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The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
President: -
Colonel (Ret’d) J. Harkon MBE. TD. DL

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


The Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch  - minutes.



Date: Tuesday 6th December 2022


24 members were present at the meeting.

The branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs


Apologies for absence:
oe Harkon, Std Smith, Frank Boyle, Roy Bevan, Jim Quinn, Jimmy O’Connell, Tom Barney, Ken Barney, Pete McCormick, Pete Smedley, Danny Hart, Wally Thorburn, Alfie Brennan, John Dennett, Rich Clatworthy, Alan Nelson, Mick Corish, Richie Carroll, Phil Atkinson, Dave Woodray, Vic Southern.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting:

The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Waddy and seconded by Bobby Hamblett


Matters Arising:



Visitors/new members:
Mick Coleman.

Mick has worked away in the London area for many years and has returned to Merseyside. Mick was given a round of applause and welcomed to the Branch.


Welfare report:
The Branch Chair reported on a number of members whom he had contacted over the last month. Bruce briefed the members on other welfare calls and reiterated that if anybody is aware of people who need a welfare call or visit to contact him. Bruce provided an update on Alan Coppell and the branch offered their best wishes to Alan. In addition, James O’Connell is still shielding and in January will be taking part in clinical trials for the Evusheld pre-exposure vaccine, this has been specially designed for organ transplant and blood cancer patients, hopefully, if this trial is successful he will start getting out and about attending meeting and functions.


Chairs Report:
Bruce provided feedback from the Remembrance Day parade and events at the Lady of Mann afterwards. We had over 70 people on parade, which is an excellent effort from all those serving and veterans from The Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces. The Lady of Mann was a real success and provided everything we needed for the day. We will endeavour to book the same venue for 2023.


33 Signals Barracks will not be available for our January 2023 meeting due to a closedown. The branch meeting at this location will reconvene on Tuesday 7th February 2023. In the meantime, we will explore a venue to hold our January meeting. Members will be updated via email and WhatsApp when/if a venue has been determined for January.


James Unsworth has terminated his Liverpool membership due to changes in his ability to get to our meeting from Wales each month. However, James has transferred his membership to Llanfairfechan Branch, which is much closer. The Branch thanked Jim for his commitment and time with Liverpool and wished him all the best for the future. Members will ensure that our personal relationship with Jim is maintained as he has many friends in Liverpool whom he served with.


The Branch received a very nice Christmas card from Harry Dutton. Harry sends a card and his best wishes each year from the South East, where he now lives and we wish him well and the best of health for the future.


The Christmas dinner will be on 9th December and a gentle reminder for those attending to bring a gift we can raffle, to raise money for the branch. Bruce thanked Ian Whiteside for the behind-the-scenes work he has done with Beacon and the wellbeing project which has supported our veterans throughout 2022.


Secretary's Report:
The request for 4 x Christmas Hampers from PRAHQ and Support our PARAS has been submitted and we hope recipients have a wonderful Christmas with a little help from PRHQ and Support our PARAS


It was noted and somewhat very disappointing that the coverage for this year’s Remembrance Day parade at the Cenotaph did not include The Parachute Regimental Association contingent. Considering that it was the 80th anniversary of the formation of The Parachute Regiment and the 40th anniversary of the Falklands Conflict, we had hoped to at least get a mention.


All those who marched have been sent an email asking for feedback to BBC Complaints.


The government has launched its first Veterans Survey for veterans and their families. This is the first-ever exercise to collect feedback from the veteran community across the UK, coordinated by the Office for Veterans Affairs and the Office for National Statistics (ONS).


Responses to the survey will help the government better understand the experiences, needs and well-being of the veteran community. The Survey takes approximately 20 mins to complete and I will add a link to the minutes. It is advised that where possible, members should endeavour to complete the questionnaire to ensure their voices be heard on a national stage. The link to the survey is detailed below


The deadline for completion of the survey is Wednesday 1st February 2023. It is clear many members have been and will be impacted by the cost of living crisis. There are details in the PRAHQ newsletter attached to minutes, signposting members to a number of support schemes, which include Support Our Paras and SSAFA.


If members have been contacted in relation to an operational legacy – Op Banner, Op Telic or Op Herrick issue or are aware of someone who has and may need support, please contact the Army Operational Legacy Branch (AOLB) who will signpost you to the MOD and a Veteran Visiting Officer (VVO) to help


A request has been made from the son-in-law of Eric McGrath ex 1 PARA. The branch will be providing the Pegasus coffin drape for the family. If members and standard bearers are available for the funeral, the details are:


Landican Cemetary

16th December at 13.00


The branch Secretary will contact the PSAO of 33 Signals to ask if we can make our meeting room a permanent room. This means that I will request the hanging of appropriate pictures and Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces memorabilia, as well as storage of our standard and other formal equipment we hold across many members’ lofts and storage cupboards.


Treasurers Report:

Brian provided an update of the accounts and detailed the expenditure for the end of 2022.


It is important for our branch to continue supporting events and being as active as possible. Diaries are now available and they should be requested from Brian Blanchard at a cost of £4.00 each.


Once again a gentle reminder to members that 2023 subs (£30) will be requested from January 2023.


Ian Whiteside provided some details on possible funding streams available from 2023 from the Lottery. The branch asked if Ian could explore any possible funding for our veterans and the possibility of supporting members' attendance at the 80th Anniversary of Arnhem in 2024, this request was unanimously agreed upon by members and Ian said he will provide further details in early 2023. This would indeed depend on a set of key criteria that would need to be met including any events being subsidised by the branch.


Events sub-committee It was agreed by the branch that we will make our best effort to support and attend four key events in 2023 including,


Armed Forces Day.

National Arboretum.

Remembrance Sunday.

Christmas Dinner day.


























Roy Bevan provided some details on possible future funding streams and will meet with Brian Welsh in early 2023 to explore a range of options and how to submit bids for the branch.


A reminder that the Christmas meal will be a 19.00 start with meals served at 19.30. We have over 60 seats, so a good turnout.


Elaine Overend thanked everyone for their prompt payments for the Christmas dinner.


Future events:
See the table above


PRAHQ's future events are in the December newsletter, which will be included as an attachment with the minutes.


The Parachute Regimental Association HQ
Newsletter December 2022


Next meeting 7th February 2023 at 20.00hrs

33 Signals Squadron,

Alamein Barracks,

Liverpool Road,

L36 3RW.


The branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs

Brian Welsh Branch Secretary

Liverpool PRA.




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The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
President: -
Colonel (Ret’d) J. Harkon MBE. TD. DL

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


The Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch - minutes.

Date: Tuesday 1st November 2022


Present: 25 members were present at the meeting.

The branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs.


Apologies for absence:
Joe Harkon, Frank Boyle, Roy Bevan, Jim Quinn, Jimmy O’Connell, Wally Thornburn, Alfie Brennan, John Dennett, Rich Clatworthy, Alan Nelson, Mick Corish, Richie Carroll, Billy Melia, Paul Hennessy, Vic Southern, Kev Hughes, Brian Jenkins, Alan McDonald.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting:

The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Waddy and seconded by Cooky


Matters Arising:

Visitors/new members:



Welfare report:
The Branch Chair reported on a number of members whom he had contacted over the last month. Bruce briefed the members on other welfare calls and reiterated that if anybody is aware of people who need a welfare call or visit to contact him.


Chairs Report:
There will be an honour guard at the Cenotaph, Liverpool on 11th November. Dignitaries will be in attendance with a piper.


Members were updated on the details around the remembrance parade on 13th November. It is important that we try to parade as many members as possible and to be at the RV adjacent to the Crown Pub no later than 10.00. Step off will be at 10.10.


Once again, the branch is struggling with a standard bearer for formal events. If any of the branch members would like to volunteer to carry the branch standard for remembrance day, then contact Brian Welsh who will bring it on the day.


Secretary's Report:
The report back from our annual church service was that everyone who attended enjoyed the day. The service was attended by many members and Merseyside ACF (PARA) provided standard bearers and support to the event in other roles throughout the service. The branch would like to thank the cadets for their excellent performance, as it was the first time any of them had undertaken the standard-bearer role. They were a credit to their unit and Merseyside Cadet Force. The day continued in Ma Boyles with plenty of drinking, bowls of scouse and much merriment.


An update on remembrance Sunday was provided which included:


When the parade and service have finished members should congregate in St Johns Gardens to pay respects to Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces men and women who gave their lives through so many conflicts. The airborne prayer will be read before members disperse.


After St Johns Gardens, members should make their way to the Lady of Mann (Rear of Rigbys) Dale St, where we have our own bar and refreshments will be served throughout the day.


Liverpool PRA has been provided with 4 x seated tickets for the steps on St Georges Plateau which have been issued to those not too good on their feet at present. Tom Barney will lay the wreath on behalf of Liverpool PRA.


Pegasus journal submissions for 2023 are now requested. Elaine Overend said she will collate a form of words detailing the excellent work that has gone on at our branch since Covid restrictions have been relaxed.


PRAHQ have provided details in the November newsletter for military veterans who can now apply for the blue light discount card for the next 2 yrs. The card provides the owner with many discounts and 10% off at ASDA (except beer)


The annual IV PARA reunion date for 2023 has now been changed. It was originally on 6th May 3 2023, but this has now been trumped by the Coronation of King Charles III. Therefore the revised date is 29th April 2023.


The request for three Christmas Hampers from PRAHQ and Support our PARAS will be submitted prior to 2nd December.


Treasurers Report:

Brian provided an update of the accounts and detailed the expenditure for the end of 2022. It is important for our branch to continue supporting events and being as active as possible. Therefore, this a gentle reminder to members that 2023 subs (£30) will be requested from January 2023.


Payments can be made in instalments for the year so to spread the cost. Please speak to Brian Blanchard to arrange payment plans as required.


Events sub-committee:
Elaine Overend provided an update for the Christmas dinner, she reminded members that they could book hotel rooms at the White Star Line Building for Christmas Dinner if they wish. Those choosing to stay over should ring the hotel and select option 5 and request to speak to Emily, and inform her you are a member of the Liverpool PRA, she will sort a double room with breakfast for £120.


Numbers are looking good and we are slowly creeping up to 60 attendees so far. Please ensure all payments are made via BACS to Elaine’s account where she will provide a receipt and register your place.
























Tom Barney asked if the branch would like to invite Paul Scott to our Christmas dinner. He was an ex-PSI for IV PARA - 13 Coy. Members agreed and Tommy will contact him directly.


Tommy also thanked the branch for supporting his nomination as the branch Vice Chair.


For all of those athletes in the branch who are looking for new trainers, Syd Smith informed members that Sports Direct will offer a 10% discount if they present their PRA membership card at the checkout in the store. As Syd reported that it was great for presents for the kids and grandchildren.


Members attended the Liverpool Scottish to their annual dinner on 21st October and once again it was a great night. Liverpool PRA would like to thank Liverpool Scottish Association for their kind invitation.


It was agreed that the branch will purchase 50 x 2023 diaries which Brian Blanchard will arrange.


Pete Smedley provided an update to members detailing the Wirral PRA branch and its growth. Those wishing to attend the next Wirral PRA branch meeting are invited on 12th November 2022.


Contact Pete for further details.


Future events:

PRAHQ's future events are in the December newsletter, 




Next meeting:
6 th December at 20.00hrs
33 Signals Squadron,
Alamein Barracks,
Liverpool Road,
Merseyside L36 3RW.


Branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs

Brian Welsh Branch Secretary
Liverpool PRA Approved: Branch Chair



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The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
President: -
Colonel (Ret’d) J. Harkon MBE. TD. DL

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


The Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch - minutes.

Tuesday 4th October 2022

32 members were present at the meeting.
The branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs

Apologies for their absence:
Roy Bevan, Brian Blanchard, Tom Barney, Ken Barney, Dave Woodray, Eddie Jones, Kev Hughes, Neil Platt, Jim Quinn, Steve Sankey Austin McGloughlin, Pete Veevers, Barry Bruce, Jimmy O’Connell, Wally Thornburn, Danny Hart, Joe Pettigrew, Roger Cox, Tom McCormick, Richie Smith, Dave Woodray, Alfie Brennan, Billy Melia, John Dennett, Rich Clatworthy, Alan Nelson, Mick Corish, Richie Carroll.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting:
The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Waddy and seconded by Matty Scott.

Matters Arising:

Visitors/new members:
Visitors this evening will be Neil Thornton to talk about his recent book, Arnhem Umbrella about the life of Major Digby Tatham Warter DSO.

Welfare report:
The Branch Chair reported on a number of members whom he had contacted over the last month. Bruce briefed the members on other welfare calls and reiterated that if anybody is aware of people who need a welfare call or visit to contact him.

Chairs Report:
The Chair started the meeting with a reminder to members about housekeeping and the need to remove all glasses and cans from the pool table area and meeting room after our meetings have concluded.

The vacant position of branch Deputy Chair was raised with a nomination submitted by Elaine Overend on behalf of Tom Barney. The chair approved the nomination and requested members to vote on Tom Barney formally undertaking the role of Deputy Chair of the Parachute Regimental Association, Liverpool Branch. The vote was taken with a unanimous vote in favour of Tom Barney’s nomination. It was confirmed that Tom immediately takes the respective position as branch Deputy Chair.

The Chair praised the attendance of members at the funeral today of Andy Malone ex 2 Para, who had no family or NOK. It was fitting that our members attended his funeral with some very kind and moving words from Tony Woods at the end of the service. Bruce provided a brief update on his trip to Arnhem this year.

Secretary's Report:
It was confirmed that PRAHQ is facilitating the administrative duties around the allocation of Christmas hampers for members, family or friends of the Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces. Each Branch recommends who should receive hampers this year with a nomination proposed and submitted to PRA HQ no later than 2nd December. Nominations will be collated and finally agreed upon at the next branch meeting, on 1st November. A reminder to members about their energy bill discounts and that payment will be paid directly into accounts of £66 for October and November and £67 for December, January, February and March. Those with pay-as-you-go meters will receive a voucher. 3 There are a number of excellent photos of branch members at the North West ABF 80 and Op Corporate 40th Anniversary at Tatton Park in the PRAHQ October newsletter. There was a reminder to members about their attendance at the PRA Annual church service at St Nick's Church this Sunday (23rd) at 14.00hrs. Following on from the service members will meet at Ma Boyles for a drink and some scouse laid on by the branch members.

Treasurers Report:
Brian Blanchard provided the Secretary with electronc copies of the latest statement of accounts which will be sent as an attachment with the minutes A number of members paid Brian £7.00 for catering at Ma Boyles on 23rd October. However, as money was donated for the event there is no cost to members for the meals and therefore the £7.00’s will be reimbursed.

Events sub-committee Elaine Overend provided an update from the ‘Arnhem supper’ it was an excellent attendance with much joviality had.

The regular suppers arranged by Tom Barney and Elaine Overend have been an absolute success and well done to both event organisers.

Tommy Barney had done a significant amount of research into a number of future events for the branch, which include:

Elaine Overend provided details for the meal options and those attending should liaise with her to confirm their options.

Elaine also provided details to members for the booking of hotel rooms at the White Star Line Building for Christmas Dinner. Those wishing to stay over should ring the hotel and select option 5. Request to speak to Emily and inform her you are a member of the PRA and she will sort a double room with breakfast for £120.

Frank Boyle informed members of the annual invite from Liverpool Scottish to their annual dinner. The invite is for 12 members at a cost of £25.00 per head. Those wanting to attend should contact Frank directly. The meeting point will be the BeeHive at 19.00 on Friday 21st October. A shirt and tie are mandatory dress and payment on the night is acceptable.

Tony Woods provided an excellent update of his 90th birthday present from his family. Tony successfully carried out a 15,000 ft tandem freefall parachute descent with the Black Knights.

Bruce and the members provided a round of applause for Tony for such a fantastic display and evidence that age is simply a number. And it is fair to say that “you are only as good as your last jump”

Future events:
See table above

1 PARA reunion – 16-19 March 2023

2 PARA reunion – 10-12 March 2023

3 PARA reunion – 24-26 March 2023

4 PARA reunion - 6 May 2023

10 PARA reunion – 26th November 2023

For PRAHQ future events please click on the button below. 

Next meeting 1 st November 2022 at 20.00hrs
33 Signals Squadron,
Alamein Barracks,
Liverpool Road,
L36 3RW.

The branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs.

Brian Welsh Branch Secretary Liverpool PRA
Approved: Branch Chair


Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg

The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
President: -
Colonel (Ret’d) J. Harkon MBE. TD. DL

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


The Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch - minutes.



Tuesday 6th September 2022


25 members were present at the meeting.

The branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs.

Apologies for absence:

Matty Scott, Pete Veevers, Barry Bruce, Ian Whiteside, Tom Barney, Ken Barney, Pete Smedley, Pete O’Brien, Brian Jenkins, Jimmy O’Connell, Danny Hart, Joe Harkon, Wally Thornburn, Tom McCormick, Dave Woodray, Alfie Brennan, Rich Clatworthy, Alan Nelson, Mick Corish, Richie Carroll.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting:

The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Waddy and seconded by Paul Hennessy Matters Arising:


Visitors/new members:


Welfare report:

The Branch Chair reported on a number of members whom he had contacted over the last week and he has contacted over the last week. Bruce briefed the members on other welfare calls and reiterated that if anybody is aware of people who need a welfare call or visit to contact him.

Chairs Report:

Bruce opened the meeting by informing members of the memorial service at Oosterbeek and the internment of Joe Mawdsley’s ashes. This is a fitting complement to Joe who served at the battle of Arnhem with the 1st Battalion, The Border Regiment.

Branches wishing to lay a wreath at Oosterbeek should register them by emailing

A thank you from the branch to those members who attended a number of events during the last few months, where a formal response from the branch was not undertaken. To formalise the process of subsidising member's travel costs and on some occasions, accommodation for attending events, the following procedure will apply:

Where a member and / or guest are requested or invited to attend an event on behalf of the branch, approval must be agreed upon by the branch to subsidise costs incurred by the member. Where the branch is unable to approve a subsidy for any costs incurred (an event at short notice), then the committee will make a decision on behalf of the branch to subsidise costs incurred by the member. The amount of subsidy will be agreed upon on a case-by-case basis.

Bobby Hamlett updated the branch on the condition of Steve Miley, ex 4 and 1 Para, after his motorcycle accident. Steve received multiple injuries and remains in hospital. Bobby got Steve a get-well card from the branch and presented him with his certificate for his French Para course, which Bobby put together for him. Bob also gave Steve a number of books and confirmed that he had moved to another ward at Lytham Hospital. He is making slow but positive progress.

Secretary's Report:

It is requested that individuals wishing to attend this year's National Service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph, Whitehall, London, that individuals wishing to attend should register their names online, and could those who have registered, check their personal emails as soon as possible, this includes your junk/spam email folders. If the numbers do not reach the maximum number of 10,000 then tickets will become available and emails will be sent to those who have previously registered. The timings of the event are provided in more detail within the RHQ newsletter attached with these minutes.

Research has been completed for the type and costs for a plaque for the Conservative Club, Lancing Drive, who supported our branch when we were moved out of our old location the Army Reserve Centre, Mather Avenue. The branch secretary will purchase a Parachute Regiment plaque from the Airborne shop and compose a letter of thanks for their support.


Neil Thornton, author of ‘Arnhem Umbrella’ wrote his most recent book on the life and times of Major Digby Tatham-Warter, DSO. He would be willing to attend our branch meeting to come and talk about his book. He would also bring a few signed copies for people to buy.


The branch agreed to see if we could get him to attend our next meeting on 4th October.

Elaine Overend will contact him to check his availability and get back to us confirming if he can come on that date.


Bobby Hamlett identified a typo in the minutes of the August meeting. The actual cost of Christmas tickets for paid-up members is £25 per person not £35 per person.

Treasurers Report:

Brian Blanchard provided a thorough update of the branch accounts. The branch currently has a balance of £8,304.56 and savings of £800, which will be significantly reduced due to a number of events towards the end of 2022 draw on our funds. It is therefore important for members to ensure their subs are paid. Taking into account the financial pressures on many people due to the cost of living, subs may be paid in instalments after discussions with the branch Treasurer.


Events sub-committee:

Tommy Barney and Elaine Overend continue to provide a sterling job for our events including future events for the branch, which include:



















































Elaine Overend thanked all those that attended the barbecue at Thurstaston. It was a great success and one we will do again in the future.


It was also confirmed that Alfie Brennan has contacts for the hiring of minibuses for future events and anyone with a D1 minibus licence who would be willing to drive at future events would be welcomed. For those requiring a familiarisation test prior to driving the minibus, Alfie has arranged for this at no cost.


It was also proposed and unanimously agreed on by the branch that irrespective of no notice events throughout 2023 and beyond, we should commit to attending the following as a minimum:


Airborne Forces day
National Arboretum
PRA Annual Church Service


Remembrance Sunday Payments for Arnhem supper should be paid to Elaine Overend.


Christmas dinner payments should be paid to Elaine Overend £25 per paid-up member and £45 per guest – ensure reference on any BACS payment is – XMAS Dinner.


Elaine’s bank details for payment are: Miss E Overend Sort Code 40-40-07 Account No 71336827



Steve Cook reminded members that they may not have visited their dentist for a while due to Covid etc. So, it is important to check that you are still on your dentist's books otherwise you may have to go private for any future treatment.


Elaine reminded members to inform the dentist that they are a veteran – many dentists (if not all NHS) have signed the Armed Forces Covenant and therefore may receive preferential treatment.


It is Arnhem weekend this month and Bruce wished everyone going the best of luck. He will be representing the branch at the memorial service.


Joe Harkon informed the branch of the excellent work Neil Platt’s wife has been doing regarding Paul's Place and providing counselling for bereaved families. As a way of recognising her for all of her hard work and commitment to being there and providing unswerving support for bereaved families, she will be awarded a big thank you on national television via the One Show on Thursday. The branch would also like to thank her for everything she has done for families that need support during the most difficult of times.


Future events:

See the above table for branch events.


Further details are provided in the PRAHQ monthly newsletter


Next meeting

4th October 2022 at 20.00hrs

33 Signals Squadron,
Alamein Barracks,
Liverpool Road,
L36 3RW.


The branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs.


Brian Welsh Branch Secretary
Liverpool PRA


Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:



PRA HQ monthly newsletter September 2022.


Arnhem 78 Commemorative programme 2022.



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Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg

The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
President: -
Colonel (Ret’d) J. Harkon MBE. TD. DL

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


The Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch - minutes.



Tuesday 2nd August 2022

36 members were present at the meeting. The branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs

Apologies for absence:
Matty Scott, Pete Veevers, Barry Bruce, Jimmy O’Connell, Danny Heart, Joe Harkon, Wally Thornburn, Tom McCormick, Richie Smith, Dave Woodray, Alfie Brennan, Bobby Hamlett, Billy Melia, John DennettOzzy, Rich Clatworthy, Alan Nelson, Mick Corish, Richie Carroll.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting:
The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Ken Barney and seconded by Stan Fortune

Matters Arising: N/A

Visitors/new members: N/A

Welfare report:
The Branch Chair reported on a number of members whom he had contacted over the last week and he has contacted over the last week. Bruce briefed the members on other welfare calls and reiterated that if anybody is aware of people who need a welfare call or visit to contact him.

Bruce thanked members for their attendance at both Frank Doran’s and Mark Jackson’s funerals. Additionally, Frank's Wife, Sandra has passed the thanks to the branch for all of the support shown over the years for Frank and his family.

The Secretary highlighted that there is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes from many of our branch members for our veterans and their families and friends. It is a true measure of the type of people that form the Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces, whether serving or veterans, who go out of their way to provide support and welfare to those that really need it.


Chairs Report:
Bruce started the meeting by thanking Frank Boyle for his dedicated service to the branch as Vice Chair. Frank has been pivotal over many years in driving a number of events on and raising a lot of money for worthwhile charities and other events. Frank has now stood down from his position, but will indeed continue to be an asset and an influential member both within and outside of the branch. Branch members thanked Frank for his service with a round of applause.


On that note, Bruce requested for a volunteer within the branch to undertake the vacant role of Vice Chair. For those that would like to take up the position, contact either Bruce Cargill or Brian Welsh


The Regional PRA President, Lt Col Dave McCauley (2016) and the Regional PRA Secretary/Treasurer, Joe Hardicker (2008) have recently informed the Branch Secretary of their decisions to stand down from their Regional roles. Both Dave and Joe have been instrumental in their roles in leading and supporting Colleagues within the Region and Liverpool PRA thanks both for their services. It was agreed that a formal letter of thanks from Liverpool PRA be sent to both Lt Col Dave McCauley and Joe for their tireless effort over the years culminating in an excellent 80th Anniversary of The Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces and Falklands 40th Anniversary, held at Tatton Park this year.


In relation to the vacant Regional Secretaries post, anybody wishing to submit their request to fill the post should inform our branch secretary in the first instance, who will, in turn, update the Regional Committee during the next Regional PRA meeting on 21st August.


It was proposed by Frank Boyle that a letter of appreciation and thanks be sent to The Conservative Club, Lancing Drive, which allowed Liverpool PRA to continue our meetings during the COVID outbreak. This was unanimously agreed and it was proposed by Brian Welsh that the branch present the club with a Liverpool PRA plaque, which was also supported by the branch.


Secretary's Report:

Liverpool PRA shares Alamein Barracks with the Royal Signals Association (RSA), who meet on the same evening as us. The Secretary, Tony Mullin, of the RSA has very kindly offered our members the opportunity to travel by coach to the National Memorial Arboretum (NMA) on Saturday 3rd September 2022.


The cost of the trip will be £15.00 per person and the coach will leave Alamein Barracks between 0730-08.00


On the return trip from the NMA, the coach will stop at The Royal British Legion Alrewas at about 15.00 for’ refreshments’ and snacks before returning to Alamein Barracks.


Personal vehicles can be parked at the rear car park of the Barracks for the day.


Can those wishing to attend inform branch secretary Brian Welsh of their intent or contact Tony Mullin directly, ideally no later than 26th August via:


The Not Forgotten Association are currently visiting Liverpool to hold a summer garden party drive in concerts.


The Association was founded in 1919 to organise events for wounded soldiers from WW I, also known as the forgotten soldiers – Therefore the Not Forgotten Association, supporting our Armed Forces was formed in 1920. 


They will be visiting Knowsley on 6th September 2022 (Knowsley Hall). For further information and to register for the concert. Visit


Liverpool PRA where contacted by a young 3 para lad, Thomas Rowley to ask if any of our members could pay a visit to a care home in Southport to speak to an old Para vet from Palestine, who now has Alzheimer's. The branch contacted Neil Sant, ex 3 Para and now 4 4 Para who visited him and made his day. The branch would like to formally thank Neil for his compassion and the time taken to meet and chat with one of our veterans.


A gentleman named Gordon Green phoned and informed the branch that he held a significant amount of memorabilia from Dick Crawshaw including a solid silver parachutist and his cost of arms. He has kindly donated them free to our branch and would just like someone to pick them up. Tommy Barney will contact him to arrange a convenient date to pick up the regalia.


Treasurers Report:
Brian Blanchard provided a thorough update of the branch accounts. A proposal was made to Ian Whiteside (Beacon representative) to ask if we could use some of the health and wellbeing funds for the branch Christmas dinner. Ian has researched the objectives set by the fund bid and confirmed that funding for elements of the Christmas dinner is within the funding guidelines. It was confirmed that the funds from the Health and Wellbeing project have been ring-fenced for mental health training. Therefore, there remains £1,705 available from the fund. Ian also confirmed that the branch has been awarded a further £1000 donation for support of a PRA event, which would support Remembrance Sunday and/or the Annual Church Service.


Events sub-committee:
Tommy Barney had done a significant amount of research into a number of future events for the branch, which include:


Thurstaston BBQ 20th August: 12.00hrs, Wirral Country park.
Near Thustaston visitors centre Bring your own barbecue, food and drink. Tom will acquire the barbecue area from 10.30 am.


PRA Meal - Arnhem Supper 28th September 2022 19.00hrs Pierre’s Bistro, Button St, Liverpool. 18.30
Confirmed. £10 nonrefundable deposit. £30 for 2 x course meals and a bottle of wine.


PRA Annual Church Service 23rd October 2022. St Nicholas Church.
Celebration after the service will be held in Ma Boyles.


Remembrance Sunday 13th November 2022.
Rigby’s (Lady of Mann) Rigby’s has been booked for the day with the bar opening at 11.00. The venue has been secured for Liverpool PRA with family, friends, and past and present welcome. A buffet will be provided by Liverpool PRA.


Christmas Dinner Day 9th December 2022 19.00hrs 30 James St White Star Building.
Provisional cost of £45 pp


Leeds Armoury TBC Royal Armouries Museum, Armouries Dr, Leeds LS10 1LT.
Travel using car share. RV at Murgatroyds - Harrogate Road, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7BN for 12.00 lunch. Finish at 1700pm.


Brize Norton TBC Brize Norton.
Proposal for A and B Coy 4 Para to have a joint event/meal. Branch members only.


Edinburgh Tattoo August 2023 Further details to follow.


Duxford Museum TBC Duxford Airfield, Building 425, Cambridge, CB22 4QR.
Tom Barney has spoken to Joe Hardicker regarding a point of contact for museum entry.


A proposal from Tom Barney that a £20 subsidy from the Health and Wellbeing fund be used to reduce the cost of Christmas Dinner day tickets for ‘paid up' members. This proposal will help members catch up with the current cost of living crisis and reduce the cost for paid-up members from £45 a ticket to £35 a ticket. 1x subsidised ticket per paid-up member only.


The proposal was put to the branch with was voted on.


The vote was unanimous in favour of Tom Barney’s proposal. – Brian Blanchard will manage the allocation of subsidised Christmas Dinner tickets.


Elaine Overend provided details for the meal options and those attending should liaise with her to confirm their options.


Elaine provided details of initial costs for the Christmas Dinner venue: ï‚·


Deposit for venue £200 


Payment for DJ £250


Members voted on the confirmation of the venue and DJ and to pay monies detailed to secure the venue.


The proposal was put to the branch with was voted on.


The vote was unanimous in favour of payment to secure the venue. – Brian Blanchard will manage finances accordingly.


It was proposed by Frank Boyle that due to the extensive work Ian Whiteside has done for the branch over the past 18 months through the Health and Wellbeing fund, along with securing other funding streams – He goes free to the Christmas Dinner and does not pay for a ticket.


The vote was unanimous in favour of Frank's proposal It was agreed that the following guests are invited to the Christmas Dinner: 


Lt Col Dave McCauley 

Joe Hardicker 

Andy Jackson


Elaine Overend has agreed to be the single point of contact to collect all monies for the Christmas Dinner.


Waddy reminded those wanting to go to Arnhem this year that Skirpal Airport is currently reducing airport numbers due to ongoing local restrictions.


Pete O‘Brien informed members that if any future trips to the NMA are planned that the Holiday Inn Express provide very affordable rooms.


Elaine Overend proposed that, due to Pete O’Brien and Bobby Hamlett attending the NMA for Airborne Forces day as the only representatives from Liverpool PRA that a percentage of their hotel and travel costs be met from the branch funds.


The proposal was agreed and Brain Blanchard met with Pete to agree on the specifics of any reimbursement.


Steve Sankey proposed that we look at purchasing a new standard and sash, as our current one is worn, tired and a bit tatty.  Brian Welsh will speak to colleagues in the region for advice.


on Future events

See above table


Next meeting 6 th September 2022 at 20.00hrs.

33 Signals Squadron, Alamein Barracks, Liverpool Road, L36 3RW.


The branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs


Brian Welsh Branch Secretary Liverpool PRA


Approved: Branch Chair Signature:


Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:





Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg

The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
President: -
Colonel (Ret’d) J. Harkon MBE. TD. DL

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


The Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch - minutes.


Date: Tuesday 7th June 2022
Branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs

34 members were present at the meeting.
Apologies for absence: Phil McCauley, Brian Jenkins, Alan McDonald, Barry Bruce, Jimmy O’Connell, Joe Pettigrew, Danny Hart, Wally Thornburn, Alfie Brennan, Steve Gray,Roger Cox, Ozzy, Rich Clatworthy, Alan Nelson, Mick Corish, Richie Carroll.

Apologies for absence:
Phil McCauley, Brian Jenkins, Alan McDonald, Barry Bruce, Jimmy O’Connell, Joe Pettigrew, Danny Hart, Wally Thornburn, Alfie Brennan, Steve Gray,Roger Cox, Ozzy, Rich Clatworthy, Alan Nelson, Mick Corish, Richie Carroll.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting:
The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Tom Barney and seconded by Waddy

Matters Arising:


Visitors/new members:

Welfare report:
The Branch Chair reported on a number of members who he had contacted over the last week and he has contacted over the last week. Bruce briefed the members on other welfare calls and reiterated that if anybody is aware of people who need a welfare call or visit to contact him.

Chairs Report:
The Chair opened up his report by welcoming members to our new venue at 33 Signals Squadron, Alamein Barracks. A number of ground rules where discusses including bar opening hours. PRA members if they wish to get a drink should do so before our PRA and he Royal Signals Association (RSA) start our meetings. Bar opens 19.15 to 20.00 and then 21.00 to 23.00.

Liverpool PRA committee wished to place on record our thanks to the RSA for welcoming us into their bar and the provision of sandwiches.

Bruce provided details and our deep sorrow as a branch to hear of the death of Mark (Jacko) Jackson. Mark was a well-known branch member and I am sure everyone will miss him. Brian Welsh confirmed that we have been communicating with Marks daughter; Katie and we will be supporting her, her sister Megan and Brother Lee concerning Marks funeral. Katie has asked for as many parachute regiment veterans and serving members to attend as possible. Further details will be shared with members as updates are received

Secretary's Report:
It was detailed that in today’s times where the cost of living is affecting us all and in many cases more so to our veterans.

A gentle reminder therefore about Support our Paras charity is there to support any past and present members of The Parachute Regiment and wider Airborne Forces, plus their families and friends if eligible. Full details of how to apply for any support are in this moths PRAHQ newsletter attached with these minutes.

Suez Veterans appeal.
We have received a request from Mr John Beales: an academic historian – The Company that recently made ‘The Real Peaky Blinders’ for the BBC and ‘Falklands War: the ‘Untold Story’ from Channel 4 to develop a programme about the Suez crisis. At this point he is simply looking to speak to veterans from any branch of the service who served in Suez in 1956. For those that wish to express and interest please let me know and I will collate names and forward to Mr John Beales.

Treasurers Report:
Brian Blanchard provided a brief explanation of the accounts as they stand. Attached to these minutes are a copy of the accounts from April-June 2022. Arnold Clarke have very kindly donated the sum of £1000 to Liverpool PRA. This has been due to Ian Whiteside contacting Arnold Clarke and submitting a request for a donation. The branch thanked Ian for his ongoing work.

Events sub-committee Tommy Barney had done a significant amount of research into a number of future events the branch could attend which include:


Meal – proposal for every 3 months, 15th June 2022, 18.30hrs Pierre’s Bistro, Button St, Liverpool.
Confirmed. £10 non-refundable deposit. £30 for meal and wine.

Leeds Armoury, TBC, Royal Armouries Museum, Armouries Dr, Leeds LS10 1LT
Travel using car share. RV at Murgatroyd's - Harrogate Road, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7BN.
12.00 lunch. Finish for 1700hrs.

Brize Norton, TBC, Brize Norton Proposal for A and B Coy 4 Para to have a joint event/meal.
Branch members only. Tom Barney will be meeting point of contact for Brize during Tatton Pak event.
Details to follow.

Remembrance Sunday 13th November 2022, Rigby’s (Lady of Mann). Rigby’s has been booked for the day with bar opening at 11.00hrs. Venue has been secured for Liverpool PRA with family, friends, past and present welcome

Christmas Dinner Day 2nd December 2022. Proposed - Athenaeum Provisional cost of £45 pp Additional venues will be scoped out prior to our next meeting where a decision will be made to hold our Christmas lunch.

Edinburgh Tattoo August 2022/2023 Further details to follow.

Duxford Museum, TBC, Duxford Airfield, Building 425, Cambridge, CB22 4QR Tom Barney has spoken to Col Joe Hardicker regarding a point of contact for museum entry.


Thurstaston BBQ, TBC, Wirral Country park, near Thustaston visitors centre Tom will explore booking procedure and available dates.

Tom also provided an update on numbers for the meal on 15th June. Approximately 30 people are attending so far and we welcome Keith Mahoney, ex RSM who will be attending.

Ian Whiteside provided an update on the next Sandstone trail and it was clear all of those who were involved in the training and completion of the event thoroughly enjoyed it. A special thanks to the support team of Alfie Brennan and Stan Fortune.


We still have a mental health first aid course and those wishing need to provide their names to Ian Whiteside at: E: T: 0151 226 0696 Joe Harkon provided an update on this year’s Regimental Commemoration Service/PRA AGM 2022, held at the National Memorial Arboretum on 23rd July 2022. Joe explained that is always a good day and Liverpool PRA should endeavour to make an attendance at the event. It is short notice but those wishing to attend MUST forward me their names and number of tickets they require before Monday 20th June 2022. As the branch secretary will be abroad, please forward your requests to the branch treasure who will collate names.


Tickets £8 per person for those wishing to attend the lunch after the parade.

These will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

To avoid disappointment only those who have purchased tickets will be able to attend the buffet after the parade if you do not wish to purchase the buffet ticket you can either use the NMA Restaurant or bring your own packed lunch.


Once we have confirmed numbers, Alfie Brennan will explore if he can arrange transport via minibus.

Roy Bevan provided an update on the service commemoration the 40th anniversary of the Falklands war and the wider role of the Merchant Navy. The service took place on 25th May at the Merchant Navy Memorial at the Pier Head, led by the Rector of Liverpool, attended by the Lord Mayor, civic dignitaries and representatives from Atlantic Container Line, Cunard, the South Atlantic Medal Association and the Falklands Islands government.

Later that morning a Service of Remembrance took place at Liverpool Parish Church, and at the Atlantic Conveyor Memorial outside the church. Representatives of the Parachute Regiment attended.


Last but not least. The committee and members of the Liverpool Branch of the Parachute Regimental Association have a number of Falkland veterans from the Parachute Regiment and Royal Engineers. As a sign of the branches respect and high regard for those members who travelled 8000 miles to liberate the Falkland Islands from the Argentinian aggressors back in 1982 and to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the conflict, our Branch President Colonel (Ret’d) J. Harkon provided some excellent words and then each of the following members where presented with an engraved watch by the Branch Chair, Bruce Cargill:

Jim Quinn – 2 Para
Kev Hughes - 22 Royal Engineers

Another two watches will be presented to: Phil Atkinson – 2 Para Jim O’Connell – 3 Para.

A massive thanks from the branch and a round of applause was given to both Jim and Kev as they received their watches. Both Jim and Kev thanked branch members very much for their thoughts and gifts.


Future events: 
18 Jun 22 - Falklands 40th Memorial Service Aldershot.

09 Jul 22 - Tatton Park Service Manchester.

23 Jul 22 - Regimental Commemoration Service / PRA AGM 2022, National Memorial Arboretum.

Next meeting:
05 July 2022 at,
33 Signals Squadron,
Alamein Barracks,
Liverpool Road,
L36 3RW.

Branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs
Brian Welsh Branch Secretary

Liverpool PRA



Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg


The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
President: -
Colonel (Ret’d) J. Harkon MBE. TD. DL

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


The Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch - minutes.

Date: Tuesday 3rd May 2022


Branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs.

36 members were present at the meeting. Branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs Apologies for absence: Joe Harkon, Jimmy O’Connell, Jim Quinn, Joe Pettigrew, Roy Bevan, Danny Hart, Wally Thornburn, Derek Hesketh, Vic Southern, Jeff Johnson, Alan Smedley, Dougie Owen, Elaine Overend, Peter Obrien, Rich Clatworthy, Alan Nelson, Mick Corish, Richie Carroll.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting:
The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Frank Boyle and seconded by Dave Woodray

Matters Arising:

Visitors/new members:

Welfare report:
The Branch Chair reported on a number of members who he had contacted over the last week and he has contacted 14 members. Of those Bruce contacted he updated the branch on their health and wellbeing and we as a branch will continue to support our most vulnerable members as much as possible. Bruce briefed the members on other welfare calls and reiterated that if anybody is aware of people who need a welfare call or visit to contact him.

During the March branch meeting, the Secretary stated that he would look into the policy and procedures for setting up a just giving page to support costs incurred at funerals and other events and feedback at the next branch meeting. This action is still ongoing and we will address the viability of this action in line with the PRA constitution and the PRA guide to raising and expending charitable funds.

Chairs Report:
The Chair opened up his report by confirming that the next and future PRA branch meetings will be held at 33 Signals Squadron, Alamein Barracks, Liverpool Road, L36 3RW. When members arrive at the venue it is important that we use the car park at the rear of the barracks as this is a drill night for the unit and parking at the front is reserved for those on duty only.

Access into the barracks will be from the rear car park and up two flights of stairs to the Phoenix Room, where the branch meetings will be held. Further details for the venue are attached via Appendix A

Secretary's Report:
The Branch Secretary attended the Regional PRA meeting on 30th April at Fulwood Barracks. The meeting was focused on the 80th Anniversary of the Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces and 40th Anniversary of the Falklands war at Tatton Park on 9th July 2022.

Liverpool PRA have ordered 60 tickets and:

Those attending with a ticket will require their PRA identity card.

By showing your event ticket on entry into the grounds, you will be directed to the parking area, which will be free. There will be a designated car park area for PRA members.

The gates for the event will open at 10.00 and there will be two entry points into the grounds. This event will be extremely busy as the grounds are also open to the public. Advice from Regional PRA is to get there early to avoid traffic congestion.

Drumhead Service will commence at 11.00 in front of the Main Hall. Bruce Cargill will present a wreath on behalf of members of Liverpool PRA in commemoration during this service.

Entry into the Main Hall for lunch will commence from 12.00. Branch Secretary and upto three volunteers will be presented with packed lunches for Liverpool PRA ticket holders, which will be distributed accordingly including those who have specified their dietary requirements.

Advice from Regional PRA is that as much as possible and weather permitting, once lunches have been received by members, they should endeavour to make their way into the garden area as the Hall will hold no more than 375 people, due to fire safety regulations.

Veterans will be directed form up at 13.30 (berets, blazers and medals, where possible) where a march past will be led by a military band. The parade will be formed up with Falklands Veterans at the front, where General Freer (Ret) will take the salute. This will be a short parade across the front of the Main Hall.

Once the Parade has finished, from 14.15 will be given to ’family time’ and it is encouraged that members take time to visit the many stands and the Airborne Memorial Stone.













Timings are to be confirmed, however, either a C130 or A400 (Atlas) has been approved for a fly past, but we are awaiting final approval from Manchester Airport. A display from the RAF Falcon Freefall team is planned between 17.00 -18.00.

Liverpool PRA have yet to confirm our standard-bearer for the day. Any volunteers to undertake standard-bearer duties for the day would be welcomed and should contact the Branch Secretary. Standards across the Region will be held centrally in the main foyer of the Main Hall and removed for the veterans march past, then returned afterwards.

The provision of transport was discussed and it was agreed that Alfred Brennan, who has a number of contacts with minibus providers and the Branch Secretary would explore the possibility of getting a number of minibuses for the event. This is an ongoing action and an update will be provided at next branch meeting.

Regional Secretaries will be visiting the venue on 15th June to recce the site. The President of the Region, Lt Col Dave McCauley, made a request directly to the Liverpool Branch and asked if Roy Bevan would like to be the official photographer for the event. If Roy accepts this request, we also ask if he could attend the recce on 15th June. The event will formally conclude at 18.00

Lt Col Dave McCauley has sourced three brand new jaguar cars for the event to transport a 3 x veterans from their homes to the event and to return them back home.

Veteran 1. A WWII Glider Pilot aged 100

Veteran 2. TBC

Veteran3. TBC

Brian Welsh has nominated a number of Liverpool PRA members and submitted that request to Regional PRA Committee.

With regards to Liverpool PRA raising money via just giving pages or by any other means and to remind members on how to raise funds and the spending of those funds, I have attached to these minutes the following document forwarded by PRAHQ:

A Basic Guide to Raising and Expending Charitable Funds, The Parachute Regimental Association.

Treasurers Report:
The Branch Treasurer confirmed that accounts are managed by MetroBank, which would mean that the vast majority of our transactions would be free.

Cheque books, paying in books and debit cards for the account are currently held by – Brian Blanchard and Brian Welsh.

Attached to these minutes are the accounts from April-June 2022.

Events sub-committee Tommy Barney had done a significant amount of research into a number of future events the branch could attend which include:



Meal – proposal for every 3 months - 15th June 2022 - Pierre’s Bistro, Button Street, Liverpool, 18.30hrs     Confirmed. £10 non-refundable deposit £30 for meal and wine.


Leeds Armoury - 22nd June 2022 - Travel using car share. RV at Murgatroyds for 12.00 lunch. Finish for 1700hrs.

Brize Norton - TBC - Brize Norton - Proposal for A and B Coy 4 Para to have a joint event/meal. Branch members only. Tom Barney will be meeting point of contact for Brize during Tatton Pak event. Details to follow

Remembrance Sunday 13th November 2022 Rigby’s (Lady of Mann) Rigby’s has been booked for the day with bar opening at 11.00. Venue has been secured for Liverpool PRA with family, friends, past and present welcome.

Christmas Dinner - Day -2nd December 2022 - Proposed - Athenaeum - Provisional cost of £45 pp

Edinburgh Tattoo - August 2022/2023 - Further details to follow


Duxford Museum TBC Duxford Airfield, Building 425, Cambridge, CB22 4QR Tom Barney has spoken to Joe Hardicker regarding a point of contact for museum entry. Details to follow.



Ian Whiteside provided an update on the next Sandstone Trail and it is clear that the walking group have trained hard and are ready for the big one. Members wished the walkers good luck on their 34 mile tab.


Future events:

18 Jun 22 - Falklands 40th Memorial Service Aldershot.


9 Jul 22 - Tatton Park Service Manchester.


14th May - Opening of RBL Crosby


Next meeting:
7 th June 2022 at 20.00hrs

33 Signals Squadron,

Alamein Barracks,

Liverpool Road,

L36 3RW.


Branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs


Brian Welsh Branch Secretary Liverpool PRA Approved:


Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:




Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg
Airborne Memorial at Tatton Park inscription.jpg
Airborne Memorial at Tatton Park.jpg

The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
President: -
Colonel (Ret’d) J. Harkon MBE. TD. DL

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206



The Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch - minutes.

Date: Tuesday 5th April 2022

Branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs.


31 members were present at the meeting.

Apologies for absence:
Jimmy O’Connell, Billy Barney, Rich Clatworthy, Alan Nelson, Mick Corish, Richie Carroll, Wally Thorburn, Kevin Hughes, Barry Bruce, Allan Macdonald, Danny Hart, Dougie Owen,  Steve Sankey, Vic Southern, David Dixon, Matty Scott, Tony Woods, Tom McCormack.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting:
The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Waddy and seconded by Paul Hennessey.

Matters Arising:

Visitors/new members:

Welfare report:
The Branch Chair reported on a number of members who he had contacted over the last week where there are generally no significant changes to report regarding some of our elderly and vulnerable members. Bruce briefed the members on other welfare calls and reiterated that if anybody is aware of people who need a welfare call or visit to contact him.

During the March branch meeting, the Secretary stated that he would look into the policy and procedures for setting up a just giving page to support costs incurred at funerals and other events and feedback at the next branch meeting. This action is ongoing and will be discussed in the next branch meeting (May)

Chairs Report:
The Chair opened the meeting and stated that Liverpool PRA would be holding its AGM this evening. The Branch Chair provided a brief summary of the positives of each of the venues proposed for future PRA branch meetings, which are:

1. 156 RLC Regiment, Mather Avenue, Liverpool, L18 6HF
2. 33 Signals Squadron, Alamein Barracks, Liverpool Road, L36 3RW
3. Conservative Club, Lancing Drive, Liverpool

A vote was taken to determine which of the venues would be identified as our future long-term location.


The vote was:

1. In favour of 156 RLC Regiment, Mather Avenue – 3 votes (+ 2 by proxy) = 5
2. In favour of 33 Signal Squadron, Alamein Barracks – 18 votes (+ 4 by proxy) = 22
3. In favour of Conservative Club, Lancing Drive – 10 votes (+ 1 by proxy) = 11

The final vote determined a majority to hold our future PRA branch meetings at 33 Signal Squadron, Alamein Barracks, Liverpool Road.


The Chair thanked the branch and confirmed that a date for the first meeting at Alamein Barracks would be confirmed once our branch secretary contacts the respective PSAO and Chair of the Royal Signals Association and agreed a start date.

For information and not covered within the meeting.
PRA Branch Secretary contacted the respective PSAO and RSA Chair on 06/04/22 where it was agreed that Liverpool PRA’s first meeting at Alamein Barracks would be on 07/06/22 at 2000hrs

Secretary's Report:
PRAHQ newsletter for March 2022 is attached to these minutes.
The branch secretary proposed that the branch show our full support for Falkland veterans and their partners within our branch in providing costs for travel and accommodation to attend Aldershot to commemorate those that died during the Falklands War on Saturday 18 June. The branch took a vote, which was unanimous in support of the proposal.

Planning and arrangements for the 80th Anniversary of Airborne Forces and 40th Anniversary event at Tatton Park on 9th July 2022 are gathering pace. The provision of transport was discussed and it was agreed that Alfred Brennan, who has a number of contacts with minibus providers and the Branch Secretary would explore the possibility of getting a number of minibuses for the event.

As part of the last Regional PRA meeting, Liverpool PRA volunteered to arrange the sourcing and printing of 450 tickets for the Tatton Park event. The Branch Secretary informed members that John designed and printed the tickets at a very affordable price. They are very professional and excellent quality and the branch thanked John Durband for his hard work with a well-deserved round of applause.

As part of the arrangements to support the Tatton Park event it was proposed by the Regional PRA that each branch provide a pledge, an amount of financial support for the event if required. President Joe Harkon proposed that Liverpool PRA pledge £300 to the event. This was put forward to the branch and members voted unanimously to support Joe Harkon’s proposal. The Branch Secretary will update the Regional Secretary, Joe Hardicker with the agreed pledge from Liverpool PRA.

The details of this year’s National AGM & Regimental Memorial Day on Saturday 23rd July at the National Arboretum were discussed. There are 400 places available and tickets, which include lunch, are £8.00 per person. Details of the event are attached to the minutes. However, anybody wishing to attend should consider booking their tickets early to avoid disappointment.

Part of the Treasures responsibilities on behalf of the Branch members, Committee and Trustees are to ensure that Branch accounts are managed and recorded in line with respective Financial and Charity Commission Regulations. In August 2021, our late friend Kevin Swarze was asked to review the accounts prior to submission to the charity commission. Kevin identified a number of issues regarding the recording of the accounts over the 2019/20 period. The issues kevin identified where thoroughly investigated by the Committee and evidence gathered to address Kevin’s concerns. To ensure Liverpool PRA demonstrated due diligence in management of branch accounts a request was made to both Regional PRA and PRAHQ to provide a third party and professional review of the accounts over the period identified, which also included a number of additional years prior to 2019/20. Liverpool PRA accounts and evidence gathered during the investigation where packaged and forwarded to the PRAHQ Chartered Accountant. After a thorough review of our accounts over the period identified, the response from the PRAHQ Chartered Accountant deemed our accounts satisfactory. The accounts were then submitted to the Charity Commission as required. It was with great sadness that the response from the PRA Chartered Accountant was received the week prior to Kevin getting COVID and he was unable to receive a formal response regarding his concerns. However, the outcomes of the review from the PRA Chartered Accountant are available from the Branch Treasurer on request.

Treasurers Report:
The Branch Treasurer provided some further detail regarding Kevin Swarze’s concerns and reiterated that details from the PRA Chartered Accountant are available and to contact him directly for a copy.
The account from December 2021 to March 2022 where provided to members last week via email. If additional copies are required, members are to contact the branch treasurer directly.

The branch Treasurer is in the process of transferring our current banker, HSBC with an alternative banker, Metro Bank. This transfer of accounts will provide the branch with greater control of our finances and a much simpler and effective system of managing our money. In order for the treasurer to finalise the transfer of accounts the decision to transfer our banking from HSBC to Metro bank a vote was taken:


Proposal from Treasurer – That Liverpool PRA transfer our accounts from HSBC to Metro Bank.

Vote outcome - Unanimous in supporting the transfer from HSBC to Metro Bank.

The Branch Chair thanked the treasurer for all of his hard work regarding the account transfer.

If you have requested tickets, please arrange payment to the Treasures ASAP so the money can go to the Region to support the event planning and organisation. A request was made to increase Liverpool allocation of tickets from 50 to 60 due to demand. Branch Secretary will contact the Regional Secretary to make this formal request (request made on 06/04/22, which was agreed by Regional Secretary)

Events sub-committee:
Tommy Barney had done a significant amount of research into a number of future events the branch could attend which include.


Meal – proposal for every 3 months - 15th June 2022 - Pierre’s Bistro, Button Street, Liverpool, 18.30hrs     Confirmed. £10 non-refundable deposit £30 for meal and wine.


Leeds Armoury - 22nd June 2022 - Travel using car share. RV at Murgatroyds for 12.00 lunch. Finish for 1700hrs.

Brize Norton - TBC - Brize Norton - Proposal for A and B Coy 4 Para to have a joint event/meal. Branch members only

Remembrance Sunday 13th November 2022 Rigby’s (Lady of Mann) Rigby’s has been booked for the day with bar opening at 11.00. Venue has been secured for Liverpool PRA with family, friends, past and present welcome.

Christmas Dinner - Day -2nd December 2022 - Proposed - Athenaeum - Provisional cost of £45 pp

Edinburgh Tattoo - August 2022/2023 - Further details to follow

To support the costs and provide members with the facility to save money over time, Elaine Overend proposed to the branch that savings cards would ease costs associated with events members wish to attend. The treasure agreed and would arrange a card payment facility.

Ian Whiteside provided an update on the next Sandstone Trail training walk is 10th April starting from Waterloo Station to Freshfields following the coastal path approximate distance 20k. RV at 1000hrs. All are welcome so if members, family or friends are at a loose end, please come along. Nobody has to do the full walk and can join in or drop off whenever suits.

An additional walk arranged by Jim Quinn has also been arranged for 24th April in Denbighshire, North Wales. Approx. 17k

Brian Jenkins has arranged an additional scuba diving taster session on 9th April at Everton Park Sports Centre for those who are interested. The offer is a 2hr session on the Saturday morning. Arrive for safety brief at 1130hrs and into the water for 1145hrs. All you will require are shorts, t-shirt and towel. We will be using the swimming pool.

Anybody interested in scuba diving or walks should contact Ian Whiteside direct through his contact details below.
T: 0151 226 0696

Flo McAllister very kindly brought a number of books, a new coat of Joes and other items of Joes that she thought members would like to own. Flo arranged a raffle where most items were won.

Future events7 May 22 - 4 PARA Club Reunion Leeds Les Ratcliffe, 07711 853103 or Dave Macaulay, 07731 824247

18 Jun 22 - Falklands 40th Memorial Service Aldershot.

9 Jul 22 - Tatton Park Service Manchester.

Branch President, Colonel (Ret’d) J. Harkon MBE. TD. DL opened the AGM with a summary of the work the committee had undertaken over the last 12 months. He also confirmed that the Vice Chair, Frank Boyle would be standing down. Col. Joe thanked the committee for their efforts and a round of applause from the members followed. Col. Joe stated that anybody who wished to be nominated for the vacant Vice Chairs role could do so during or after the AGM.

Col. Joe confirmed that the current Branch Chair, Bruce Cargill, Treasurer, Brian Blanchard and Secretary, Brian Welsh were all standing for the respective positions. As there were no additional nominations proposed for any of the current positions, a vote was taken to support the proposal to continue with the current Chair, Treasurer and Secretary, which members voted for unanimously.

Next meeting:
3rd May 2022 at Conservative Club, Lancing Drive
Branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs
Brian Welsh
Branch Secretary
Liverpool PRA
Approved: Branch Chair

Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:

4 Para Reunion Club.


Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg

The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
President: -
Colonel (Ret’d) J. Harkon MBE. TD. DL

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206



The Parachute Regimental Association Liverpool Branch - Minutes.
Date: Tuesday 1st February 2022


Branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs



36 members were present at the meeting.


Apologies for absence:

Jimmy O’Connell, Billy Barney, Rich Clatworthy, Alan Nelson, Mick Corish, Richie Carroll, Wally Thorburn.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting:

The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Matty Scott and seconded by Frank Boyle.


Matters Arising:



Visitors/new members:



Welfare report:

The meeting was opened with the Branch Chair paying the respects of the branch to the sad death of Arthur Cheetham and our deepest sympathies to his wife Margaret and his family.

Arthur was a regular attendee of the Branch, ex secretary and Vice Life President North West the Regional PRA. Arthur’s funeral at the Landican Crematorium on Friday 18th March at 11.00am. Followed by a reception at:



19 Black Horse Hill
CH48 6DS


The Branch Chair reported on a number of members, 14 in all who he had contacted over the last week, generally no changes to report.


Bruce briefed the members on other welfare calls and reiterated that if anybody is aware of people who need a welfare call or visit to contact him.


To continue the support of welfare issues for members through the branch it was proposed that we set up a just giving page. This would primarily help the branch support unwell members and to cover any additional cost incurred by the branch for attendance at funerals.

Such costs include payment for bugler, bagpipes, flowers, upkeep of drapes and flags and other out of pocket expenses. The page could be advertised on our facebook page when details are posted regarding funerals or other welfare issues and where people could donate. Any monies over and above what is spent would be held in a separate welfare fund through the branch treasurer.


The Branch Secretary will look into the policy and procedures for setting up such a page and feedback at the next branch meeting (5th April 22)


Chairs Report:

Our AGM will be held on 5th April 2022. If anybody wishes to be nominated for any of the current committee positions, please forward your nominations to me (Branch Secretary) and I will inform members in preparation for the AGM. All members must make best effort to attend and we look forward to seeing you. All current committee members have indicated their intentions to remain in place and a vote will be taken to approve those wishing to fill the respective committee positions.


The Branch Chair discussed the ongoing outcomes of confirming a venue for future PRA meetings and the options details are:


1. 156 RLC Regiment, Mather Avenue, Liverpool, L18 6HF

Prior to COVID restrictions PRA meeting were held in the sergeants mess bar. The PSAO of

the Centre has formally invited the branch back to the venue as COVID restrictions have now

been relaxed.


2. 33 Signals Squadron, Alamein Barracks, Liverpool Road, L36 3RW

We have been invited to hold our branch meetings at this venue by the PSA. The branch have the use of the Officers mess for meetings and access to the sergeants mess bar prior to and after the meetings. The bar will be shared with the Royal Signals Association, who hold their Association meetings on the same night in the Sergeants mess who also staff the bar. Ample secure car parking is available.


3. Conservative Club, Lancing Drive, Liverpool

This has been our home since COVID restrictions were relaxed enough for us to meet. A friendly place with bar and TV lounge for after the meeting.


There was a request to consider alternating venues month by month. However, it was explained by the Chair that this may confuse some members and venue hosts somewhat and it would be much better to remain in one venue.


There will be a vote during the next meeting (AGM) to determine the members decision on which venue we will use for future PRA Branch meetings.


Secretary's Report:

PRAHQ newsletter for March 2022 will be attached to these minutes.


The Gurkhas pass out and attestation will be held at Altcar Training camp on 3rd March.


Spectators to arrive between 0800-0900

Parade will form up at 0915

Reviewing Officer (Maj General JJ Cole) will arrive at 0930

Parade complete 1100

Red Rose Club open 1130 (nominal charge for curry and all proceeds to Gurkha welfare trust)


Those attending must have photograph ID available on request, your PRA card would be appropriate.

Smart dress with beret and ties, medals optional.


The PRA Regional meeting was held at RAFA Club, Leyland on 20th February ay 11.00.


Account balance to the NW Region PRA is £7,545,51.


Tatton Park.
80th Anniversary of the Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces & 40th 
Anniversary of the Falklands War.


Those wanting tickets must contact Branch Treasurer no later than11th March 2022 as there are only a limited number available for the Region. Tickets are £5.00, each that includes free entrance to estate the main hall and a packed lunch.


No ticket – No packed lunch. However, those attending on the day will have access to a range of food outlets

Please inform Branch secretary no later than 18th March regarding any dietary requirements for packed lunches.


Liverpool PRA have confirmed 50 tickets to date sold and it is likely that a 50-seater coach would be the most appropriate transport from Liverpool. This would allow us all to return to Liverpool and continue our celebrations at an agreed venue. Confirmation of this proposal will be finalised at the next branch meeting.


Money to support the event is an ongoing challenge and any ideas from the branch to raise money would be welcomed. However, if our branch wishes to make a pledge towards the event any amount would of course remain confidential. This will be finalised at the next branch meeting.


There will be multiple displays on the day including freefall teams from both the Army and RAF respectively, which is to be confirmed. We will also have an inflatable assault course (not for us lot, but for kids).


We have asked for Pegasus and this is looking positive.


There will be a march past by veterans led at the front of the parade by Falklands veterans. Therefore, standards will be required with veterans smart, with berets and ties. Medals optional.


The key factor here is that this is not only a Regimental day, but also a family day. Please encourage family and friends to attend on the day.


NW Region are proposing to set up a just giving page for members, family and friends to donate towards the day in order to recover some of the costs in organising the day. Each branch has been delegated a task to support the event. Liverpool PRA will be arranging the production of 450 tickets.


We still have few Freedom Roll of Association scrolls available at a small donation (£5.00) towards the branch finances, which in turn will support 2022 activities.


Treasurers Report:

There is approximately £5k in our accounts.


It was discussed if the branch wish to purchase any 2023 diaries. The decision was not to purchase any for 2023 due to limited interest from members.


The Treasure discussed the options of moving our bank account due to the increased costs of banking with HSBC. However, this would require a significant amount of time and effort including transferring to RBS/ NatWest prior to actually being accepted within the Military  Bank.


The Treasure provided all receipts and copies of transactions for 2022 for members to view.


Money collected for our allocation of 50 Tatton park tickets that 24 have been paid for so far.


If you have requested tickets, please arrange payment to the Treasures ASAP so the money can go to the Region to support the event organisation.



Frank Boyle provided further details of the sandstone trail, which is a 34 mile walk over a number of days. This would include a number of overnight stays and requested support from the Beacon wellbeing programme.

Ian Whiteside will confirmed the date for the event as 7th 8th May.


For those wishing to take on this challenge numbers need to be confirmed no later than Friday4th March. Contact Ian Whiteside via the link below to register your name.


Tel: 0151 226 0696


Frank Boyle continued to ask for names interested in the event so he could add them to the event 'WhatsApp group' as a primary form of communications. It is important to keep looking at the Para10 WhatsApp group for all details relating to the training walks and actual event.


Three training walks have been arranged. One has been completed last weekend with the next one on 13th March on the Wirral. RV at Hamilton Square train station, CH41 1AL for 1000hrs.


This will be approx. 22k walk, all are welcome to take part in the training walks even if you are unable to attend the sandstone walk.


The third walk is proposed for 10th April starting from Crosby – further details will be posted on Para10 WhatsApp group.


Brian Jenkins has sourced a scuba diving taster session that he is proposing to run on 12th March at Everton Park Sports Centre for those who are interested. The offer is a 2hr session on the Saturday morning Saturday. Arrive for safety brief at 1145hrs and into the water for 1230hrs. All you will require are shorts, t-shirt and towel. We will be using the swimming pool. Anybody interested should contact Ian Whiteside direct through his contact details below. E: T: 0151 226 0696


Flo McAllister very kindly brought a new coat of Joes that he had not worn. It was agreed that the coat will be raffled at the next meeting.


It was our Chairman’s 75th birthday last weekend and it was only appropriate to present Bruce with a variety of airborne cup-cakes, arranged and presented by Elaine Overend on behalf of the branch. The cakes went down well and were scoffed within seconds of the boxes being opened, well done Ladies and Gents.


Future events:


4 Para Freedom of the City of Leeds – 26th March Pudsey


1 Para Reunion – 17-20 March 22 Blackpool


2 Para Reunion – 11-13 March 22 Blackpool


3 Para Reunion – 6 – 8 May 22 Blackpool


4 Para Reunion – 7 May 22 Leeds


Next meeting:

5th April 2022 at Conservative Club, Lancing Drive Branch.


Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs


Brian Welsh Branch Secretary Liverpool PRA Approved:


Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:







Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg

The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
President: -
Colonel (Ret’d) J. Harkon MBE. TD. DL

Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


Liverpool Branch - Minutes. Date: Tuesday 1st February 2022



38 members were present at the meeting.

Branch Chair opened the meeting at 2000hrs.

Apologies for absence:
Jimmy O’Connell, Arthur Cheetham, Brian Jenkins Alan Macdonald, Kevin Huse, Billy Melia, Tom McCormick, Danny Hart, Billy Barney, Elaine Overend, Joe Pettigrew, Rich Clatworthy, Alan Nelson, Mick Corish, Richie Carroll, Vic Southern, Wally Thorburn, Derek Hesketh.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting:
The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Matty Scott and seconded by Steve Gray.

Matters Arising:


Visitors/new members:
Matty Scott introduced himself as a new member. Matt served in 9 Squadron RE and 4 Para, A Coy.


Welfare report:
The Branch Chair reported on a number of members who he had contacted over the last week. Vic Southern has Parkinson's and was delighted to receive a welfare call; Frank Doran has his good and bad days in Broughton House. Bruce briefed the members on other welfare calls and reiterated that if anybody is aware of people who need a welfare call or visit to contact him.

Chairs Report:
The Branch Chair has had a response form Capt Tony Randall of 238 (Sefton) Squadron RLC about the use of their barracks to host future Liverpool PRA meetings. Unfortunately, Capt Randall informed us that the barracks already had a number of Veterans Associations meeting there and although he was sympathetic regarding our request, they were unable to host any additional branches.

Contact has been made regarding an alternative venue, which is 33 Signals Squadron, Alamein Barracks, Liverpool Road. A meeting with Royal Signals Association is planned to look at viability of venue and that it would suit our needs.

The issue of confirming the location for our branch meetings has been a key issue since Covid has affected our business as usual activities. Committee members are continuing to look at alternative venues as well as remaining at our current venue. The final options will be discussed and voted on by members to determine our long-term venue. This vote is very likely to be at the April branch meeting.

Pete O’Brien asked if consideration had been taken with regards to holding branch meetings at the St Helens Barracks. It was explained by the Branch Chair that an analysis had been completed some time ago of where members lived, including travel routes had been completed with the most suitable venues identified as being in or around the Liverpool area.

Our AGM will be held on 5th April 2022. If anybody wishes to be nominated for any of the current committee positions, please forward your nominations to me (Branch Secretary) and I will inform members in preparation for the AGM.

Flo McAllister very kindly brought some of Joe’s old memorabilia into the branch for members. This included Joes PRA jackets. The branch thanked Flo and I think all that was left of the gifts at the end of the meeting was a toffee crisp wrapper.


Secretary's Report:
PRAHQ newsletter for February 2022 will be attached to these minutes.
The PRA Regional meeting being held at RAFA Club, Leyland on 20th February ay 11.00. Our Branch Secretary will be attending on behalf of the Branch. The meeting will commence with the AGM with all positions open for volunteers to serve on the committee.

After the AGM the meeting will focus on the 80th Anniversary event at Tatton Park. There will be a number of tasks that require managing from individuals to share out the workload.

Money to support the event is an ongoing challenge and any ideas from the branch to raise money would be welcomed. However, if our branch wishes to make a donation towards the event any amount would of course remain confidential.

A request from PRAHQ has been made to branches with Falkland vets. PRAHQ wish to make a video focusing on a number of short snippets of life before, during and after the Falklands which will be shown on Para Reg and PRA facebook sites. The interview will be informal and held in Liverpool in order to catch as many vets as possible in one shoot. Any interested vets should contact me directly so I can arrange further details with Paul Raison (PRAHQ Secretary)

It was proposed by Frank Boyle that any Falkland’s veterans from Liverpool PRA travelling to Aldershot for the 40th commemorations should be supported by the branch. Either travelling with them as support and/or providing some financial support for travel and accommodation. The branch secretary will contact our Falklands vets to find out further details, their intentions to attend and report back to the March meeting.

We still have few Freedom Roll of Association scrolls available at a small donation (£5.00) towards the branch finances, which in turn will support 2022 activities.

Another gentle reminder for members to apply for a new PRA ID or update and upgrade their PRA ID cards:
Go to:

A final reminder for our more mature members was to ensure you have received your winter fuel payments. There are more details in the PRAHQ monthly newsletter.

Treasurers Report:
There is approximately £5k in our accounts but still a number of invoices yet to be paid, including costs for St Nicks church during the Freedom Roll of Association event. We also have just under £5k remaining in the wellbeing fund; again, there are outstanding invoices to be paid.

It is a bit late but there are still a small number 2022 PRA diaries still available at a cost of £3.00 each. There will be no reduction in costs due to January and half of February being torn out! Please contact Brian Blanchard direct if any are required.

The treasurer reminded members of our affiliation costs and the benefits we receive for only £50 per year.

It’s this time of year again where we review what we do as a branch regarding how we communicate with members. The Branch would like to thank Jimmy O’Connell for continuing to update and maintain our branch website. He is doing an excellent job and the product produced on behalf of the branch is truly professional.

Ian Whiteside provided an update for the indoor skydiving as part of the wellbeing project.
The two indoor freefalling events on 10th and 17th January at the ifly Manchester venue were very well attended and all of the places taken up. We even managed to get a few serving members of 4 Para and an ex 4 Para and Amy Air Corps PRA member his young daughter to have a fly.

The uptake and very positive feedback from the event has led Ian to arrange an additional date is being looked into. Please let Ian know of your interest in attending another event and if the take up is good, he will confirm a date.


Ian’s details are:
T: 0151 226 0696

The Mental health first aid course which was provisionally planned for 17th February has had to be suspended due to the accreditation body unable to provide manuals etc in time for the event. Watch this space as Beacon are arranging an alternative event.

This section was not brought up in the meeting but I have been informed of this event and will add for information:

Brian Jenkins has sourced a scuba diving taster session that he is proposing to run during March for those who are interested. The offer is 2 x 2hr sessions for Saturday 5th and Saturday 19th March (12.30-14.30) in a swimming pool. Anybody interested should contact Ian Whiteside direct through his contact details above
Although Steve Cook had and initial agreement to hold Tai Chi lessons at this venue, the agreement is currently under review and as soon as a firm decision has been made between Steve and the Club we will just hold on until notifies by Steve that all of the finer details have been resolved.

Other events we are exploring through the wellbeing fund are:

Zip wire in Beddgelert.

Via Ferrata in Honister Mines.

A defibrillator-training course.

Branch Secretary asked if any members where considering travelling to Leeds for the Freedom of the City for 4 Para HQ Company on 26th March. Train fares and timings for the day will be brought to the March meeting by B Welsh.

Tom Barney informed the Branch that the last known WWII 4 Para soldier who fought in Monte Cassino and Southern France died at the age of 97 last week. The thoughts and condolences of the branch to his family and friends was expressed.

Future events:
Frank Boyle provided details of an event that will support the health and wellbeing of members. The sandstone trail is an 34 mile walk over a number of days. This would include a number of overnight stays and requested support from the Beacon wellbeing programme. Ian Whiteside will confirm as soon as possible, but was optimistic the event meets the key objectives of the programme.

Frank Boyle asked for names interested in the event and that he would set up a WhatsApp group and a primary form of comms.

Future aspirations may be Hadrian's wall on West Highland Way.

Bruce presented President Joe Harkon with framed photograph of himself with the Lord Mayor during the signing of the Freedom Roll of Association in St Nichols church.

Bruce also presented Roy Bevan with a handmade walking stick. It has his name, army number and his RMP badge attached.

Both presentations were supported with applause from branch members.

Next meeting:
1st March 2022 at Conservative Club, Lancing Drive.

Branch Chair closed the meeting at 2100hrs.

Brian Welsh
Branch Secretary
Liverpool PRA

Approved: Branch Chair.

Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:




PRAHQ monthly newsletter February 2022

Aldershot Branch visit to Normandy 2022

Aldershot Branch, Officers mess memorial


Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg

The Parachute Regimental Association

Liverpool Branch
Colonel J. Harkon (Ret’d) MBE. TD. DL


Registered Charity Number 1125765


Chairman: Bruce Cargill 0151 474 2479

Treasurer: Brian Blanchard Tel: 0151 520 1661


Secretary: Brian Welsh Mobile 0787 1901 206


Liverpool Branch - Minutes. Date: Tuesday 4th January 2022




37 members were present at the meeting.


Apologies for absence:

Jimmy O’Connell, Arthur Cheetham, Jim Quinn, Tom McCormick, Danny Hart, Tommy Barney, Ken Barney, Billy Barney, Joe Pettigrew, Terry Stott, Rich Clatworthy, Alan Nelson, David Dixon, Mick Corish, Richie Carroll, Vic Southern, Wally Thorburn, Tony Woods


Minutes of the Previous Meeting:

The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Frank Boyle and seconded by Stan Fortune.


Matters Arising: Bruce Cargill informed members of the sad death of both Kevin Swarze and Tony Pettigrew since our last branch meeting.


Both Kevin and Tony are a sad loss to so many people and will be sorely missed. Condolences from the branch to Kevin’s and Tony’s family and friends were expressed.


Visitors / new members:

No new members presented.


Chairman’s Report:

Bruce Cargill has arranged a discussion with the Capt Tony Randall, 2ic of 238 (Sefton) Squadron RLC, 156 Regiment RLC, Pelham Drive, Bootle regarding the opportunity for Liverpool PRA to hold our branch meetings. Bruce will feed back the results of this discussion at the next meeting.


The issue of confirming the location for our branch meetings has been a key issue since Covid has affected our business as usual activities. However, a vote will be taken during the February 2022 branch meeting to agree our medium to long term venue until any other viable options are proposed in the future.


As part of the Parachute Regimental Association Constitution, we have the facility to have a number honorary members. The following names have been proposed by Bruce Cragill and Elaine Overend respectively:


Flo McAllister: Flo has always been one of our branch attendees for so many years and has always been active in the branch with our dear friend Joe.


John Dennett: John has attended many of our recent events and has supported the branch through visits and talks with our Para Reg affiliated cadet unit at St Marys (Crosby).


A vote was taken to approve the nominations and both Flo and John had unanimous votes in favour of their honorary membership of The Parachute Regimental Association, Liverpool Branch. Both Flo and John were welcomed as members by the branch with a round of applause.


In December 2021 Flo McAllister very kindly donated £200.00 to the branch for members to have a drink in celebration of Joe’s life. A further donation of £500.00 was presented to the branch this evening from Flo and was received by Bruce on behalf of the members. Bruce and the members thanked Flo for her very kind thoughts and fantastic donation to support the branch as we continue to pick ourselves up after such a difficult and sombre last 2 years.


Welfare report:
The Branch Chair makes direct contact with many members on a monthly basis. This is an additional role within the branch that Bruce takes on. However, if any member of the Branch wishes to take on the role of welfare officer please contact the Branch Secretary to discuss further.


Arthur Cheetham is not too good at the moment due to ongoing treatment for his heart. The branch wish Arthur the best of wishes and to get well soon.


Ken Barney has COVID but seems not too bad and will hopefully join us at our next meeting.


Harry Dutton our friend down south turns 90 next week and the branch wish Harry a very happy birthday with many more to come.


Tom McCormick is suffering with some respiratory issues now and will hopefully feel much better soon.


Tony Wood has also just turned 90 and the branch wished him all the best. Tony hasn’t been too good lately but seems to be on the mend.


Frank Doran is still at Broughton House and Bruce spoke to him today. Frank expressed his thanks on behalf of from Frank Atkinson for the airborne t-shirts the branch provided him with.


Details for Kev Swarze and Tony Pettigrew’s funerals are:

Kev Swarze; Date – 6 th January Location – West Lancs Crematorium Time – 15.00


Tony Pettigrew; Date – 10th January Location – St Helens Cemetery & Crematorium Time – 10.30


Secretary's Report:

PRAHQ newsletter for January 2022 was released late on 4th January and will be attached to these minutes.


It has been highlighted that there are a number of scammers targeting vulnerable people and it is important for everyone to be vigilant and to remain aware of suspected contact from unknown and seemingly legitimate businesses. Further details are provided in PRAHQ January newsletter.


Thanks were received from Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces Charity (PRAFC) for the identification of individuals so they could receive a Christmas hamper. Support our Paras sent our 381 hampers overall at a cost of £85.00 each.


A3 high quality copies of the Freedom Roll of Association have been produced for members to have their own copies. They are available for members at a small donation (£5.00) towards the branch finances which in turn will support 2022 activities. We have raised £90.00 from members purchasing copies already.


A special thanks from the branch must go to John Bresnahan for volunteering as the branch standard bearer for a number of recent funeral and for Kev Swarze and Tony Pettigrew’s funerals. John has also brasso’d Pegasus and the Para badge as well as specialist cleaning of the standard.


Additional thanks from the branch also go out to Colin Hughes and Stuart Speakman respectively for their attendance at so many funerals lately playing the pipes and last post.


The new facebook page is going from strength to strength with a lot of activity and comments from hundreds of members. It ws highlighted that the facebook page is the branch’s page and anybody with news or photos or just some stories of their times in the regiment past and present are welcomed. Liverpool PRA Posts can only be submitted by page administrators Brian Welsh, Elaine Overend or Frank Boyle so please send anything to us for posting.


Another gentle reminder for members to apply for a new PRA ID or update and upgrade their PRA ID cards: Anybody who apply for a new membership will require evidence of their service and a passport-sized photo. Attached to these minutes is the MOD Subject Access Request form for completion and sending off to Army records.


Click on button


Treasurer's Report:

10 x 2022 PRA diaries are still available at a cost of £3.00 each. Please contact Brian Blanchard direct if any are required.


Brian detailed income, expenditure and closing balance and details are captured in the end of year accounts for 2021 which are attached to these minutes. Brian Blanchard requested a volunteer to verify the 2021 accounts; however, consideration will be given to asking PRA HQ or Regional Secretary to review the accounts on an annual basis prior to submission to Charities Commission.


The 80th Anniversary of Airborne Forces at Tatton Park is scheduled for July 2022. However, a number of members had paid £5.00 per ticket for the original event which was postponed, still have their tickets, which will be honoured. A balance of £125.00 has been collected for those tickets to date. Brian Blanchard has taken account of this cost and will reflect this in our accounts, he will also explore if any payments have already been made to Regional Secretary for tickets.


As we move into 2022 the branch are planning to have a project a very busy year. It is therefore important to ensure your subs are paid for 2022, which have now returned to a cost of £30.00.


Click here Below is a variety of methods for payment of your subs:


Standing Orders and BACS payments should be payable to:


PRA Liverpool Branch, Account No – 91363808 Sort Code – 40-29-39


Ensure you add the following details on Ref: (e.g) J Bloggs 2022 subs Cheques should be made out to PRA Liverpool Branch and handed in at branch meetings or delivered to:


Brian Blanchard 11 Calder Drive, Maghull, L31 9DR


Cash can be paid at branch meetings or sent via recorded mail to address above. Subs do not always need to be paid in one go. It is fine to spread the subs over the year to make it more affordable. If any member wishes to pay by other means or has difficulty in paying their subs, please contact the branch treasurer, Brian Blanchard directly who will discuss options available on a case-by-case basis.


Neil Platt presented the branch with a cheque for £1000.00, which was donated by our dear friend Sid (Tug) Wilson in his will. It is very
heartwarming and humbling that Tug was thinking of his friends and colleagues during his time in RHC and that he wished our members to benefit from his donation. God Bless Tug and thanks you very much.


Ian Whiteside provided an update for the indoor skydiving as part of the wellbeing project.


There are two events currently booked for 10th and 17th January at the ifly Manchester venue. Spaces are still available for people to sign up.


Registration Links:


iFLY Indoor Skydiving 10.01.22 - Google Forms


iFLY Indoor Skydiving 17.01.22 - Google Forms


Additionally you can book by simply holding your smartphone camera over the QR codes on the picture below, this will automatically open up the registration form on your phone:


























To support attendance, where individuals drive to and from the ifly venue a PRA expenses form may be completed for mileage allowance at 25p per mile. Please consider car sharing to reduce costs.

(PRA expenses claim form is attached to these minutes)


If you there are any questions or please need help just direct them to Ian Whiteside.

E: T: 0151 226 0696


Steve Cook has an agreement with the conservative club to hold Tai Chi sessions there from Wednesday 13th Jan at 18.00. The cost is only £1.00 per person.


Elaine Overend provided an update of the events group consisting of Elaine, Tom Barney, Steve Doran and Ken Barney. The plan is to meet regularly to look at a range of future events for branch members. Outcomes from the group will be fed back to members for consideration during branch meetings.


One of the first tasks is to encourage new members to join the branch and Elaine is discussing some of the options available to promote this.


The Not Forgotten Association are invited to Buckingham Palace each year for a garden party. Elaine will explore if tickets are available for branch members for future events.


Bruce Cargill confirmed that 7 bearers where required for Kev Swarze’s funeral. Although 5 have people been confirmed anybody wishing to be a bearer should contact Bruce. Future events Future events are highlighted in the PRA HQ newsletter (attached)


Meeting Closed at 2100


Next meeting:
1st February 2022 at Conservative Club, Lancing Drive.


Brian Welsh Branch Secretary Liverpool PRA 


Please check out the events list on the website for details of Regimental and Local events near you:






Pegasus Coy 10 miler-1.jpg
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