare report: Ken Barney provided comprehensive feedback on his contact with several members who were unable to make the meeting.


Ken and Bruce regularly maintain contact with many of our members and provide as much support as possible. It is important to remember that if members require additional support, it is available through the branch where we can contact the Regimental Welfare Team who are trained to deal with a variety of issues and cases that are more complex.


Secretary's Report:​
D-DAY80 Parade and timetable is in Appendix A.


All members and associated PARA Reg and Airborne Forces must endeavour to attend this event. Branch Standards should RV at Waves Bar, Copperas Hill where a briefing will be held detailing Branch Standard duties for the event.


Armed Forces Day – 29/06/24 has been confirmed as a church service only at St Nicks, No parade will take place this year as resources across the public sector have been committed to delivering the DDAY 80 events.


For those attending the National Memorial Arboretum (Regimental Commemoration Service & PRA AGM) on 6th July 2024, Ian Whiteside, through Beacon has very kindly offered a minibus to transport up to 14 members, free of charge to and from the event.


Those wishing a seat on the minibus must inform the Branch Secretary so details can be confirmed with Beacon and Ian. The Branch Secretary has submitted requests from several members for tickets, which can be picked up at the event.


Airborne Tatton, a book written detailing the history of wartime parachute training at Tatton Park has been released. It was agreed by the branch that we purchase 2 copies and pass them around for members to read. Secretary to purchase on behalf of the branch.


Treasurers Report: 
Brian provided a breakdown of the branch accounts Brian Blanchard will continue to review payments made in support of payments donated for the standard, which will be provided on request.

Please share our Just Giving page at:


Payments can also be made directly to our bank account below:

Sort Code: 23-05-80


Acc No: 44716631 Ref: Name standard


Payments can also be made by cheque, made payable to ‘Liverpool Branch PRA’ .


Events sub-committee:
Those wishing to attend the Regimental Commemoration Service & PRA AGM must inform the Branch Secretary, Brian Welsh, who will collate names for a minibus. It is expected the minibus will leave the Conservative Club, Lancing Drive at approx. 08.00 on 6th July. Branch Standard should be available. Elaine has arranged an evening at Churrascos for 31st July. Those wishing to attend must contact Elaine for payment details.


Future events:




























AOB • Elaine Overend provided the members with details of the 100th birthday of our member and RN WWII veteran John Dennett.

The date for the get-together is on 23/07/24 at 17.00. •


Monsignor Altkar expressed his apologies and is unable to hold a memorial service at St Johns for our memorial stone. A new Reverend will be taking the post at St Nicks from 1st July. Secretary to liaise with new Rev and their PA to discuss details about laying of the branch standard at St Nicks., planned for 27th October at our annual church service.


Additionally, Discussions are ongoing with St Nicks regarding a date and time for the blessing of our new memorial stone.


Pete Smedley requested that PRA lay flowers on Stuart McLaughlin's grave. Members agreed and Pete will arrange. • Branch members also wished to show thanks to the bikers that travel and pay respects to the fallen from the Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces.


The group have changed their format slightly, but nevertheless, they do an excellent job. •


Matt Scott said he would try to contact Fr John Williams to see if he could carry out the blessing of our new memorial stone.


Close Meeting:

The Branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs


The date of the next meeting is Tuesday 2nd July 2024 at 20.00hrs.
The Aintree Conservative Club,
Lancing Drive.


Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:






The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
President: -

President Tom Barney Mobile 07708603938

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


​Annual General Meeting



Tuesday 7th May

33 members were present at the meeting.


The Branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs


Apologies for absence:
Joe Harkon, Matt Scott, Ozzie, Neil Platt, Roy Bevan, Tony Woods, Wally Thorburn, Danny Hart, Barry Bruce, Stan Fortune, Billy Young, Chris Baines, Tom McCormick, Eddie Jones, Billy Melia, Paul Hennessey, Alan Smedley, Flo McAllister, Riche Carroll, Bobby Hamblett


Minutes of the Previous Meeting:
The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Waddy and seconded by Bobby Hamblett.

Matters Arising:
N/A Visitors/new members: N/A


Chairs Report:
Bruce opened the meeting with one minute’s silence and informed members that this meeting would be preceded by the 2024 Liverpool PRA AGM Bruce explained the President's role and informed members that the current Committee members were nominated to remain in post for the 2024/25 year.


Chair – Bruce Cargill


Secretary – Brian Welsh


Treasurer – Brian Blanchard


There were no additional nominations for the above posts and members voted unanimously to support the retention of the current Committee members.


Vacant posts available for nomination were:


Branch President


Vice Chair


Tom Barney nominated himself to undertake the post of Branch President. Members voted unanimously to support Toms's nomination.


Thanks went out to Tom for supporting the branch and taking up the post of Branch President.


This leaves a vacant post as Vice Chair.


Anybody wishing to take up this post should contact the Branch Secretary in the first instance.


Welfare report:
Ken Barney provided comprehensive feedback on his contact with several members unable to make the meeting, including.


Tony Woods has had a successful cataract operation; Joe Pettigrew is now more mobile on his 2024 registration walking frame.


Joe Harkon is due for his knee operation towards the end of May.


We must keep in contact with our less mobile members and thanks went out to Bruce and Ken from members for all of their welfare work behind the scenes. 


It is important to remember that if members require additional support, it is available through the branch where we can contact the Regimental Welfare Team who are trained to deal with various issues and cases that are more complex.


Secretary's Report:

Mick Farrington (Ex Grenadier Guards, 4 Para & RLC) has accepted to become the Regional Secretary for the North West. Mike Served with 4 Para as CSM B Coy, Training Recruit WO and CSM HQ Coy and finally as CSM 13 Coy Liverpool. Following SDSR and the disbandment of 13 Coy Mike was commissioned into the RLC where he served in various theatres of Operations. Mike was awarded the MBE for services in the Balkans in 2006.


Liverpool PRA would like to wish Mike all the best as NW Regional Secretary and offer our full and unreserved support to Mike in his new role.


D-DAY 80 Parade and timetable is at the bottom of the May Monthly Minutes.

All members and associated PARA Reg and Airborne Forces must endeavour to attend this event.


Armed Forces Day – 29/06/24 has been confirmed as a church service only at St Nicks, No parade will occur this year as resources across the public sector have been committed to delivering the D DAY 80 events.


This is a reminder to members family and friends to put a placeholder in your diaries for the commemoration of Exercise Bold Guard’s 50th Anniversary and the loss of several young men along with 4 Para's A Coy’s Eddie Beach. The event will be held on 14/09/24.


Location: Yew Tree Cemetery, Finch Lane, L14 4DG at 10.30


Move from the cemetery to the Conservative Club at 12.00 for a commemorative drink and light buffet.


Arrange 2 x wreaths and bugler via RBL •


This will be an open invitation to all PARA and Airborne Forces •


Branch to review and consider a presentation for Eddie Beach’s family. •


Branch Secretary to write to 4 PARA for support of the event.


There is a trip in its early stages of planning for veterans of Kosovo by RHQ. Those wishing to attend the trip should contact RHQ directly via


For those attending the National Memorial Arboretum (Regimental Commemoration Service & PRA AGM) on 6th July 2024, Ian Whiteside has very kindly offered the use of one of the Beacon minibuses to transport up to 14 members, free of charge to and from the event. It is 4 important that those wishing a seat on the minibus inform the Branch Secretary so details can be confirmed with Beacon and Ian.


Brian Jenkins is still planning the Altcar Walk but a confirmed date will be issued as soon as possible.


Jim O’Connell and a few friends and colleagues have started regular monthly meetings in town in a relaxed and informal atmosphere, enjoying a beer or two. Men from all Battalions, all eras, all operations and all experiences are welcome. No big rounds but keep to small groups to ensure the days are not too expensive. Usual meeting times are from 13.00 up to around 18.00


Ian Whiteside provided an excellent presentation for around 15 minutes on the work of the Beacon Counselling Trust, about the concerns of gambling-related harms that can affect members of the Armed Forces, males and females and from any social class. 


The presentation was well received by members who will work with Ian to support the project through our Branch as much as possible.


Treasurers Report:

Brian provided a breakdown of the branch accounts and has added them as a standalone document accompanying these minutes. •


The branch has received the new standard which has been handed over to Steve Cook.


Brian Blanchard will continue to review payments made to support payments donated for the standard, which will be provided upon request. 


The Just Giving page for the new standard and Memorial Stone is now live for members to use and share across their networks and we need to advertise our Just Giving page as wide as possible to gain as much coverage as possible. 


Please share our Just Giving page at:


Payments can also be made directly to our bank account below:


Sort Code: 23-05-80


Account Number: 44716631


Reference: Name standard


Payments can also be made by cheque, made payable to ‘Liverpool Branch PRA’ .


Events sub-committee:

Those wishing to attend the Regimental Commemoration Service & PRA AGM must inform Branch Secretary, Brian Welsh, who will collate names for the minibus.


It is expected the minibus will leave the Conservative Club, Lancing Drive at approx. 08.00 on 6th July. Branch Standard should be available. (See secretary’s update)























A proposal was put forward to consider the use of the Conservative Club, Lancing Drive to hold the Liverpool PRA Christmas party.

Branch members were asked to
 confirm which venue we would like during the meeting, but did not have enough information to make a final decision.

The Branch Chair stated that during the meeting in June, a definitive venue must be agreed upon and finalised before we lose the facility to pick and choose due to availability.


Elaine Overend will provide some finer details for venues in the June meeting.


Tickets for the reception lunch for the PRA AGM held at the NMA on 6th July are £10 per person up to a maximum of 300 for the entire event.


Lunch will be in the form of a hot buffet.


Members should request their tickets through cheques, payable to Support Our Paras and sent to

Alice Holland, RHQ PARA, Merville Barracks, Colchester, Essex, CO2 7UT.


Alternatively, BACS payments made to:

Support Our Paras

Sort Code: 16-1926

Account Number: 17851063


Please include your Surname and NMA (as the payment reference)


The following have paid for tickets and have been ordered:

Steve Cook
Brian Blanchard
Iain Whiteside
Frank Boyle
Jimmy O’Connell.


Elaine Overend provided the members with details of the 100th birthday of our member and RN WWII veteran John Dennett.


The date for the get-together is 23/07/24 at 17.00. Further details to follow. 


An additional date was proposed for yet another very successful gathering of PRA members at Churrascos on 31/07/14 at 19.00.


Those wishing to attend should contact Elaine Overend. 


Close Meeting:
The branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs


Date of next meeting is Tuesday 4th June 2024 at 20.00hrs


Aintree Conservative Club,

Lancing Drive.


Brian Welsh Branch Secretary Liverpool PRA Approved: 


Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you: Attached:


2. PARAS’10 Roman Rampage Flyer



Liverpool Veterans to mark 80th anniversary of D-Day














































On Sunday, 9 June, at 1 pm, up to 1,000 veterans accompanied by two bands will march through the city from Copperas Hill, along Hanover Street, arriving at the Royal Albert Dock at 1.30pm.

Prayers will once again be read by Reverend Canon Dr Crispin Pailing and Liverpool’s Armed Forces Champion Cllr Christine Banks will read the national D-Day tribute.



















Route 1.2 miles Approx 20-25 mins •


Muster Point – Copperas Hill • Ranelagh St • Hanover St • Paradise St • Strand St • Salthouse Quay.


The Parade will be in 2 Contingents.


Marching Participants
Contingent One:

The Band of The Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment, accompanied by the Band of the Royal Artillery.

  • RBL and Contingent Standards.

  • Royal Naval Association (HMS Eaglet Old &Bold)

  • Merchant Navy Assc

  • Royal Marine Regimental Assc (Commando)

  • Duke of Lancaster’s Regimental Assoc including The Kings Regt Assc

  • Royal Artillery Regimental Ass (Gunners)

  • Royal Signals Regimental Assc

  • Royal Tank Regiment Assc (Armoured Division)

  • Royal Corps of Transport (now The Royal Logistics Corps) Assc

  •  208 Field Hospital, RAMC, QARANC Associations

  •  Lancashire Fusiliers, Royal Regiment of Fusiliers Assc

  • Blue Light Services (Police, Fire, Ambulance)

There will be NO contingent leads. Everyone will form as One column, shoulder to shoulder, irrespective of Regiment, Cap badge or Rank.


Marching Participants

Contingent Two:

Massed Pipes and Drums (60 Plus)

  • Contingent Standards.

  • Irish Guards Regimental Assc and Footguards Assc, (Household Div)

  • Liverpool Scottish Regt Assc (Scots Div)

  • The Parachute Regimental Assc. (Airborne Div)

  • Royal Green Jackets Regimental Association and Rifles Association (Light Div)

  • Royal Irish Rangers (Royal Irish) Regimental Assc

  • Royal Air Force Assc.


There will be NO contingent leads. Everyone will form as One column, shoulder to shoulder, irrespective of Regiment, Cap badge or Rank.


To conclude the parade:

A Drumhead Service will be outside the old Granada Studios building on Salthouse Dock.


All Parachute Regiment & Airborne Forces family and friends are welcome for drinks afterwards at Lady of Mann, Dale Street.


D DAY 80.jpg

The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
President: -

(Temporarily Vacant)

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


The Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch  - April Minutes.


Date: Tuesday 2nd April 2024 minutes

27 members were present at the meeting.

The Branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs

Apologies for the absence:
Joe Harkon, Neil Platt, Roy Bevan, Tony Woods, Wally Thorburn, Danny Hart, Barry Bruce, Stan Fortune, Billy Young, Chris Baines, Tom McCormick, Eddie Jones, Mike Melia. Ken Barney, Tom Barney, Pete Smedley

Minutes of the Previous Meeting:

The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Waddy and seconded by Bobby Hamblett.


Matters Arising: N/A


Visitors/new members: N/A


Welfare report:

Bruce provided feedback from his visit with Barry Bruce and members wish him well. Barry remains in Aintree Hospital in ward 8 awaiting a MRI scan.


Ken Barney was unable to attend today but forwarded the welfare of updates he collected to Brian Welsh to report back on his notes.


It is important to remember that if members require additional support it is available through the branch where we can contact the Regimental Welfare Team who are trained to deal with a variety of issues and cases that are more complex.


Chairs Report:

Bruce opened the minutes with our minutes’ silence and added a prayer for our lost friend Jake Barney. Branch members sent our deepest condolences to the Barney Family.


At the next branch meeting on 7th May 2024, Liverpool PRA AGM will be held. The committee members currently in place at present will be standing to retain their respective, Chair, Treasurer and Secretary positions.


Those wishing to apply for any of the committee positions should make their request to the branch secretary in writing before the AGM.


There is also a vacant position open for nomination: President of Liverpool PRA.


Bruce gave huge thanks on behalf of the branch to Mick Coleman.


Mick has been solely responsible for the upgrading and renovation of the Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces Memorial Stone at St John's Gardens.






















Mick has also personally paid for the costs of this work, which is hugely appreciated by the branch.


As mentioned in previous minutes, Bruce is holding two books on NI and Afghanistan which have been handed down to him from Albert Owen MBE, EX-PARA.


Albert is currently the keeper of the gardens in Belfast and Bruce has previously made and presented him with a walking stick. If members would like to sign the books out from Bruce and return them when read, please contact Bruce directly.


Secretary's Report:

Roy Bevans Altcar Tour, Part 2 has been postponed due to Jake Barney's funeral falling on the same date.

As soon as Roy confirms a revised date he will let the branch know.


Dave Reynolds (Author) has produced a new book on the official history of Airborne Forces in Afghanistan for 20 years, commencing from Kabul 2021 (2 PARA) up to Operation Pitting in 2021.


Further details on purchasing this limited edition can be found on the attached PRAHQ April Newsletter.


The D-Day 80 parade is the only one in the North West to date and ALL veteran’s associations are encouraged to have a large turnout for the parade. Details of the parade are attached.


All association members, friends and colleagues need to spread the word and attend on the day.


Details of the Parade are on Appendix A and will also be shared through our Facebook, WhatsApp and website.


Before the parade members will congregate at St John's Gardens to pay respects to the fallen at our Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces memorial stone.


The 2023 Pegasus Annual yearbook is due for release, those wishing to purchase will find details within the PRAHQ Newsletter.


Treasurers Report:

The Just Giving page for the new standard and Memorial Stone is now live for members to use and share across their networks and we need to advertise our Just Giving page as wide as possible to gain as much coverage as possible. Please share our Just Giving page at:


Payments can also be made directly to our bank account below:


Sort Code: 23-05-80

Account Number: 44716631

Ref: Your name & standard.


Payments can also be made by cheque, made payable to ‘Liverpool Branch PRA’  


It has been confirmed by Joe Hardicker that a North West Regional Treasurer has been confirmed. Further details to follow.


Sadly, Bolton PRA has agreed to fold and will not be an established PRA any further.


There are still several Liverpool PRA members yet to pay subs for 2024.

Please contact Brian Blanchard or pay via BACS/Cheque using the bank details above.


Events sub-committee The cuisine night at Churassco was very well attended and members raised a glass to our departed friend Jake Barney RIP.


Jake's funeral will be held on Friday 12th April at 12.00 at Springwood Crematorium. Regimental ties should be worn as a sign of respect to Jake and the Barney family due to the families’ long association with the Parachute Regiment and Armed Forces.


Those wishing to attend the Regimental Commemoration Service & PRA AGM must inform the Branch Secretary,


It is expected the minibus will leave the Conservative Club, Lancing Drive at approx. 08.00 on 6th July. Branch Standard should be available.































A proposal was put forward to consider the use of the Conservative Club, lancing Drive to hold the Liverpool PRA Christmas doo.


Branch members must confirm which venue we would like at the May meeting between Adelphi, Mercure, Seamans Club (Waddy to look into) or Conservative Club (or indeed any final options)


Close of Meeting:
The Branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs

The date of the next meeting is Tuesday 7th May 2024 at 20.00hrs

Aintree Conservative Club,

Lancing Drive.
Merseyside L10 8LN


Brian Welsh
Branch Secretary Liverpool PRA
Approved: Branch Chair Signature:



The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
President: -

(Temporarily Vacant)

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


The Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch  - March Minutes.

34 members were present at the meeting.

The Branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs.

Apologies for absence:
Joe Harkon, Neil Platt, Roy Bevan, Tony Woods, Wally Thorburn, Danny Hart, Barry Bruce, Stan Fortune, Billy Young, Chris Baines, Tom McCormick, Billy Melia. Eddie Jones.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting:
The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Waddy and seconded by Pete O’Brien.

Matters Arising:
Tommy Barney, after speaking to Billy Flynn proposed that the branch try to consider if possible, to support Barry Bruce getting to Arnhem for the 80th Anniversary.
Members will review the proposal and further discussions will take place at the next meeting.

Confirmation that the donation to the Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces Memorial Gardens has been made and gratefully received and confirmed by Tommy Simpson.

Visitors/new members:
The branch welcomed Andy Roach (Cocker) who joined 4 PARA in 1979 and served his time in Support Company, Mortar Platoon.

Welfare report:
Bruce Cargill provided feedback from his regular contact with members who cannot get to branch meetings and reminded them that members are thinking of them and to pass on our best wishes.


Barry Bruce is currently in Broadgreen Hospital (Ward 5) if anybody is available to visit him it would be much appreciated.


Bruce provided a detailed rationale and reason for members to get a prostrate test, It’s a simple process that all members (who fit the age profile) should consider.


It is important to remember that if members require additional support it is available through the branch where we can contact the Regimental Welfare Team who are trained to deal with a variety of issues and cases that are more complex.


Chairs Report:
It was confirmed that from the next meeting, Ken Barney will take back the role of Welfare Officer from Bruce, who has provided excellent service to the branch and maintained contact with members throughout his tenure as welfare officer. The branch thanked Bruce for his commitment to the role.


Secretary's Report:

A reminder for members that Operation Courage is a service available for those serving and veterans who may be suffering mental health or well-being issues.

Individuals can contact the NHS via Operation Courage or refer a person, where a caseworker will be assigned to provide support.

Numbers to use for Operation Courage are 0300 373 3332 or


Dr Gregory Fremeont-Barnes is currently writing a book about 2 PARA whilst in the Falklands and would like to speak to any 2 or 3 PRA veterans to share some of their experiences. He can be contacted at


A reminder for those who may have booked the Fletcher Hotel, Wolfheze for their trip to Arnhem this year, The hotel is NOT available and those who have booked to stay should get in contact with them ASAP.


I remind all members to consider applying for your HM Armed Forces Veterans ID card. It is very simple to do and you will be able to use it for several local concessions this year as we celebrate several 80th anniversaries.


Go online at:


There is now free bugler support to veterans’ funerals and is available through RHQ PARA for those who have deployed on Operational tours or completed pensionable service.


The first passing out parade of the Falklands Platoon will take place on Friday 3rd May 2024 and ITC Catterick is trying to encourage as many Falkland veterans as possible to attend the parade to see the first-ever Falklands Platoon join their Battalions.


For those interested in attending please email no later than 12th April so feeding can be arranged.


Garrison WO2 Billy Jones has confirmed that the D Day80 Parade, Veterans Association's brief will take place at Crawford Hall, Mather Avenue, L18 6HF on 6th March at 18.30.


The parade is the only one in the North West to date and ALL veteran’s associations are encouraged to have a large turnout for the parade.


Treasurers Report:
The branch accounts have been verified in line with charity commission The Just Giving page for the new standard is now live for members to use and share across their networks and we need to advertise our Just Giving page as wide as possible to gain as much coverage as possible.


To date, we have received £250 donations via BACS or cash payments and £110 via our just giving page at:


Payments can also be made directly to our bank account below:

Sort Code: 23-05-80

Acc No: 44716631

Ref: Your name & standard


Payments can also be made by cheque, made payable to ‘Liverpool Branch PRA’


Events sub-committee:
Elaine Overend has planned for our branch's next foreign cuisine night. Those wishing to attend should contact Elaine directly for menu choices and payments. Meet at Bridewell beforehand for a few drinks.


Elaine also briefed members on the tours available in the City which include a slavery tour. There is no cost but donations would be gratefully received.


Confirmation from members to book the following venues:


Future events:


























Mick Coleman will be putting the final touches to the work he has been doing regarding the memorial stone in St Johns Gardens. Mick will keep us updated and is confident the plinth will be completed imminently.


The cost will be £150


Tommy Simpson who heads up the Para memorial garden can be contacted if anybody wishes to add their name to be put on a bench in the memorial gardens at


Pete O’Brien proposed that the branch support Mick Hurst’s daughter as she takes part in a charity walk to support dementia by making a branch donation.

This was supported and Pete will provide details of the payment method.


Bruce has two books he is the custodian for and will pass on to members for reading on request.


Tom Barney on behalf of the branch thanked Bruce for his outstanding work as both Chair and Welfare Officer as he passed the mantle of welfare officer back over to Ken Barney.


Close of Meeting: 

The Branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs


Date of next meeting 2nd April 2024 at 20.00hrs

Aintree Conservative Club,

Lancing Drive
Merseyside L10 8LN


Brian Welsh

Branch Secretary

Liverpool PRA Approved:



The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
President: -

(Temporarily Vacant)

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


The Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch  - February Minutes.

Date: Tuesday 6th February 2024.

Present: 36 members were present at the meeting.
Branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs

Apologies for their absence:
Joe Harkon, Neil Platt, Jim Quinn, Tony Woods, Wally Thorburn, Danny Hart, Barry Bruce, Stan Fortune, Billy Young, Chris Baines, Tom McCormick, Billy Melia.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting:
The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Waddy and seconded by Pete Smedley.

Matters Arising:
Florence McAllister reminded members that her husband, our dear friend and well-respected Arnhem vet, Joe McAllister would have been 100 years old on 7th February.

Brian Welsh reminded members that the branch agreed to donate a sum of money to the Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces memorial fund to support the excellent work the group continue to deliver. A vote was taken and the branch agreed to donate £100. Brian Welsh would inform the recipient, Tommy Simpson and confirm payment details. 

Visitors/new members:

Welfare report:
Once again Bruce rang a number of members over the last week to have a welfare chat with them and wish them all the best from the membership. It is important to remember that if members require additional support it is available through the branch where we can contact the Regimental Welfare Team who are trained to deal with a variety of issues and cases that are more complex.

Chairs Report:
There have been a few discussions for trips supported by the branch and proposals from members are welcomed. Proposals will be deliberated and approved accordingly.

Secretary's Report:
Brian Welsh received a warm thankyou to the branch and standard for our attendance at the funeral of Ray Rose (ex 1 PARA). The turnout was excellent with standing room only in the church.

Paul Raison, the PRA National Secretary, has asked for those interested in finding more information or applying for the vacant North West Regional Secretary post to contact him direct via his email:

The National Memorial Arboretum have recently produced a virtual memorial wall dedicated to Veterans and 999 employees who have succumbed to PTSD and suicide. This can be accessed online via the NMA website where individuals can upload photos of their lost friends and family, by clicking here

Garrison WO2 Billy Jones to confirm has confirmed that the D Day80 Parade, Veterans Associations brief will take place at Crawford Hall, Mather Avenue, L18 6HF on 6th March at 18.30.

Treasurers Report:
Brian Blanchard confirmed the final sizings for the branch standard and that work will be completed between 6-8 weeks The Just Giving page is now live for members to use and share across their own networks and we need to advertise our Just Giving page as wide as possible to gain as much coverage as possible.

Payments can also be made direct to our bank account below:
Sort Code: 23-05-80
Acc No: 44716631 Ref: .
Name standard Payments can also be made by cheque, made payable to ‘Liverpool Branch PRA’
The Just giving page details are: (

"We're raising £2000 to raise money for replacement of Regimental Flag (PRA Liverpool branch) and new Battle Honour Scroll. Our existing Flag and Scroll are 20 years old and are looking very worn.
Also to raise money for a stone plinth of 3ft high in stone for our memorial plaque in St John's gardens to raise it out of the vegetation and to have the stone inscribed with Para Regiment Cap badge and Pegasus badge "Utrinque Paratus".

Events sub-committee:
Elaine Overend has planned for our branches next foreign cuisine night. Those wishing to attend should contact Elaine direct for menu choice and payments. Meet at Bridewell beforehand for a few drinks.

Elaine also briefed members on the tours available in the City which include a slavery tour. There is no cost but donations would be gratefully received. All monies raised will go towards a proposed monument in the City.
Please provide Elaine with your preferred dates from: 21st or 28th April 2024 and she will come back with confirmed date and timings.

Confirmation from members to book the following venues:

Armed Forces day – Mercure Hotel

PRA Annual Church Service – Mercure Hotel

Remembrance Sunday – Lady of Mann

D Day80 Commemoration – Bar above Tess Rileys (To Be Confirmed)





















Brian Jenkins was the winner of this week’s spot the ball, Jim O’Connell very kindly brought several Pegasus Bridge commemorative coins into the branch for sale for £5.00 each. All monies raised will go towards the cost of the new branch standards. Anybody wishing to purchase a coin should contact Jim directly.


Roy Bevan thanked both Elaine Overend and Brian Welsh for continuing to raise money for the Army Benevolent Fund.


Pete Smedley informed the branch of a Parachute Regiment Veteran, Mike Davies, who is in a home on the Wirral and if anybody was available to visit to let Pete know and he can provide more details


Close of Meeting:
The Branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs


Date of the next meeting 5 th March 2024 at 20.00hrs

Aintree Conservative Club,

Lancing Drive.



Brian Welsh Branch Secretary Liverpool PRA




The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
President: -

(Temporarily Vacant)

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


The Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch  - January Minutes.

Date: Tuesday 9th January 2024


34 members were present at the meeting.


The Branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs.


Apologies for their absence:
Joe Harkon. 
Neil Platt, Ken Barney, Tony Woods, Wally Thorburn, Danny Hart, Barry Bruce, Stan Fortune, Claire McCauley, Kevin Hughes, Phil McCauley,


Minutes of the Previous Meeting:

The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Waddy and seconded by Bobby Hamblett


Matters Arising:


Visitors/new members:
Ian McKelvey Served with 4 PARA, A Coy 1988-91. Ian was welcomed into the branch by members.


Welfare report:
Once again Bruce rang several members over the last week to have a welfare chat with them and wish them all the best from the membership. It was great to have our old mate Alan Coppell attend the meeting after a while. Alan looked great and had a great time chatting to a few of the lads. We hope to see Alan again very soon.


Phil McCauley has injured his back after a fall from his bike and we wish him a speedy recovery.


It is important to remember that if members require additional support it is available through the branch where we can contact the Regimental Welfare Team who are trained to deal with a variety of issues and cases that are more complex.


Ken Barney said he will support the welfare role and Brian Welsh will forward Ken the members' contact list so he can contact members as part of his role.


Chairs Report:

There have been a few discussions for trips supported by the branch and proposals from members are welcomed. Proposals will be deliberated and approved accordingly. The good news is that we now have access to affordable transport in the form of minibuses via Alfie Brennan’s contacts.


A special thanks go out from the branch to Regimental HQ and Support Our Paras for providing 5 Christmas hampers to our members.


Secretary's Report:

A request to the branch from the family of Ray Rose (ex 1 PARA) to ask if there are any members and standard bearers available to attend his funeral on 12th January at 11.45 at Our Lady’s & The English Martyrs, School Lane, L21 7LX.


Notification has been made for the vacant position of Regional PRA Secretary. Those wishing to be considered for the role please contact Veterans Officer Paul Raison at


Those who would like to receive the Annual Pegasus yearbook can register online and pay an annual subscription. Further information can be found in the PAHQ January newsletter attached to these minutes.


Support Our Paras successfully delivered 300 Christmas hampers to PRA members, their families and friends.


Brian Welsh is taking part in the Scotland Coast to Coast event this September. This will be a charity event to raise money for the Army Benevolent Fund and Support Our Paras. A just-giving page will be opened soon for those wishing to support his charities.


Brian Welsh will contact WO2 Billy Jones to confirm what events will be taking place in Liverpool for the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings.


Treasurers Report:

As part of the rules associated with financial regulations and Charity Commission procedures, Brian Blanchard requested one of our members to verify the branch's annual accounts before submission to the Charity Commission. Brian thanked Mick Coleman for volunteering for this task.


The Company (Flying Colours) who are making our new standard have been given the go-ahead from the branch after providing costs associated with the work.


A reminder for members that is the new year and as such subs for 2024 are required. The cost remains at £30.00 per year. Elaine Overend will update our Facebook page with the banking details for payment.


Bank details are:
Sort Code: 23-05-80
Account Number: 44716631
Ref: Your name - subs 2024


Events sub-committee:

Elaine Overend is planning for our branch's next foreign cuisine night.


The dates proposed are either the 13th or 20th of March 2024 at Pierre Bistro or any other venue we agree on. However, confirmation of the venue and cost will be determined in February's meeting. Elaine asked for those wishing to go, to bring a deposit in February and/or confirm their wish to attend.


Elaine also briefed members on the tours available in the City which include a slavery tour. There is no cost but donations would be gratefully received. All monies raised will go 4 towards a proposed monument in the City. Dates will be available at February's meeting.


Elaine updated members on the Sean Pullen case and has confirmed the trial will take place at Liverpool Crown Courts from March 2024 and will keep members updated on the outcomes of the case.


It was identified that many members sometimes find it difficult to attend anniversaries such as D-day and Arnhem. It was suggested that if we would like to attend such events then consideration should be made to visiting away from the core dates in June and September respectfully. This way costs and availability of accommodation are easier to source and costs are more affordable.


Future events:












14-17 March, 1 Para Reunion Blackpool      


15-17 March, 2 Para Reunion Blackpool


22-24 March, 3 Para Reunion Blackpool


27th April  4 Para Reunion Leeds (Hilton Hotel, Leeds Central)


Frank Boyle reminded members that this year is the 50th anniversary of Exercise Bold Guard which took place in September 1974, where A Company, 4 PARA lost Eddie Beach along with four 15 PARA soldiers and an Officer cadet from Heriot-Watt University who also died. Franks proposed that it would be fitting for the branch to hold a small informal ceremony at Eddie's grave and provide a buffet back at the club to commemorate his memory.

The date proposed was Saturday 14th September.


Five members voted unanimously in favour of Franks' proposal and Brian Welsh will contact 4 PARA for their support. Tom Dempsey provided a brief of the excellent work Tommy Simpson has undertaken regarding the Airborne Statue in Aldershot and a recent shelter at the Aldershot Military Cemetery along with many memorial plaques he has had placed on benches in the cemetery. Tom proposed that our branch donate to the memorial fund which was agreed by the branch and a donation will be made accordingly.


Bruce Cargill provided and cooked a Pot Supper at the December meeting and informed members that the meat was donated by K&K Meats for free, members would like to pass on our many thanks for the kind donation.


The date of the next meeting is 6th February 2024 at 20.00hrs
Aintree Conservative Club,
Lancing Drive.


Closed Meeting:
The Branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs.


Brian Welsh Branch Secretary Liverpool PRA Approved:

Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:





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