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The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
President: -

(Temporarily Vacant)

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


The Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch  - December Minutes.

Date: Tuesday 5th December 2023


Present: 36 members were present at the meeting.


The Branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs


Apologies for the absence: Joe Harkon, Neil Platt, Ken Barney, Tony Woods, Wally Thorburn, Danny Hart, Barry Bruce, Flo McAllister, and Stan Fortune


Minutes of the Previous Meeting:

The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Dave Woodray and seconded by Waddy.


Matters Arising: None.


Visitors/new members: None.


Welfare report: 
Once again Bruce rang several members over the last week to have a welfare chat with them and wish them all the best from the membership.


It is important to remember that if members require additional support it is available through the branch where we can contact the Regimental Welfare Team who are trained to deal with a variety of issues and cases that are more complex. It is also important for members to remain in contact with those who can’t make it to the meetings. It’s amazing what a simple phone call or a quick coffee can do to raise the emotional and physical well-being of our old friends and colleagues. So many of our branch members continue to engage with older and less able veterans which is fantastic.


Chairs Report:
Bruce thanked all of those members, families and friends who attended events organised by our PRA throughout 2023 and that our Annual Christmas Dinner at 30 James Street was a stunning success.
Thanks from the branch went to Elaine Overend and Tom Barney for organising and delivering an excellent event. A great turnout with 60 attendees Bruce also prepared a stew for this evening's event which went down extremely well.


Secretary's Report:
Christmas Hampers 2023 ‘Support our Paras’, The Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces Charity, will be providing Christmas hampers again this year, to be distributed to proven ex-Airborne soldiers or widows/ partners in need. They do not have to be members of the Parachute Regimental Association. Brian Welsh confirmed the names of those nominated by Liverpool PRA and forwarded a request for 5 hampers to PRAHQ


An action, from a previous meeting was for consideration to be given to holding the Annual 4 PARA reunion to Blackpool in line with 1, 2 and 3 PARAS events. Brian Welsh spoke to Lt Col Dave McCauley and please accept a brief outline of the contents of our comms: 3 The 4 PARA reunion (4 PARA club) was set up several years ago and the first meeting was held in Blackpool in line with other Battalions. However, the turnout was pretty average and nobody was prepared to stay overnight, compared to other Battalions who make a weekend out of their reunions.


It was then agreed to try and hold the annual event at old Company locations (Liverpool, Manchester, Lincoln, Leeds and Newcastle)


Over several years of holding the event at different locations, consultation took place and an agreement was reached where Leeds was identified as the most appropriate location to hold the event. The key factors in this decision were that geographically it is in the centre of the old 4 PARA locations, train and motorway links are very good and travel distance for all locations is somewhat equal. (accepting the HQ is on the doorstep).


4 PARA held an excellent event in Leeds during 2023 with the Hotel providing outstanding food for a very reasonable price. There are numerous great pubs and bars nearby the venue and the train station is within ‘staggering distance’.


The cost is being kept down again for 2024 and the Battalion hope Liverpool PRA, serving soldiers, families and friends can attend the event on Saturday 27th April 2024.


As discussed in the meeting, the desire from the branch due to the large number of 4 PARA veterans is to endeavour to book several minibuses to support the event in 2024. This being said the same facility must be available for branch members wishing to attend any of the Regimental Annual Reunions.


Treasurers Report:

Brian Blanchard offered his apologies for the meeting as he is on holiday.


Events sub-committee:

Those who attended the Christmas Dinner and have yet to pay Elaine, please send your payment via BACS to:

£50.00 per ticket for non-members

£40.00 per ticket for paid-up members and 1 guest

Account Name: Anne Elaine Maria Overend

Sort Code: 40-40-07

Account No: 71336827

Ref: Xmas dinner. 


Future events












March 14-17 1 Para Reunion Blackpool                                  


March 15-17 2 Para Reunion Blackpool


March 22-24 3 Para Reunion Blackpool


April 27th 4 Para Reunion Leeds                          (Hilton Hotel, Leeds Central)


£325 was raised during the Christmas Dinner raffle and after giving the bar staff a tip of £50.00 the branch had a remaining balance of £275 which has gratefully been donated to the branch account.


Elaine Overend informed the branch that an early booking for 30 James St for Christmas dinner in 2024 should be agreed upon as early as possible in forth coming year 2024, to enable us to secure the event. A vote will be taken on the venue location once options have been proposed, but no later than February 2024.


It was suggested by Pete O’Brien that we should look at booking a disco for the 2024 Christmas dinner event. This will be reviewed and options fed back to members in 2024.


Thanks from the branch to Brian Jenkins for bringing in and donating drinks to support our last meeting of the year.


Thanks also go to Bruce for preparing a sumptuous 'range stew' for members with crusty bread.


Thanks to Frank Boyle who won the 'spot the ball' and very kindly donated his winnings to the branch to support the cost of the food for the evening.


Date of next meeting:

9th January 2024 at 20.00hrs.
Aintree Conservative Club, Lancing Drive.


The close of meeting:
The Branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs.
Brian Welsh Branch Secretary.
Liverpool PRA Approved:


Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:

Attached: 1. PRAHQ monthly newsletter December 2024



​The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
President: -

(Temporarily Vacant)

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


The Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch  - November Minutes.

Date: Tuesday 7th November 2023

Present: 38 members were present at the meeting.

The Branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs

Apologies for the absence: Joe Harkon, Neil Platt, Ian Whiteside, Kev Hughes, Steve Gray, Ken Barney, Tony Woods, Wally Thorburn, Danny Hart, Barry Bruce, Vic Southern, Billy Melia, Elaine Overend, Matt Scott, Paul Hennessey.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting: The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Mick Moore and seconded by Waddy.

Matters Arising: None.

Visitors/new members: Mick Moore ex 4 PARA and Phill Simpson ex 3 PARA.

Welfare report: Once again Bruce rang a number of members over the last week to have a welfare chat with them and wish them all the best from the membership. Ken Barney is out of the hospital and doing his best to get around on his airborne walker. The branch wishes him a speedy recovery to enable him to return to the branch meetings and events.

Bruce Cargill and Ozzy visited Barry Bruce at Whiston Hospital and had a good chat with him. He is unable to talk much due to his condition and welcomes visitors. His mobile no is 07852898923. He is on Bevan Court and visiting is between 10 am – 7 pm, but timings are very flexible.

It is important to remember that if members require additional support it is available through the branch where we can contact the Regimental Welfare Team who are trained to deal with a variety of issues and cases that are more complex.

Chairs Report: Bruce thanked all of those members, families and friends who attended the Annual PRA church service at St Nick's in October. The day went very well and with support from St Marys College Combined Cadet Force it is always great to mix the old with the young.

During the Remembrance weekend, 11th and 12th November, members attending any of the events should remain vigilant and maintain as far as reasonably practicable, patience with any protestors or unrest interrupting Armistice commemorations or Remembrance Parades.

Secretary's Report: Remembrance Sunday (Liverpool)
There will be three events this year to mark the Remembrance period:

Event 1 – Fri 10 Nov 23 – There will be a short ceremony at 11.00 am, outside Walker House where there are two memorials, the Cotton Association War Memorial and the very poignant Exchange Newsroom War Memorial dedicated to the 26 Newsmen or Sons of Newsmen of Liverpool Exchange who gave their lives during the first world war ( 1914 - 1918 ). Veterans and the general public can attend and should gather from 10.30am.

Event 2 – Sat 11 Nov 23 – On Armistice Day itself a ceremony will be held at the Cenotaph on St Georges Plateau commencing at 10.00 am. Pipes and drums will be played before the ceremony. Sentries will be posted on the Cenotaph at 10.30 am with the Service and Act of Remembrance taking place at 10.55 am for 11.00 am.

Event 3 - Remembrance Sun 12 Nov 23 - Security is being provided by Merseyside Police assisted by members of the Royal Military Police.

The details regarding Liverpool PRA are:
0930 - Muster on Lime Street outside the station near the Crown Hotel.
1000 - Parade Sergeant Major (WO2 Billy Jones) to brief Veterans.
1005 -Cenotaph sentries to march off.
1007 - Liverpool PRA to form up behind the Irish Guards (14 in order of march) FOUR abreast on the ‘yellow brick road’ facing Lime St Station.
1010 - PRA to step off along Lime St, turn onto St Georges Plateau.
1050 - Civic Service commences
1130 - All participants march off the Plateau and then march along Lime Street, saluting the Cenotaph as we pass. 1140 - PRA Halt and Fall out in St Johns Lane.
1200 - PRA reform in St Johns Gardens around the gardens to our memorial stone.
1210 - PRA Reflection and Remembrance at our memorial stone.

All members are then invited to make their way to the Lady of Mann, Dale St (Behind Rigbys) where we will have our own bar, which will open at 1 pm, and where a light buffet will be served.

Veterans with Mobility Issues – Each Regimental Association has been issued with 4 passes for veterans to access reserved seating on the steps of St Georges Hall. Carers will also require one of these passes. The seating is at the southern end of the steps (near where the PRA will be standing during the service but access to the steps will be at the northern end of the plateau near the Steble Fountain.

PLEASE NOTE: THESE TICKETS GIVE ACCESS TO THE STEPS SEATING ONLY AND DO NOT ALLOW ACCESS TO ST GEORGES HALL ITSELF. Access will be STRICTLY controlled by the RMP. Ticketholders must take their seats by 10.30 am after this time access will be refused. Those who have already been identified as qualifying for tickets can be obtained from the Branch Secretary at the next PRA meeting on 7th November or at the RV point on the morning of 12th at the Crown Pub, Lime St from 09.30 am.


Christmas Hampers 2023 ‘Support our Paras’,

The Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces Charity will be providing Christmas hampers again this year, to be distributed to proven ex-Airborne soldiers or widows/ partners in need. They do not have to be members of the Parachute Regimental Association.

Brian Welsh will confirm the names of those nominated by Liverpool PRA at the next branch meeting as returns need to be returned to PRAHQ no later than 8th December.

The key point to remember for members is that the Annual Christmas Dinner will be held on 1st December, so there will be no PRA meetings until after this event.

It was extremely good to see Liverpool PRA splashed across 3 pages of the PRAHQ Monthly newsletter regarding our church service this year. Our thanks to Maj (retd) Roy Bevan for providing the photographs.

Unclaimed Pensions.
Members are asked to check if they are owed a cash windfall and go to the website detailed below for assistance. Those serving after April 1975 and now aged 60 or over could have unclaimed money but stressed they may need to apply as awards may not be made automatically.

Treasurer's Report:
rian Blanchard updated members with current account balances and the full account details.


Remembrance Day details for the Lady of Mann have been confirmed and tea and coffee will be available as members arrive at the pub. Buffet lunch will be served in one sitting from 13.30. Members and their families will be served first and others attending should not attend the buffet until afterwards.


Brian B has enquired with a reputable company with a Royal Warrant regarding costs for a new standard and sash;

The Standard £395

Sash £250


With VAT and delivery, the final cost would be £789


Acceptance of the costs was put to the branch for a vote, which was unanimous in favour. The job will now be approved and may take a few months due to workload from the company, Flags Unlimited.


Discussions continued regarding the purchase and laying of stone plinths for the Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces memorial stone in St Johns Gardens, Liverpool. Provisional costs so far have highlighted approx. £250 for a Portland Stone 3’ plinth. However, other options have been explored for black marble and other options, but it is clear that if members wish to incorporate a plinth, realistically cost would be in the region of £1000.


This is not a definite proposal at this stage and Jim O’Connell proposed that as long as the memorial is looked after regularly, the lettering, Pegasus and the PARA REG cap badge should be refreshed by re-painting in original colours.
















In conclusion, there remains some further exploration of options before any proposal is made. This will remain a standing agenda item for future meetings.


The branch ordered fifty 2024 diaries at a cost of £5.00 each. We have some over and Brian Welsh will ask NW branches if they would like to purchase any.


Events sub-committee:
Those wishing to purchase Christmas Dinner tickets need to send their names to Elaine Overend with a payment of £40.00 per ticket. This includes a £10 concession for paid-up members and 1 guest.


Elaine updated members on the costs for the Christmas Dinner. The cost for paid-up members and a guest is £40pp. The cost for everyone else is £40pp and payments must be made via BACS to:


Acc Name: Anne Elaine Maria Overend

Sort Code: 40-40-07 Acc No: 71336827

Ref: Xmas dinner




A gentle reminder to those attending the Christmas dinner that if you have any spare bottles of booze or haberdashery that would be a good gift for someone, please bring to the dinner so we can raffle off and raise some funds for an array of branch activities in 2024.


A proposal was made to organise some sandwiches and to drop the big screen so we can celebrate the last branch meeting of 2023 at the next meeting on 5th December. This was agreed, so anybody with old photos please bring them in on a memory stick if possible and we will show them on the big screen.


Bruce will take ownership of providing sandwiches for the night.


Future events




















March 14-17 1 Para Reunion Blackpool   


March 15-17 2 Para Reunion Blackpool


March 22-24 3 Para Reunion Blackpool


Date TBC 4 Para Reunion Normally Leeds

Brian Welsh will contact NWPRA to discuss if future 4 PARA Annual reunions can also be held at Blackpool.


AOB Tom Barney asked for confirmation of the purchase of PRA medals and asked if Jo Cox had been invited to our Christmas Dinner. B Welsh confirmed both issues are being covered and ongoing.


Date of next meeting 5 th December 2023 at 20.00hrs
Aintree Conservative Club,
Lancing Drive.


Close of Meeting:
The Branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs
Brian Welsh Branch Secretary Liverpool PRA Approved:

Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:




Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg


The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
President: -

(Temporarily Vacant)

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


The Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch  - October Minutes.

Date: Tuesday 3rd October 2023


Present: 35 members were present at the meeting. The Branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs


Apologies for absence: Joe Harkon, Neil Platt, Ian Whiteside, Kev Hughes, Steve Gray, Jim Quinn, Ken Barney, Tony Woods, Wally Thorburn, Danny Hart and Barry Bruce.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting:

The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Waddy and seconded by Frank Boyle


Matters Arising: 


Visitors/new members: 


Welfare report:
Once again Bruce rang over 10 members over the last week to have a welfare chat with them and wish them all the best from the membership. It is important to remember that if members require additional support it is available through the branch where we can contact the Regimental Welfare Team who are trained to deal with a variety of issues and cases that are more complex.


Ken Barney has been in hospital now for ten weeks and the branch wishes him well with a speedy recovery and looks forward to seeing him back at the branch meetings.


Barry Bruce is fighting his corner with his cancer and is up and about as much as possible, the branch sends Barry their best wishes and hopes he can get to a branch meeting in the near future.


Chairs Report:
Bruce provided an update on his own health and confirmed that his prostrate treatment has now been successfully concluded. Bruce provided an update of his history and how he became aware of his prostate cancer and emphasised that even though people may have no symptoms, they should seriously consider a prostrate a check-up and test. Bruce told members about his recent freefall parachute jump from 15,00ft with his daughter, for charity. Members congratulated Bruce and his daughter for their fantastic achievement. Both Claire McCauley and John Dunbar attended tonight’s meeting for the first time as honourary members and received a round of applause from fellow members


Secretary's Report:
There have been discussions nationally around the future of Veterans associations and how numbers are dropping across the UK. There are many reasons for this, but it is vitally important for members to urge friends, colleagues and family members who have served in the Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces to sign up for and be part of the RA family. The key factors apply across the country in that, if you do not use it, you will lose it.


To help PRAHQ gather information on gathering information on branch activity I have created a short survey based on the Aldershot branch’s questions for members to complete.


I will provide the survey link via email to all members to complete over the next week and will also share it on our Facebook page and website.


The questions include;

1. What initiatives have increased Branch Membership?

2. What initiatives have increased Branch Attendance?

3. What is popular with your Members?

4. To Branches with younger Members… how do you attract them?

5. To Branches with serving Soldiers… how do you attract them?

6. Any other advice?


Your experiences and views are important and vital to the future success of the PRA.


Christmas Hampers 2023 ‘Support our Paras’,


The Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces Charity will be providing Christmas hampers again this year, to be distributed to proven ex-Airborne soldiers or widows/ partners in need. They do not have to be members of the Parachute Regimental Association.


Our intent is that these hampers assist those alone or in need at Christmas time; they are not to thank people for work done or services rendered.


I will be accepting nominations from members over the next few weeks and confirm nominations during our November branch meeting.


Remembrance Sunday
It is confirmed that the four tickets available during the Liverpool Remembrance Service on 12th November 23 have been taken and the recipients are:


Tom McCormack Billy Melia Ken Barney and Tom Barney supporting.


A briefing will be held for Branch Chairs and Secretary’s from WO2 Billy Jones, Garrison SGT Major on 25th October 23 regarding the format for the commemoration service and parade.


The Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces Remembrance Service will be held at 1100hrs on Friday 10 November 2023 at St Lawrence Jewry, Guildhall Yard, London, EC2V 5AA. This Service is open to all members of the Regiment and the wider Regimental family who are encouraged to attend. The Remembrance Service is being held to commemorate those members of The Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces who died in service and those who have died on operations.


Should you wish to attend please complete and return the proforma attached to these minutes to Alice Holland no later than Friday 3 November 2023. Alice can be contacted at 0300 159 7062 or by email to:


The Service will be followed by a reception where a light snack and refreshments will be provided, funded by the Parachute and Airborne Forces Charity.


Treasurers Report:

Brian Blanchard updated members with current account balances and the full account details.


Remembrance Day details for the Lady of Mann have been confirmed and tea and coffee will be available as members arrive at the pub. Buffet lunch will be served in one sitting from 13.30. Members and their families will be served first and others attending should not attend the buffet until afterwards.


Brian B has enquired with a company regarding a new standard. He has taken photographs and will provide those images to the company so they can provide the costs. Consideration has been made to producing a Just Giving page to support the cost of new standards for the branch as it is used extensively on request for formal non-branch events.


The branch has ordered fifty 2024 diaries which will be for sale at Novembers branch meeting at a cost of £5.00 each.


Events sub-committee:

The cost of Christmas Dinner tickets was discussed in detail with a wide range of views and considerations made with regard to the provision of subsidies for members and guests.


A vote was taken and agreed by the branch that a subsidy of £10 per paid-up branch member plus the same subsidy for 1 guest.


A proposal was made to organise a fundraising night at the Conny Club in February 2025. This may be a race night or other similar type of event and Elaine Overend will explore options with Tom Barney and any other willing members.


Future events:
The PRA annual church service is on 22nd October and members should make their best effort to attend. The branch will also be formally presenting Col Joe Harkon with his statute during the service. Drinks and refreshments will be held afterwards at the Mercure Hotel, facing St Nicks's Church.


Elaine updated members on the costs for the Christmas Dinner. The cost for paid-up members and guests is £30pp. The cost for everyone else is £40pp and payments must be made via BACS to:

Acc Name: Anne Elaine Maria Overend

Sort Code: 40-40-07

Acc No: 71336827 Ref: Xmas dinner















Frank Boyle suggested a light buffet and drink for members’ families and friends after the final branch meeting of 2023 on 5th December. He will enquire with the club to look at costs and venue availability.


Brian Welsh was handed a memory stick from Pete O’Brien with an array of photographs from Grace Road. Brian W will bring his laptop into the next branch meeting and if anybody wishes a copy of the photos, please bring a memory stick in and they can be transferred to you.


Paul Hennesy thanked those members for attending the church service with the Mayor of West Lancs in Prescot last week. Well done to those who attended.


Jimmy O’Connell very kindly donated 18 IV PARA mugs to the branch. It was agreed to sell them at £5.00 each with all proceeds going to the branch account. Members thanks Jim for his very kind contribution to the branch.


Waddy mentioned the rather tired and shabby-looking airborne memorial at St Johns Gardens during the branch attendance there to commemorate Arnhem. Brian W will contact Liverpool Direct to see if the gardeners can cut the grass and prune the bushes, but if members are available to provide some TLC to the memorial stone please do so, it’s the least our fallen deserve from the Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces family.


For those looking at Arnhem 80th Anniversary clothing, please contact Alex Riley who provides some excellent products.


For those wishing to attend Arnhem 80, really think about booking travel and accommodation as soon as possible as venues are booked up already.


Date of next meeting:
7th November 2023 at 20.00hrs

Aintree Conservative Club,
Lancing Drive.


Close Meeting: The branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs


Brian Welsh Branch Secretary Liverpool PRA

Approved: Branch Chair Signature:


Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:


Attached: 1. PRAHQ monthly newsletter September 2024

Attached: 2. Airborne Forces Memorial Service 2023 attendance proform (in the newsletter)






0058-500x500 events.jpg

The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
President: -

(Temporarily Vacant)

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


The Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch  - September Minutes.




Date: Tuesday 5th September 2023:


35 members were present at the meeting.
The Branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs.


Apologies for absence:
Joe Harkon, Syd Smith, Steve Cook, Steve Gray, Jom Quinn, Claire McCauley, Joh Durband, Ken Barney, Tony Woods, Wally Thorburn, Danny Hart, Ian Whiteside, Neil Platt.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting:

The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Tom Barney and seconded by Waddy.


Matters Arising: It was agreed by the branch to admit two additional honorary members, Claire McCauley and John Dunbar. The branch wished a warm welcome to both Claire and John. Although they were both on holiday for this meeting they both expressed their gratitude to the branch and look forward to joining us on their return.


Visitors/new members: 



Welfare report:
Once again Bruce rang over 10 members over the last week to have a welfare chat with them and wish them all the best from the membership. It is important to remember that if members require additional support it is available through the branch where we can contact the Regimental Welfare Team who are trained to deal with a variety of issues and cases that are more complex.


Chairs Report:

Bruce made reference to the increase in numbers from the branch since we moved location from 33 Signals, Liverpool Road, back to our current venue. This is really good news and reminded members that it is everyone’s responsibility to encourage ex-Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces colleagues and friends to join Liverpool PRA to ensure its future. Bruce also provided an update on his own health and that he is undergoing treatment and is responding well and simply able to carry on with things.


Secretary's Report:

Arnhem 79 15-17 Sept:

For those travelling to Arnhem this year for the 79th Commemoration, the Dutch have requested that Branches register their intention to attend certain events and parade their Branch Standards.


St Nicks Church Service:

The Branch Secretary has met the Rector and agreed on the order of service. The branch will ask St Marys College CCF, who are PARA badged to support the event so we have a mix of new and old at the service. The Branch Secretary is to explore who holds the Arnhem standard and bring it to the service. Additionally, if anybody has any contacts who hold a union flag standard, please ask if we can borrow for the event or contact the branch secretary.


It was agreed to present Colonel (Ret’d) J. Harkon’s statuette at the end of the church service on 22nd October. The Branch Chair will present the statuette from branch members for his 50 years as President of the Liverpool Branch of the PRA. This will be followed by the National Anthem and Ride of the Valkyries as the standards leave the altar.


Consideration for those not attending Arnhem.

Branch members agreed to congregate at St Johns Gardens at 1100hrs on Sunday 17th September where a wreath commemorating those fallen comrades will be laid. The Branch Secretary will provide a number of small wooden crosses for those wishing to write personal messages. Afterwards, members will share a shandy or two at a local drinking establishment.


Armed Forces Champion for West Lancs, Paul Hennessey provided an update to branch members of the church service being held in Ormskirk. The Mayor of West Lancashire fully supports veterans groups and would welcome attendance from members of our branch.

Details for the church service are:

St Annes Church

1 Prescot Road,


L39 4TG Start: 14.00

Dress: Smart Casual, but prefer Berets, ties and medals (optional)


Treasurers Report:

Brian Blanchard updated members with current account balances and the full account details.


The Lady of Mann has provided us with a menu for Remembrance Sunday and we will respond next week as Brian Blanchard is planning to meet the manager of the venue. It was agreed that we would cater for 100 at a cost of £9.95 per person which includes tea and coffee on arrival at the Lady of Mann


Events sub-committee:

The cost of Christmas Dinner tickets was discussed in detail with a wide range of views and considerations made with regard to the provision of subsidies for members and guests. A vote was taken and agreed by the branch that a subsidy of £10 per paid-up branch member plus the same subsidy for 1 guest.


A further discussion was had with regard to how the branch can generate income in the future, as we only have 51 paid-up members this year (2023) at a cost of £30 per person which equates to £1,500. For the branch to continue to support our events and provide subsidies for a number of events, we have to think of ways to generate income.


A proposal was made to organise a fundraising night at the Conny Club in February 2025. This may be a race night or other similar type of event and Elaine Overend will explore options with Tom Barney and any other willing members.


Future events:















A very sporting Maroon t-shirt was modelled by Pete Smedley with PARA badges and wings embroidered onto it. If anybody would like to purchase one of them, please contact Pete directly.


Tom Barney offered to organise a barbecue at Thurstaston on Saturday 9th September at 12.00, very similar to the very successful one last year. Those wishing to attend should bring their own food and beers and ring Tom directly for further details. Date of next meeting 3 rd October 2023 at 20.00hrs Aintree Conservative Club, Lancing Drive.


Close Meeting:

The Branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs.


Brian Welsh Branch Secretary Liverpool PRA Approved:


Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you.






Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg
0058-500x500 events.jpg

The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
President: -
(Temporarily Vacant)

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


The Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch  - August Minutes.




Date: Tuesday 1st August 2023



33 members were present at the meeting. Branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs


Apologies for absence:

Joe Pettigrew, Steve Miley, Kev Hughes, Ken Barney, Tom Barney, Danny Hart, Barry Bruce, Tom McCormack, Wally Thorburn, Tony Woods, Derek Hesketh, Elaine Overend, Ian Whiteside, Neil Platt


Minutes of the Previous Meeting:

The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Waddy and seconded by Bobby Hamblet.`


Matters Arising:


Visitors/new members:


Welfare report:

Once again Bruce rang over 10 members over the last week to have a welfare chat with them and wish them all the best from the membership. It is important to remember that if members require additional support it is available through the branch where we can contact the Regimental Welfare Team who are trained to deal with a variety of issues and cases that are more complex.


Ken Barney is still in hospital and has picked up a bug which at the moment is preventing his release or should I say discharge.


Our thoughts continue to go out to Barry Bruce and his family. Barry is having a tough time with his cancer and we wish him our very best as he continues his battle.


Although Tony Woods can’t make it to our new venue, we wish to let him know that he may be out of sight, but not out of our minds. Keep well Tony.


Bruce also spoke to Allan Coppell and is going to visit him at home sometime over the coming days.


Bobby Hamblet informed the branch that his wife works for Athena Health and has made contact with two elderly PARAS, Alec Warmsley aged 89 and Alex Wilson aged 81. They are in the same room at a care home. Bob is very kindly going to visit the lads for a cuppa and a chat and will provide feedback.


Chairs Report:

Bruce provided some feedback for the recent evening meal and drinks at Pierre Bistro for members, families and friends. It was a great night with great people. Thanks must go out to Elaine Overend for all of her research, booking and managing all of the admin for the event.


During the recent PRA AGM Liverpool PRA had a good turnout and it was delightful to see one of our own, Sid (Tug) Wilson donating £17,000 to Support our PARAS Charity as part of his wishes after his death in 2022.


Members also recently attended the funeral of Roger Cox where once again we had a really good turnout. It was humbling to receive a letter from Roger’s wife, Jo passed on her sincere thanks to the branch for “the magnificent sight of the guard of honour”. Jo enclosed a donation of £100 to the branch which has been gratefully received. Branch Secretary will write back to Jo thanking her for her donation and confirm the branch invite to for her to attend the Christmas party this year.


Secretary's Report: ï‚·

War Widows Association This campaign 300 was so named because, after the successful conclusion of the Pension for Life campaign, it was thought that about 300 widows had been forced to forfeit their war widows’ pension on remarriage or cohabitation and they were not included in the new legislation.


The Trustees are fighting for these ladies to have their war widows’ pensions restored. This campaign is backed in the House of Commons by Dr Julian Lewis and in the House of Lords by PRAHQ President and Vice Presidents. If they were to divorce their current husband they would be entitled to have their pension restored. There would then be nothing to stop them remarrying and keeping that pension which is a ridiculous situation.


At the moment the Treasury is refusing to discuss restoring the pension but are looking at a proposal put forward by Ben Wallace, the Secretary of State for Defence which would give each of these ladies an ex gratia payment.


Please follow this link for information and how we can support this cause


The Not Forgotten has returned this year and is holding a complementary Garden Party for veterans and guests at Knowsley Hall, Knowsley, Prescot, L34 4AF on Wednesday 6th September from 13.00-17.00.


The Garden Parties take place whatever the weather – come rain or shine – Further information is as follows:


These events are hosted by The Not Forgotten and are complimentary for veterans and their guests. All we ask is veterans make their own travel arrangements to and from the venue.


Guests will be welcomed with a glass of Pimms or a non-alcoholic alternative. A delicious hog roast will be served followed by tea, coffee and a slice of cake.


Our new fabulous show features The Take That Experience, songs from Musicals and much more and will be hosted by the lovely Annie Riley and equally lovely Max Fox.


The Not Forgotten Flyer is attached to the minutes Brian Welsh asked Allan MacDonald if he knew of any premises which do repairs/replacements for association standards. This produced much discussion among members and Brian Welsh will research a shop on Jamaica Street as well as the RBL and Liverpool Scottish Association, as they have replaced their standard quite recently.


Treasurers Report:

Brian Blanchard updated members with current account balances and the full account details are attached to these minutes.


The branch currently has 51 paid-up members for 2023.


Events sub-committee:

Both Elaine and Tommy have sent their apologies for the non-attendance.


However, Frank Boyle provided an update regarding the Beacon Walk o 9th September. The walk is approx. 7.5k and those taking part will ascend Helms Crag in Grasmere. Those wishing to attend must contact Frank directly. Frank will provide contact details to those expressing an interest.


Future events:


See Table 1 above


















Ozzy and Bruce brought up the concerns over non-members taking advantage of buffets provided by Liverpool PRA for members and their families and guests. On a number of occasions, Liverpool PRA members have been left without food from buffets provided for them by the branch because other attendees, who have not contributed to the buffets get first in the queues. It’s absolutely fine for guests to have food but this must be after members have had their food. 


To resolve this issue – in all future events where branch members have paid for buffets, a branch member will stand at the head of the buffet to ensure branch members and their families are served first.


Pete O'Brien asked that regarding the statuette that Joe Harkon received at the PRA AGM from Liverpool PRA, could it be presented at one of our branch meetings as soon as Joe can attend.


Brian Welsh will confirm when Joe is back up in Liverpool for a branch meeting and will ask him to bring the statute up so we can present it to him from the branch. 


The branch thanked Mick Coleman for driving to the PRA AGM and NMA on 8th July.


Brian Blanchard has pictures and videos shared by members. Those wishing a copy must bring their own memory stick into the next meeting where Brian Welsh will download the documents from his laptop.


Bruce confirmed that now we have a stable location at the Cony Club, he will look towards winter, and provide occasional stew nights.


Pete Obrien asked if we could purchase some PARA Reg/Airborne Forces bunting for events. It was confirmed that Elaine Overend has a stock from last Remembrance Sunday and we will use this for future events.


Mick Coleman went to 156 Reg RLC to see if there were any PRA artefacts to pick up from their basement stores. On his arrival, he was informed that any artefacts relating to our PRA had been taken by persons unknown.


Pete Obrien asked about a plaque inscribed with those members we have lost over the years. This will be explored further.


Brian Welsh is to contact St Nicks Church to confirm the order of service for our Annual PRA Church Service on 22nd October.


Date of the next meeting:
5th September 2023 at 20.00hrs

Aintree Conservative Club,

Lancing Drive.


Close Meeting:

Branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs


Brian Welsh Branch Secretary Liverpool PRA Approved:


Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:




Not Forgotten Flyer



Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg


The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
President: -
(Temporarily Vacant)

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


The Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch  - July Minutes.



Date: Tuesday 4th July 2023

Branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs


43 members were present at the meeting.

Apologies for their absence:
Billy Barney, Danny Hart, Barry Bruce, Tony Woods. John Millican, Allan Macdonald, Brian Jenkins, Dave Woodray, Ken Barney, Stan Fortune, Wally Thorburn.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting:
The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Pete Smedley and seconded by Steve Sankey.


Matters Arising: N/A.


Visitors/new members:

Gavin Franklin introduced himself to members having served with 22 SAS and IV PARA. Members welcomed Gavin into the branch.


Welfare report:

Bruce rang over 10 members over the last week to have a welfare chat with them and wish them all the best from the membership. It is important to remember that if members require additional support it is available through the branch where we can contact the Regimental Welfare Team who are trained to deal with a variety of issues and cases that are more complex.


Tony Woods is not keen on attending our current venue and will not be coming back due to damage caused to his car whilst parked outside and he had to incur the cost of repair himself. This is very sad as Tony is our oldest member.


Brian Welsh reiterated that if members wish to contact someone to provide additional support such as a visit or take them for a coffee, if address or contact details are needed contact him in the first instance.


Chairs Report:

Bruce provided an update on branch members, family and friends attending Armed Forces Day. A really good turnout at the service and parade from branch members with an excellent venue at the Mercure Hotel (old Atlantic Tower) with good friends and good company. Many thanks go to Elaine Overend for organising the venue.


Elaine Overend asked if the branch would like to book the same venue for 2024, which was unanimously agreed.


Once again our branch travelled to attend Roger Cox’s funeral to pay last respects. Roger was an active member of the branch and he will be sadly missed. Rogers’s wife Jo, thanked the branch for our turnout and made a donation – Bruce will send details of the donation to the Branch Treasurer.


Proposal – to invite Jo to our next Christmas dinner, this was unanimously agreed upon.


There remains the search for our next Branch President, considerations are Rob Lacy (Brian Welsh has yet to contact Rob to see if he would consider the role) and Terry Stott.


Frank Boyle proposed Bruce Cargill as Branch President, however, Bruce at present is very busy to take on the role at present and may consider the role in the future.


Bruce, on behalf of the Branch, thanked Annie Boyle for arranging the sandwiches for the meeting.


Confirmation that Steve Cook and Steve Sankey are new trustees and will be added to the Branch list of trustees on the charitable website.


Secretary's Report:

NMA 8th July –

Minibus will be leaving the Conservative Club car park at 07.30, Saturday 8th July.

All those on the minibus have been informed. Car Park fees have been waived by the NMA for minibuses attending the PRA AGM


SUPPORT OUR PARAS on behalf of the Regimental Headquarters of The Parachute Regiment, is offering a limited edition run of the new King’s Crown Parachute Regiment cap badge for sale at a cost of £195. Full details and applications will be available via Due to the limited availability of these cap badges, and anticipating high demand, we will be opening a ballot for any interested party to apply for the chance to get their hands on one.


Outline for PRA AGM






















The day will start with the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the PRA. This will start at 1030hrs and is open to all PRA members only. This will take place in Oak 3, Aspect building.


An outline of events is as follows:


0945hrs Reception Open 1000hrs Venue Opens

1030hrs PRA AGM (One Hour)

1145hrs Iraq Memorial Wreath Laying (20th Anniversary)

1215hrs Service Starts

1228hrs Flypast 1315hrs PRA Parade

1345hrs PRA Photograph

1400hrs Red Devils Display

1430hrs Reception Starts


Tickets for those that have ordered lunch will be available for collection at the reception desk when booking in. Only ticket holders will have entry into the Aspect building after the service using their wristbands. Those that have not purchased tickets, can use the NMA catering facilities in the main building or bring packed lunches.


Dress PRA member’s guests in lounge suits or blazers berets and medals. Ladies as appropriate. Flat comfortable shoes are recommended due to the ground.


Parking (private vehicles) Parking should be booked in advance, by going to this link: NMA Parking. Go to book tickets/Plan your visit, insert the date and pay online. Alternatively, you can book your parking by calling 01283 245100. The cost to park all day is £4 per car (£6 if you pay on the day at reception). Blue badge holders will be able to use disabled spaces in the main car park. None badge holders can also use the main car with plenty of parking spaces, when full the overspill car park will be available to use.


Coaches/Minibuses can drop off at the designated points by the main entrance and the driver will be directed to parking areas.


For those that served with Joe Harkon, please contact Brian Welsh to allow him to review Joe’s career to provide a potted history.


Treasurers Report:

Brian Blanchard updated members with current account balances and the full account details are attached to these minutes.


The branch has been unsuccessful in our bid for lottery funding. However, Brian Blanchard will be submitting a further bid to support veterans' visit to Arnhem for the 80th anniversary of Operation Market Garden.


The branch currently has 48 paid-up members for 2023.


A presentation will be held at the branch for Joe Harkon, who served 50 years as our President.


Events sub-committee:

Tom Barney has proposed a barbecue at Thurstaston as soon as possible and with some good weather. We had one last year with a great turnout and lots of food and drinks. Once a date is agreed upon, travel details will be provided via email, WhatsApp and our Facebook page for those wishing to attend.


















Frank Boyle provided details, as Beacon Veteran Lead and as part of the Beacon Council Armed Forces Community Programme for a walk in Grasmere on 9th September. The walk is up Helm Crag, also known locally as the Lion and the Lamb which is approx. 7.5k walk. Transport would leave Liverpool at 07.00 prompt where the day will start with a hearty meal before the walk. There will be an overnight stay prior to returning to Liverpool the next day.


Interested parties should contact Frank direct.


John Dennett, who is a mere 99 years old and one of our branch's Honourary members will be awarded the British Empire Medal this week. For those wishing to attend the ceremony please speak to Elaine Overend reference timings and the venue is: Ashville Football Club Cross Lane Wallasey CH45 8RH


Future events See Table 1 above


PRAHQ future events are in the July newsletter, which will be included as an attachment with the minutes.4


Closed Meeting:
The Meeting Closed at 21.00


Date of next meeting 1st August 2023 at 20.00hrs

Aintree Conservative Club,

Lancing Drive.


Branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs Brian Welsh Branch Secretary Liverpool PRA Approved:


Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:

Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg


The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
President: -
(Temporarily Vacant)

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


The Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch  - June Minutes.



Date: Tuesday 6th June 2023:


Branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs.


29 members were present at the meeting.


Visitors/new members:


Apologies for their absence:
Joe Harkon, Kev Hughes, Brian Blanchard, Billy Barney, Alfie Brennan, Jim Quinn, Neil Platt, Alan Coppell, Alan Smedley, Billy Young, Pete Smedley, Wally Thornburn, Matty Scott, Paul Hennesey, Billy Melia, Danny Hart, James O'Connell, Alfie Brennan, Harry Dutton.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting:
The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Allan Macdonald and seconded by Waddy.


Matters Arising:
Bruce Cargill informed members of his recent diagnosis of prostate cancer. He is level 9 on the Gleeson scale. However, his doctor has stated that indeed if he looks after himself and his current condition is manageable with medication.

This prognosis is good news from Bruce’s Doctor and the branch wished him all the best and that he will remain fighting fit.


Welfare report:
Bruce rang over 10 members over the last week to have a welfare chat with them and wish them all the best from the membership. It is important to remember that where members require additional support it is available through the branch where we can contact the Regimental Welfare Team who are trained to deal with a variety of issues and cases that are more complex.


John Bresnehan is recovering well from his bicycle incident and Jim O’Connell is starting to get out a little more after COVID restrictions have prevented his physical and personal interaction with people.


Chairs Report:
At the last branch meeting on 2nd May 2023, the majority vote was in favour of moving the venue for branch meetings from our current location at Alamein Barracks to the Conservative Club, Lancing Drive, Aintree, Liverpool, L10 8LN.



Ladies and gents

In my excitement to get the minutes out as quickly as possible, due to work commitments and my holiday next week, please accept the additional information below. I will add this amendment to the minutes for file. If you wish a copy of the amended minutes please let me know and I will email you directly.


1. Liverpool PRA find ourselves in a very fortunate position as Frank Boyle is the current Beacon Veterans Lead.

Frank works across a range of veterans societies in support and development of health and wellbeing activities and he will update the branch on what future activities and events will be available for our members to access.

On this note, we will be adding a standing agenda item to meetings where Frank and Ian Whiteside, who has been instrumental in sourcing funding for our branch over the last few years, can update members on what activities are available. The good news is that we can expand on the great work we currently undertake through our events sub-committee by offering a broader range of opportunities, activities and events for members to access through Frank as the Beacon Veterans Lead and to make this opportunity even more exciting is that…. it's free.


2. As we move back into the Conservative Club, Lancing Drive, Frank Boyle proposed a buffet for members at our next branch meeting on 4th July. The vote was unanimous and I’m sure Mrs Annie Boyle will delight our palates with her culinary expertise in preparing much of the food for members.


3. The Committee and Branch members wish to thank Tommy Barney and Elaine Overend for all of their hard work and commitment in arranging recent events and for many future events this year.






Liverpool’s Armed Forces Day Celebration Service will take place at Liverpool Parish Church, Our Lady and St Nicholas on Saturday, 24 June 2023.


The dress code is Lounge Suit/Day Dress/Uniform/Medals.



Arrival at Liverpool Parish Church,
Our Lady and St Nicholas,
Old Churchyard,
Liverpool L2 8GW.


Please note there is no reserved parking.



Service commences.



Service concludes.


The marching contingent will form up.

Congregation ushered to Chapel Street to view the March.



Parade steps off



The parade concludes at the Royal Albert Dock.


From 12.00am

Parachute Regimental Association, Liverpool – Drinks and light refreshments are available at; 
Hotel Mercure, (the old Atlantic Tower)

Chapel Street,

Liverpool L3 9AG.



The Branch Chair attended the beginning of the Royal Signals Association Branch meeting and thanked their committee and members for their hospitality, friendship and access to their facilities throughout our tenure at Alamein Barracks and wished them the best of luck for the future.

The RSA thanked Bruce and wished us good with our new location.



The Branch Secretary emailed the following personnel about our move and thanked all parties for their support:


PSAO at 33 Signals Regiment, Alamein Barracks


PSAO at 156 Regiment RLC, Mather Avenue


Branch Chair at Royal Signals Association


The Branch Chair opened up for discussion thoughts on a new Branch president now that Col Joe Harkon has retired from his position, Tom Barney proposed asking Rob Lacey ex Officer who served with 1 PARA and 4 PARA.


Tom will contact Rob and ask if he would be available to accept this proposal from the branch.


Secretary's Report:
Confirmation that the PRA AGM at the NMA will be held on Saturday 8th July 2023. Tickets are £9.00 each and there are a maximum of 300 available so book early.


The Branch Secretary has asked those members who volunteered to drive the minibus to the NMA AGM to confirm their availability to drive.


To date, the nominated drivers are Steve Miley and Mick Coleman with Elaine Overend as a reserve.


Final details of transport and those who have requested a minibus seat will be confirmed at the next PRA meeting on July 4th. Further transport details ref pick up points, costs etc will also be confirmed on this date. Those wishing to confirm a minibus seat must inform Brian Welsh (Branch Sec) prior to this date.


Names confirmed so far are:
Steve Sankey


The funeral of Jerry Harris ex 7RHA is taking place on:
Friday 9th June at 13.45
St Georges Church
L31 3DF


Followed by West Lancs Crematorium at 15.00.
Pippin Lane,
L40 7SP

Jerry’s Family and colleagues have asked, if available, the attendance from Liverpool PRA would be in line with Jerry’s wishes.


Treasurers Report Branch Treasurer is on leave and the account update is deferred to the next meeting.


Events sub-committee:
It was agreed by the branch that we will make our best effort to support and attend four key events in 2023 including:

Armed Forces Day

National Arboretum,
Remembrance Sunday
Christmas Dinner day





























Tony Woods provided a really good potted history of how the Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces memorial stone in St Johns Gardens was sourced and laid. Billy Woods, Tug Wilson and Tony Woods were instrumental in arranging the stone and their efforts should be remembered fondly. Billy is currently in a care home and Tony Woods has visited him with his wife.























Tony reiterated the message that so many people have done so much for the Regiment and PRA whose hard work and efforts should not be forgotten, this message is very much supported by members.


Future events See Table 1 above.


PRAHQ future events are in the June newsletter, which will be included as an attachment with the minutes.

Closed Meeting:

The Meeting Closed at 21.00


Date of next meeting 4th July 2023 at 20.00hrs
Aintree Conservative Club,
Lancing Drive,
L10 8LN


Brian Welsh Branch Secretary
Liverpool PRA


Approved: Branch Chair







Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg
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The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
President: -
Colonel (Ret’d) J. Harkon MBE. TD. DL

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


The Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch  


Date: Tuesday 4th April 2023.

Present: 29 members were present at the meeting. Branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs

Apologies for absence: 

James O’Connell, Rich Clatworthy, Alan Nelson, Mick Corish, Richie Carroll, Wally Thorburn, Barry Bruce, Steve Sankey, Vic Southern, Matty Scott, Tony Woods, Tom McCormack, Peter Nicholson, Mick Lacey, Alan McDonald, Brian Jenkins, Kev Hughes, Frank Boyle, Dave Woodray.



Branch President, Colonel (Ret’d) J. Harkon MBE. TD. DL opened the AGM with a summary of the work the committee had undertaken over the last 12 months. He also confirmed that he is standing down from his position as Branch President. He informed the members that it has been a privilege for him to be the Branch President and has been so for 50 years.


Joe provided a potted history of his military career with IV PARA and key moments in his service (only the third President of Liverpool PRA since its creation). Col. Joe thanked the committee for their efforts and a round of applause from the members followed. Col. Joe stated that anybody who wished to be nominated for the vacant Vice Chairs role or other positions on the Committee could do so during the AGM. 


Joe confirmed that the current Branch Chair, Bruce Cargill, Treasurer, Brian Blanchard and Secretary, Brian Welsh were all standing for the respective positions. As there were no additional nominations proposed for any of the current positions, a vote was taken to support the proposal to continue with the current Chair, Treasurer and Secretary, which members voted for unanimously.


Additionally, Col. Joe stated that there were two vacancies for Branch Trustees. Those interested or wishing to be a trustee should contact the Branch Secretary. Branch Chair thanked Joe for his service and his fantastic leadership towards the Branch. His guidance and support will be truly missed.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting:

The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Waddy and seconded by Tom Barney


Matters Arising:



Visitors/new members:



Welfare report:
The Branch Chair: reported on a number of members whom he had contacted over the last few weeks where there are generally no significant changes to report regarding some of our elderly and vulnerable members. Bruce briefed the members on other welfare calls and reiterated that if anybody is aware of people who need a welfare call or visit, could they please contact him.


Bruce has asked that if anybody has contact details for: Pete Carrington and John Bresnehan, please could you pass them to him so he can contact them.


Tome Barney: reported that John Corless was in the UK recently and he caught up with a few old mates, he sent his best regards to the branch and wished everyone well.


Pete O’Brien: Pete suggested to the branch that we endeavour to start what is in essence like a coffee morning for those members and veterans who can’t get to our branch meetings or travel far from their homes due to mobility issues etc. This would be a monthly meeting where a few members would meet at a coffee shop and just have a chat for an hour or so to let people know we are thinking of them and to prevent or reduce the impact of loneliness.


This was unanimously agreed upon by the branch and this process with be fully supported.


Chairs Report:
The Branch Chair provided a brief summary of the concerns raised by the branch with regard to moving from our current venue.


It was agreed that the two options with potential availability for future venues are:


1. Conservative Club, Lancing Drive, Liverpool.

a. The Conservative Club have agreed that we can hold all future meetings at their venue on Tuesday evenings


2. 156 RLC Regiment, Mather Avenue.

a. Branch Secretary is to confirm if this venue remains available by contacting the current PSAO.


With the clear decision to move, it is important to liaise with Alamein Barracks to explain the reason for wishing to move, which is primarily due to access, reduction in numbers and room layout.


If a response from the PSAO 156 RLC Regiment is forthcoming for the May branch meeting and offers the venue up for our meetings, then a vote will be undertaken.


Secretary's Report:

The PRAHQ newsletter for April 2023 is attached to these minutes.


Regarding the National Memorial Arboretum:

Alfie Brennan has arranged for minibus familiarisation training in order for the branch to loan 2 x minibuses from the Brunswick Club.

Those members who have volunteered for the training are.


Elaine Overend 

Mick Coleman 

Steve Miley


The next available date for training is 17th April but ring Alfie first to arrange details and attendance time at the club.


The following details were not in the meeting but highlighted on these minutes for information only Branch Secretary has personally booked and paid for tickets for the following individuals for the NMA lunch @ £9.00 each:

Elaine Overend

Tom Barney

Ken Barney


Bruce Cargill

Wally Thornburn


For more information please click this link.


Treasurers Report:

The branch accounts for the financial year 2022/23 were submitted to PRAHQ for review and after the response from the PRAHQ Chartered Accountant deemed our accounts satisfactory. The accounts have been submitted to the Charity Commission as required.


Branch Treasurer has provided a copy of the branch accounts which are attached via email with these minutes.

Branch Accounts.


It was reiterated by the branch Treasurer that only 50% of members of Liverpool PRA have paid their 2023 subs to date. For those that have not yet paid please do so via the payment details below, or contact Brian Blanchard directs to discuss.


Brian confirmed he has submitted a lottery fund bid for the branch this year and will provide further details as this progresses. Brian is also putting another bid in for 2024 which will be directed at one single event for members and veterans and will be focused on the Arnhem 2024 80th Anniversary of Operation Market Garden.


Events sub-committee:

Elaine Overend, Tommy and Ken Barney have done a significant amount of research into a number of future events the branch will be attending which include:

























Pete Smedley wishes to congratulate the first female on behalf of the branch to pass P Company for the Parachute Regiment last month.


The branch agreed and wished her well in her service.


Future events See above and attached PRAHQ newsletter


Next meeting 2nd May 2023 at,

33 Signals Regiment,

Alamein Barracks


Branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs


Brian Welsh Branch Secretary Liverpool PRA

Approved: Branch Chair


Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:

Attached: PRAHQ monthly newsletter April 2023


Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg
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The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
President: -
Colonel (Ret’d) J. Harkon MBE. TD. DL

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


The Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch  - March Minutes.



Date: Tuesday 7th March 2023

Present: 25 members were present at the meeting.
Branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs


Apologies for their absence:
Joe Harkon, Wally Thornburn, Danny Hart, Matty Scott, Paul Hennesey, Billy Melia, Tom McCormick, James O'Connell, Alfie Brennan.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting:
The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Waddy and seconded by Dave Woodray.


Matters Arising: None.


Visitors / new members: None


Welfare report:
Bruce rang over 10 members over the last week to have a welfare chat with them and wish them all the best from the membership. It is important to remember that where members require additional support it is available through the branch where we can contact the Regimental Welfare Team who are trained to deal with a variety of issues and cases that are more complex.


Chairs Report:
The committee had had a number of concerns over the viability of members' concerns about the current venue for our branch meetings. Concerns included lack of accessibility for those members unable to negotiate stairs, the provision of stools and no tables for members during the meeting and access into the barracks. It has been noted that the numbers attending have fallen significantly since the branch moved to 33 Signals. Although 33 Signals and the Royal Signals Association have been excellent hosts, a request was made by members for the committee to consider looking at other venues.


Both Bruce Cargill and Brian Welsh will explore the possibility of relocating the branch to either RLC barracks, Allerton Road or The Conservative Club, Lancing Drive and feed this back to the branch in April.


At the next branch meeting on 7th April 2023, Liverpool PRA AGM will be held. The committee members currently in place at present will be standing to retain their respective, Chair, Treasurer and Secretary positions. Those wishing to apply for any of the committee positions should make their request to the branch secretary in writing prior to the AGM.


There are also a number of vacant positions open for nominations which include: 


President of the Liverpool Branch of The Parachute Regimental Association. 


Trustees of the Liverpool Branch of The Parachute Regimental Association x 2.


A representation from the branch was made at the funeral of Norman Timson, a veteran of B Coy 12/13 PARA and his family expressed their gratitude by donating £25 to Liverpool PRA


Secretary's Report:
The Parachute Regimental Association Annual General Meeting at the National Memorial Arboretum will be held on Saturday 8th July 2023. Tickets are £9.00 each and there are a maximum of 300 available so book early. The application form for members to apply for tickets is attached to these minutes.


Alfie Brennan has asked those members who volunteered to drive the minibus from the NMA AGM to provide dates they are available to come to the Brunswick club for Familiarisation Training and production of their driving licence. If possible, one date for all would be best with Alfie meeting them there.


Lt Iain McKelvey requested a formal letter from the branch to enable him to wear his maroon beret at his ACF Unit. The letter was approved and signed by the Chair on behalf of the branch and sent to Lt Col. Gell, HQ Yorks (N&W) ACF.


Tickets for the Church Service at the Anglican Cathedral on 7th May have been released. However only 20 tickets have been allocated to each Association Branch. 13 tickets have been allocated so far on a first come first served basis.


Treasurers Report:
Brian provided an update of the accounts, which are attached to the email with these minutes.


This a reminder to members that 2023 subs (£30) which run from January to January should be paid within 6 months of the due date and those members who wish to spread the cost should contact Brian Blanchard direct to arrange.


A discussion was held regarding those members who have not paid their subs so far for 2023 and in some cases for many years. It was agreed that those who do not pay their subs within the timescales identified within the constitution of the PRA (6 months from the due date) may be asked to leave the branch.


Below is a variety of methods for payment of your subs:

Standing Orders and BACS payments should be payable to 'PRA Liverpool Branch'


Account No – 91363808


Sort Code – 40-29-39


Ensure you add the following details on Ref: (e.g) J Bloggs 2023 subs


Cheques should be made out to PRA Liverpool Branch and handed in at branch meetings or delivered to,

Brian Blanchard
11 Calder Drive,
L31 9DR 4

Events sub-committee:
It was agreed by the branch that we will make our best effort to support and attend four key events in 2023 including,

Armed Forces Day. 

National Arboretum. 

Remembrance Sunday. 

Christmas Dinner.

Table 1 Liverpool PRA Events



















Pete Smedley informed members that the Wirral Branch is going from strength to strength. Meetings are held monthly on the Wirral and they try to move around each month. However, formal meetings are held every second month at the British legion, Bebington. All are invited and would be warmly welcomed.


Pete O’Brien voiced his concerns that the timings for the Christmas dinner are currently too late, which means travel home for some is quite late in the evening. It was agreed that Elaine Overend on behalf of the events sub-committee explore other options available from 30 James St and bring those back to the branch.


Future events:
See Table 1 above

PRAHQ future events are in the March newsletter, 




Meeting Closed:
Branch Chair closed the meeting at 21.00


Date of next meeting:
4th April 2023 at 20.00hrs


33 Signals Squadron,
Alamein Barracks,
Liverpool Road,
L36 3RW.


Brian Welsh
Branch Secretary
Liverpool PRA Approved:

Branch Chair Signature: Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:



1. PRAHQ monthly newsletter March 2023


2. Regimental Commemoration Day

3. Additional notes for Regimental Commemoration Day

4. NMA AGM application proforma for tickets 5. Update of branch accounts


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The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
President: -
Colonel (Ret’d) J. Harkon MBE. TD. DL

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


The Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch  - February Minutes.



Date: Tuesday 7th February 2023


26 members were present at the meeting. Branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs.


Apologies for absence:
Joe Harkon, Wally Thornburn, Danny Hart, Ken Barney, Tom Barney, Peter Smedley, Vic Southern, Tommy Hancock, Roy Bevan, Elaine Overend, Matty Scott, Paul Hennesey, Billy Melia, James O'Connell.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting: The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Waddy and seconded by Dave Woodray.


Matters Arising:


Visitors/new members:


Welfare report:
Bruce, as usual, rang up a large number of members as part of his welfare check.

Bruce attended Whiston Hospital on a number of occasions to visit Harry Owens, who was apparently aged 99. Harry served in Palestine and Greece and jumped from Whitley Bombers. Sadly, Bruce has been informed that Harry has passed since his last visit and has donated his body to science.


Bruce reported on a number of members whom he had contacted over the last month. Bruce briefed the members on other welfare calls and reiterated that if anybody is aware of people who need a welfare call or visit to contact him.


Chairs Report:

Bruce informed the branch that after many illustrious years as Liverpool PRA Branch President, our very good friend and colleague Colonel (Ret’d) Joe Harkon MBE. TD. DL will be stepping down from his role as President. We are sure Joe will be using this newly acquired time to spend more time with his family and continue exploring exciting and interesting parts of the country in his camper van. The branch will discuss Joe’s retirement and subsequent replacement at our Branch AGM on 4th April 2023.


Bruce provided details of the range of events planned by the branch for 2003. However, it was discussed that the branch should consider celebrating the King's Coronation on 6th May 2023. It was agreed that we would plan and organise an event for members, family and friends.


This event will be explored further by the events sub-committee and will feedback to the branch in March.


Norman Timson, a veteran of B Coy 12/13 PARA has passed and his funeral is in 27th February 23. There will be a Church Service at 2:45hrs at:


St Aiden’s Church,
Holmes House Avenue,
WN3 6EE.


Followed by a Cremation at 14:30 hrs at:

St Helens Cemetery & Crematorium
Rainford Road,
WA10 6DF.


If Liverpool PRA members are available to attend the crematorium, Norman's daughter would be very grateful as he very often spoke about his time and friends from the Parachute Regiment.


Secretary's Report:

There are still places available for the Royal Signals Association at Battlefield Tour from 1st4th June 2023 at a cost of £315 per person. One of the stopping points of the visit will be to see the new Normandy Memorial. Those wishing to take this offer up should contact Brian Welsh (branch secretary) who will in turn inform the RSA branch Chair.


The PRA AGM at the NMA will be held on Saturday 8th July 2023. The point of contact for branches is the PRAHQ Secretary, Paul Raison. Over the coming weeks and months, Paul will provide further details of the event.


Alfie Brennan has pencilled in two minibuses for our branch to use on the day, we will just need to provide an additional number of drivers with suitable driving licences (D1). The following members have agreed to be available to drive and are required to attend the Brunswick club for familiarisation training and to be added to the club's approved drivers list. Further details and dates to be confirmed:


Mick Coleman 

Dave Woodray 

Steve Miley


Lt Iain McKelvey requested a formal letter from the branch to enable him to wear his maroon beret at his ACF Unit. This is a formal procedure which will be sent to his Commandant. The branch agreed and the letter will be drafted and sent from Branch Chair Bruce.


The annual branch affiliation fee to PRA of £50 is due and provides members with some real benefits. This will be paid so we maintain the benefits the branch continues to receive.


Treasurers Report:

Brian provided an update of the accounts, which are attached to the email with these minutes. It is important for our branch to continue supporting events and being as active as possible.


This a reminder to members that 2023 subs (£30) should be paid and that those members who wish to spread the cost should contact Brian Blanchard direct to arrange it.


Below is a variety of methods for payment of your subs:


Standing Orders and BACS payments should be payable to:


PRA Liverpool Branch Account No – 91363808 Sort Code – 40-29-39


Ensure you add the following details on Ref: (e.g) J Bloggs 2023 subs


Cheques should be made out to PRA Liverpool Branch and handed in at branch meetings or delivered to:


Brian Blanchard
11 Calder Drive,
L31 9DR


Events sub-committee:

It was agreed by the branch that we will make the best effort to support and attend four key events in 2023 including:


Armed Forces Day.

National Arboretum.

Remembrance Sunday.

Christmas Dinner day


The branch thanked the events sub-committee for their excellent work during 2022 arranging a number of excellent events. Well done to Tommy Barney and Elaine Overend for their hard work.
























Frank Boyle provided details for a bike ride on 2nd July and he will provide further details of
 an RV at the Conservative club for regular bike training. This will include setting up a WhatsApp group, which Frank will administer and provide regular details for training and the event.


Tom McCormick thanked both PRAHQ and Liverpool PRA for supporting those members last Christmas through the hamper scheme.


PRAHQ future events are in the February newsletter, which will be included as an attachment with the minutes





Closed Meeting:
Meeting Closed at 21.00


Date of next meeting:
7th March 2023 at 20.00hrs


33 Signals Squadron,

Alamein Barracks,

Liverpool Road,

L36 3RW.


Branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs


Brian Welsh

Branch Secretary

Liverpool PRA

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The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
President: -
Colonel (Ret’d) J. Harkon MBE. TD. DL

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


The Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch  - January Minutes.



Date: Tuesday 10th January 2023


26 members were present at the meeting.


Branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs


Apologies for absence:
Joe Harkon, Syd Smith, Roy Bevan, Jim Quinn, Jimmy O’Connell, Tom Barney, Ken Barney, Pete McCormick, Pete Smedley, Alan Smedley, Barry Bruice, Ozzy Austin, Ian Whiteside, Danny Hart, Neil Platt, John Dennett, Rich Clatworthy, Alan Nelson, Mick Corish, Richie Carroll, Phil Atkinson, Wally Thornburn, Phil McCauley. 


Minutes of the Previous Meeting:
The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Waddy and seconded by Dave Woodray


Matters Arising:
Bruce, on behalf of the branch, thanked Mick Coleman for his attendance and representation of the branch at the funeral of Eric McGrath. Mick spoke to Eric’s son who is on the Remembrance Sunday Committee and he will bring it to the attention of the committee that the Parachute Regiment where the only Regiment not mentioned on the day during formal proceedings on the cenotaph, St Georges Hall.


Visitors/new members:


Welfare report:

Bruce, as usual, contacts a large number of members as part of his welfare check.


Bruce went to Whiston Hospital to visit Harry Owens, who is apparently aged 99. Harry served in Palestine and Greece and jumped from Whitley Bombers. What was interesting but not surprising, is that Harry lied about his age when he joined the army and is actually 100 years old. Bruce has agreed to visit Harry again.


One of the best, Alan Coppell is not too well and the branch wishes him the best of health and our very best wishes.

The branch has received news that both Andy Ellis and Pete Carrington have not been too good and we will provide further updates on the lads as we get them.


Bruce reported on a number of members whom he had contacted over the last month. Bruce briefed the members on other welfare calls and reiterated that if anybody is aware of people who need a welfare call or visit to contact him.


Chairs Report:

Bruce thanked the management of the Conservative Club, Lancing Drive to provide the branch with the facility to use their premises for this branch meeting.


Bruce provided details of the range of events planned by the branch for 2003. However, it was discussed that the branch should consider celebrating the King's Coronation on 6th May 2023. It was agreed that we would plan and organise a barbecue for members, family and friends.


This event will be explored further by the events sub-committee and will feedback to the branch.


After much feedback, it was agreed by members that the venue, menu and set-up for the Christmas dinner was very good and far exceeded what the Adelphi offered in previous years.


Secretary's Report:

The branch identified 4 x members who received Christmas Hampers from PRAHQ and Support our PARAS, who actually provided 354 across all branches. The branch would very much like to thank PRAHQ and support our PARAS for their fantastic work.


The Royal Signals Association at 33 Signals Barracks is running a Battlefield Tour from 1st / 4th June 2023 at a cost of £315 per person. One of the stopping points of the visit will be to see the new Normandy Memorial.


Those wishing to take this offer up should contact Brian Welsh (branch secretary) who will in turn inform the RSA branch Chair.


This year’s Regimental Commemoration Day and Dinner has been confirmed, and the point of contact for those wishing to attend will be Roy Hatch.


Details are as follows: Saturday 8th July 2023 – Dinner at Royal Court Hotel - Coventry.


The event is open to members, family and friends.


Further details of the event are added in two attachments to these minutes.


The PRA AGM ate the NMA will be held on Saturday 8th July 2023. The point of contact for branches is the PRAHQ Secretary, Paul Raison. Over the coming weeks and months, Paul will provide further details of the event.


Treasurers Report:
Brian provided an update of the accounts and detailed the expenditure for the end of 2022. It is important for our branch to continue supporting events and being as active as possible.


A number of diaries are still available and they should be requested from Brian Blanchard at the cost of £4.00 each.


Also a reminder to members that 2023 subs (£30) will be requested from January 2023.

Below is a variety of methods for payment of your subs: Standing Orders and BACS payments should be payable to:

PRA Liverpool Branch


Account No – 91363808


Sort Code – 40-29-39


Ensure you add the following details on Ref: (e.g) J Bloggs 2023 subs.


Cheques should be made out to PRA Liverpool Branch and handed in at branch meetings or delivered to:


Brian Blanchard
11 Calder Drive,
L31 9DR


An account update was provided which is a healthy balance of approximately £8000. For those wishing for a hard copy or an email copy, please request this via branch treasurer - Brian Blanchard.


Events sub-committee:
It was agreed by the branch that we will make the best effort to support and attend four key events in 2023 including:


Armed Forces Day.


National Arboretum.


Remembrance Sunday.


Christmas Dinner day.


The branch thanked the events sub-committee for their excellent work during 2022 arranging a number of excellent events. Well done to Tommy Barney and Elaine Overend for their hard work.


Table 1

































Neil Platt provided details of money that was bequeathed to Liverpool PRA by our old mate Tug Wilson. Tug left £1000 to the branch for which we are truly grateful. The branch thanked Neil for all of his continuing hard work towards the branch.


There was much discussion about a 2024 trip to Arnhem to commemorate the 80th Anniversary and if the branch could submit a bid to Beacon in support of using the event to support the health and wellbeing of veterans. Further discussions will be held with Beacon regarding the bidding process.


Regarding transport requests for members to visit a range of venues across the UK, Alfie Brennan confirmed, once again that we have access (availability pending) to two 15-seater minibuses through the Brunswick Boys Club. However, drivers provided by Liverpool PRA would need the appropriate D1 licence, a familiarisation course with the vehicles and complete respective paperwork from the club.


Frank suggested asking for a driver from the club to drive for us and pay them approx. £100 for their service?


Alfie will liaise with the Brunswick to provisionally book the minibuses for 8th July for attendance at the PRA AGM at the NMA.


Frank provided details for a bike ride on 2nd July and he will provide further details to arrange an RV at the Conservative club for regular bike training.


Roy Bevan provided Brian Welsh with details and a draft letter to the Lord Lieutenant's Office regarding funding for veteran support. Brian will follow this up and provide any feedback.


There were discussions about the venue for the Christmas dinner 2022 and consideration for looking elsewhere for 2023 and to bring the time earlier in the day to allow people to get home. This action will be looked at by the events sub-committee and options for this year will be proposed to members for approval.


There will be a review of any future subsidies for attendance of events for partners. This will be determined by the finances available and members' approval.


Future events: See Table 1 above


PRAHQ future events are in the January newsletter, which will be included as an attachment with the minutes.




Next meeting Tuesday 7th February 2023 at 20.00hrs


33 Signals Squadron,
Alamein Barracks,
Liverpool Road,
L36 3RW.


Branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs


Brian Welsh Branch Secretary
Liverpool PRA Approved:
Branch Chair








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